Backstory: Some people don’t move on from their glory days after their glory days have moved on from them.
Like the football big shot in high school, or the author who had just one book published, and then can’t bring themselves ever after to try for anything else. Because what if they can’t make it, in anything else? Wouldn’t that prove that they didn’t deserve their day of glory, that it was just a fluke, and that the rest of their life is going to be downhill?
Or what if they do make it? That would be worse, that would mean that all the years they’d spent telling themselves that the golden perfect version of themselves in their memory was who they really were… and that they had been wrong.
Either way, better to live with the fiction that they could do it again, if they wanted to… because they're still the same person they used to be, and that person is great, and did it by themselves, and never got anything they didn’t deserve, right?
So it is with the man who finds himself the last remaining member of the vigilance society once known as the Road Rovers. All the others have built themselves new lives, in new places. Even Blitz. (Fucking Blitz.) This one alone tries, and fails, to build for himself a version of his past position of leadership and respect that he can relive whenever and however he likes.
This, you understand, not a healthy way to live.
Putting up with drunks doesn’t make it any easier. Why, it might make a man liable to snap and do something drastic.
Commentary: I feel like after all these years, I should explain why Ty is drunk.
I played the first two Ty the Tasmanian Tiger games. I tried to glean Ty’s personality thereof.
What I mainly took away from it was that Ty was prone to constantly and enthusiastically shout Australian slang at anyone he’s talking to. This, obviously, means he’s actually drunk throughout the games. Obviously.
I did take inspiration for the background partially from the first boss in the first Ty game. The arena is on an open stretch of land with a roiling storm in the distance. It reminded me a lot of family road trips through Idaho. They were terrible. But I liked watching the weather out over the fields.
For bonus points, read the backstory in the voice of Rod Serling. Or Berner Herzog. Wait, no, that would be for Blitz. (Fucking Blitz.)