Outline and sketch day today in the art department so I doodled a quick cute for posting purposes n cause random cute daily stuff is always fun for a Fuf to draw. Is a creature of simplicity and appreciator of significant other :Y
Being separated from the MoP is a sad endeavor indeed, even if it’s only for a walk to the gym. Only good thing that comes out of it is a big fat smile when he arrives on my stupid face and some comfort under his enormous biceps. uvu ~
I’ve come to the conclusion that I act like a dog in a lot of ways. :T Require walks, get all sad alone, always excited to see him, unconditional love and loyalty, dryhump his leg.. It’s a weird revelation. :Y
Characters are me n me boi, dun use n shiz pliz k thnx Art by me
There is an old Greek legend told by Plato that Humanity used to have two heads and 4 arms and legs. They were quite productive, happy, and able to achieve whatever they set their minds to. Zeus when he saw this became fearful of what they could do and separates them thus causing Humanity to forever search for their perfect half. You two are each other‘s perfect half and I hope that your relationship with each other continues to grow.
There is an old Greek legend told by Plato that Humanity used to have two heads and 4 arms and legs