This is when the time machine was originally built in January of 1970.
Rowan Bear, who is an apprentice just out of college, paws a component for installation to Woodrow Raccoon, who is a semi retired 52 year veteran of the scientific community.
This also gives a perspective as to the actual size of the time machine. Note the floor to ceiling clearance is not high enough to stand straight up in, thus Woodrow Raccoon has to walk hunched over while in the craft.
Of course, Woodrow Raccoon, like others, remembers the time Clarence Coyote was stranded ten years ago (1960) away from his place in time in the 21st Century. Conventional wisdom would suggest "Now that you know what happened back in 1960, just simply don't build a time machine, and such a machine wouldn't exist in 2018 for Clarence Coyote (not yet born until 2010) to get himself into trouble with". However, Woodrow Raccoon and the other scientists know better than that. They realize that the six months Clarence had spent in 1960 had already resulted in alterations to the past...There are now things that wouldn't normally be that now are, and things that would normally be that will now never be.
One of many examples being, it use to be that Al and Marge's family had no idea who Clarence and his family even were, and would have never known them... ...As the past is now, Al and Marge's family have known Clarence since February 9th, 1960, and even adopted him for a while. And in about 35 years from 1970, Al and Marge will become acquainted with Clarence's biological parents, Charley and Alice, and siblings, Jack and Rhonda.
Another example is that if Clarence never made his trip to 1960, Al Coyote was a cigarette smoker for the rest of his life...As it now is, an event involving Clarence persuaded Al to quit smoking on June 18th 1960.
To throw a counter alteration of time on top of that would be unpredictable as to what catastrophic consequences could result, and the scientists were fully aware of that. A question arises, "If the machine doesn't get built in 1970, will the machine have ceased to exist during Clarence's leap through time back to 2018, causing Clarence to also vanish out of existence?...And would Clarence's girl friend, Cheryl, have also faced demise or continued to experience the years through the 1960s being there'd be no time machine?". Another question arose, "Being that everything went the way it did in 1960 with Clarence being present, what would happen by attempting to alter the past back as so Clarence's presents in 1960 never existed?...Would time itself have become unstable for parts of the state where Clarence had been in 1960?"... Thus the time machine gets built as was destined originally. It was an imperative no-brainer, in 1970 the time machine has to be built. Even though the scientists had well demonstrated they can design and build a time machine, there were still questions as to what could happen in various given scenarios. And as even the scientists who built the machine admitted, they know how the machine works, but no one had any answers to those other questions about how time itself could react to certain situations...Those questions remained as great unknowns.
In addition to those concerns, Horizon Innovations was already contracted to begin with to develop and build that time machine for the U.S. Air Force...In fact, the time machine was U.S. Air force property at the time when Clarence left Roswell in 2018 in it. The military had a vast interest in the U.S. being the first country to possess such a craft. With a time machine, it would be possible to; #1. travel back to the year 1941 with the knowledge that Pearl Harbor was going to come under Japanese attack on the morning of December 7th. #2. The outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution could be altered to where it would have become a failure, thus there would have never been a communist USSR for the U.S. to have to contend with...No Iron Curtain...No Berlin Wall...No Cold War...No McCarthy era witch hunts for communists in the U.S. #3. Seven years after the machine's planing phase began, the failed, Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba took place...As the machine neared completion, Air Force General Jacob Bear had already discussed a plan with some of his command to have an attache travel to 1961 with the knowledge of the mistakes that were made, in hopes of changing the outcome of that invasion from failure to success. #4. Rumors were even circulating of plans to send an assassin hit team to Germany in 1932 to take down Adolfo Hildon Wolf and other members of his up and coming Nazi Party. Rumor had it that the assassinations were to be carried out simultaneously, then the team would rendezvous back to the time machine and immediately leave to return to the present...After which, German authorities in 1932 couldn't get to them. However, the scientists engaged in Project Courier did advise military commanders to exercise restraint in the use of that machine, warning that going too far meddling into the past could produce widespread consequences that are both extremely dangerous and unpredictable.
"You need to give a lot of thought before action when using a machine like this for what you all want to do", Harold Wolf said during a conference between the scientists and military commanders.
"Well, we have wanted a shot at changing the world for better", Colonel Corby Wolverine mentioned. "After all...Take all the wars that had been fought. With the ability to go to the past with knowledge of how to offer diplomatic solutions, the past could be altered so those wars would have never existed".
"I am fully aware of that, Colonel. But there are also unpredictable outcomes", Woodrow Raccoon advised Colonel Wolverine. "You might go out on one these operations. And when you return, and that door slides open, before you could be a world changed to something you didn't expect. Then you could only say 'My God. What have we done'".
"A scary scenario to say the least", Greg Otter added.
"I'm beginning to to agree with you all here", General Jacob Bear said to the scientists. "The use of this machine is going to require more responsibility than even I had imagined".
Here are some songs that were released later that year in 1970...Which back in the day were also available on 8-trac tape;
1970 was one of the years that Anti-Vietnam War protests and the hippie movement continued. In fact, during a time Nathan Collie was driving through Roswell, he noticed a stop sign in town that had been defaced with spray paint to read 'stop war'.
Woodrow Raccoon no longer had that 1958 Edsel he drove from 1958 into the early 1960s. He traded that car in a long time ago for Ford Mustang in the first year they were introduced. When the 1970 Ford Torinos came out in December of 1969, Woodrow traded his 1965 (1964 1/2) Mustang in on a 1970 Ford Torino GT. Woodrow Raccoon didn't let old age stand in the way of enjoying a hot car.