This is the first picture I first started using DesignDoll with. And I think it shows. ...After a fashion. There's clearly some growing pains here, but nothing glaring enough that I feel like going back and fixing.
Trying to make sure people made the leap from "Yoshi" to "this one Yoshi in particular" resulted in some awkward dialogue. I just had to work the word "Paper" in there somewhere, because obviously that's what's gonna make the difference!
Cuz, see, he's a silent protagonist, so he never talks, and...yeah.
If there's anything in this week I want to redraw, it's Waffle. I think he's still got the giant head thing going despite my trying to be cognizant of the problem.
I still have a really cool idea for a sequel to this one, if anyone ever requests it. ...Or if I ever just want to do it specifically enough to just go for it.
I have no idea if the attempted verbal clues I gave for Montana actually made a difference. He certainly wasn't easy for people to guess. (I hoped the giant map of Montana behind his head would help.)
The actual cards were...well honestly I don't want to talk about how those wound up, so I'll just skip it.
One change I deliberately made was making Kero's accoutrements gold instead of silver, him being connected to the sun and all.
This is the first NEW pic I started doing the "Backstory/Commentary" tracks on, after I'd done a bunch of remasters. Which I think might render my commentary in the weekly trivia obsolete going forward. Maybe.
I'm still pretty happy with the fact that I went back and did the remasters. I don't think I'm done with them, even. I'm just feeling the urge to keep making new entries at the moment.
They're from 3D shows in the 90s made by the same company. Which almost feels like cheating? Almost. And this is the first time I tried to use a wholly humanoid character. I went into my trouble thinking of a term for "humans" when everyone is already "human" and I haven't thought of anything better.
I went back and forth a lot on where the story for this one would wind up. How I'd handle Ax's design. How many horns he'd have in horse-form. I'm pretty happy with where it landed. I'm not surprised he was difficult for people to guess.
Unless I'm mistaken, and if you don't count the ones that were made into furry characters already before I got my mitts on them (i.e. the Robin Hood characters) this is my first human-to-furry entry. Which isn't even quite that. Cap was already a werewolf for a significant amount of time. Is he a werewolf in this one? Or just a wolf? WHO KNOWS
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