This is something I've tried with my Go-Pro camera.
Granted it ain't much, but it's a start as far as getting a posting with some form of audio.
Three seconds is all I can get until I master a better method of uploading audio. But for now, this is what I'm blessed with.
EDIT:Since I have posted this, I finally figured out how to use MP-3. That will enable me to do drawings with audio a lot better than this one is. The posting linked below is the very first one I did with MP-3;
I had moved this posting to scraps. I was going to delete it at first. But it does stand as part of that monumental milestone just prior to my getting a handle on using MP-3 for the first time... ...You might say such preludes to mile stones as; Like the last of the telegraphs before telephones came into being. Or the last of the vacuum tube radios before solid state made the scene. Or the last of the Model T automobiles that became obsolete with the advent of the Model A. And of course, the last of these 3 to 8 second chop jobs done with a Go-Pro before I mastered MP-3.
Sound recorders certainly are different now days from the ones I've been use to that use recording tape.
I do hope they make it home safely... I am reminded of a quote: “Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.” ― Hunter S. Thompson
I do hope they make it home safely... I am reminded of a quote: *“Faster, Faster, until the thrill o
I've been wanting to do these pics with audio for a really long time...I can't even begin to explain how disappointed I was when I didn't know how to get it to work at first.
That makes two of us. I've been wanting to do these pics with audio for a really long time...I can'