LOL, wait till she realizes her "Master" never really sleeps... Oh and your right Karma is a total bitch, once had a guy swerve around me in a sports car at around 80 on a snowy road once, five to six miles or so down the road I passed them in a ditch, I did call the cops to help out, but I wasn't willing to stop for someone who flipped me off because I was going the appropriate speed on a bad road.
LOL, wait till she realizes her "Master" never really sleeps... Oh and your right Karma is a total
lulz, i know the feeling of karma. then again, i tend to stop and help ppl every year on the first snow. I haven't gotten stuck in the snow since i started driving. positive karma? i can hope so.
lulz, i know the feeling of karma. then again, i tend to stop and help ppl every year on the first s