Few hours left till birthday so I thought I'd draw for myself a bit. :Y
We've had an aaaaamaaaazing time this April seeing our favourite bands and it deserves a few doodles to commemorate it. Metal concerts are fucking amazing. @-@ Also very flashy n crazy with them lights. Didn't add the effects in case I cause a seizure. ;v;''
I went ham 'bellydancing' ,jumping, headbanging and even frequented the moshpit while trying to keep Moppo safe from it. Well at least the first night. During CoF the moshing got so violent and bumpy-into-people-who-want-out that MoP put his muscles to use and created a wave of people, tossing them the fuck away from us which was epic. :Y That could be a fun draw for another day! And the leopanther bruises.. And the nipslips.. Both accidental n MoP-induced.. -v-' So many memorable moments. ;v;
Characters are me n my precious, dun use n shiz pliz k thnx Art by me
Moshpits are a mixed bag in my experience. First night before the main band it was all giggly and fun times, people are more gentle and cautious, pick you up n watch out for you n shit. Aborted hits and a dude literally got his shirt sliced up n bled from his many scars. ;v;
So yeaaaaah.. Being a sizeable enough girl I do like me moshpit but when shit gets rough I go out flying and MoP has to step in and establish dominance for our safety with his big boy mucles. XD
Moshpits are a mixed bag in my experience. First night before the main band it was all giggly and fu
Bear Boi just want everyone to see how cute his little headbanger can be, with said occasional nip slips! 😜 Main thing is that you guys had a fekkin killer time of it!
Bear Boi just want everyone to see how cute his little headbanger can be, with said occasional nip s
He does like to show me off and it makes me a very happy girl uvu <3 ..until the flirty guys approach and this mofo leaves me there all uncomfortable and awkward ;v;'
He does like to show me off and it makes me a very happy girl uvu <3 ..until the flirty guys approac