Backstory: I loved the stories, when I was young, about detectives. Classic Noir stories, riddled with cliches, like drinking mayonnaise in your coffee and possessing the bodies of coma victims and fighting eldritch abominations. You know, the classics.
So when I got the job offer? The chance to be an assistant to a real detective? Of course I jumped at it.
I didn’t THINK I had any illusions--I didn’t expect fedoras and trenchcoats and femmes fatales. But I didn’t expect to spend hours going frame by frame through footage of Vegas stage magicians.
Or cross referencing the exports of african micronations, the imports of Thembria, and the top ten pop hits.
Or calculating where certain lagrange points would be in the sky, if the stars were visible, of the background of old photographs.
Or having to wear gloves at all times, even when typing, which took months to get used to. (I’m not sure I have to wear the boxing gloves specifically, but they’re what I was wearing when he said “good, you already have a pair, never take off your gloves on the job” and I’ve been too nervous to ask.)
Or carefully obscuring the word ‘raccoon,’ and only the word ‘raccoon,’ with a permanent marker, from anything and everything my boss is going to read. I’m just thankful he refuses to use the internet, or else he’d want me to get online and filter it there too.
And then I’d have to explain why I really don’t want to plug back in. Ever.
But it’s not the worst job I’ve ever had. It… doesn’t hurt that I’ve got the world’s worst crush on him. Not that he knows! Not that I’d EVER tell him, and DON’T yourself! I just… I want to help him. I don’t understand how it all fits together, but he’s way smarter than I am. If he says it’s all connected, and there’s something to be solved under all this chaos? Then I believe him. And I want to be there when he’s proven right.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get him his morning coffees. He doesn’t like it if they both get cold.
Commentary: I had the thought that I could redo the blackboard. But that feels like it’d be cheating, somehow?
Also a lot of work.
I didn’t redo the shading because I started doing the figure sculpting before I realized I hadn’t so I just kept it blurry.
It’s like I took all the mass in Gaomon’s head relative to the mass of his body and just flipped the ratio.
𝄞 ♫ Because ♪ he ♪ had ♪ a 𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥 giii~aaant 𝅝 heeeeaaaad! ♪ ♫