It is summer of 1960. The place is a stretch of Highway 285 passing Joe Wildcat's Truck Stop and Cafe', several miles south of Denver, Colorado. A fox couple speeds southbound by Joe's in their 1957 Pontiac Chieftain along that narrow stretch of 285. They're returning home to Antonito after visiting relatives in Fort Collins. Despite of that part of 285 being narrow roadway, the speed limit is 70 mph due to it being such a rural area...Although, most animals who use that road don't observe the speed limit anyway.
Pic # 2, gives the perception that the fox couple are traveling very fast...87 mph to be exact. To anyone standing in the doorway to the front gas station part of the truck stop, the car would look like a blue and white blur flashing by...Accompanied of course by the high rpm roar of the car's motor, the >WOOSH< noise, and the sound of the tires hitting the expansion joints in the road as the car zooms by. Still...No one really pays much mind to it though. Cars occasionally go by that fast all day long.
Being a concrete slab road with the expansion joints, tires of a car moving at slower speeds would make that >kip-kop kip-kop kip-kop< sound as the wheels roll over the expansion joints... ...In the case of cars traveling at speeds around 70, 80 and 90 mph, that >kip-kop kip-kop kip-kop< sound is a very rapid >tot-tot-tot-tot-tot-tot< sound (it would remind you of the sound a machine gun makes).