So Syles' new private detective agency had landed him a case that put him hot on the trail of the infamous criminal gang known as the Fangs Of Midas. Knowing me and my girlfriend already had a few unfortunate run-ins with the dangerous group he invited me along as an expert. "Sure, why not?" I thought. "Perhaps I can help Faye's research along while I'm there!"
Well, if this plan could go any further south we'd hit Space Antarctica. A muscular snow leopardess grabbed from behind, pinning my arms down and clamping a paw over my maw. Before Syles could react, an enormous muscular grizzly I remembered being called Bruin wrapped his massive claw around Syles' torso so tightly I feared his head was going to pop off like a champagne cork!
A low rumbling voice cut through the night. "So... these are some of those meddlesome busybodies that have been such a thorn in our side... prepare the boat, men. I know how to deal with these..." Was that the enigmatic leader of the Fangs, King Midas himself? Not that it mattered: Before we knew what was going on, we found ourselves tied with plenty of ropes and gagged with a lot of rags stuffed into and wounds over our mouths. Then we were placed into a small wooden boat that was given a firm kick to drift into the open sea. I do hope someone finds us before the unforgiving waves tips us over and sends us to the dark and cold depths...