These comics are made possible thanks to my supporters from sites where possible! --- page 27 of 30! --- i got the page done a day early! =b ... i might take the 10th and 11th off! :V ...maybe =P
pretty sure this page is rated general~
oh yeah, and finally revealing a new heroine Vibramare X3 i hope to expand this universe a bit! hinted at secretly in the 'Streetside Demonstrations!" picture i did! =T Vibramare's body design belonging to
eggmaker is ambiguously pregnant :V i felt uncomfortable about crusader fucking minions who might be his offspring (yeah yeah, but kitsu your sister!?! yeah i get it!~ i dont just love all incest or whatever! nor do i want to seem like "oh of course he would make it his kids, he loves that!")
eggmaker is ambiguously pregnant :V i felt uncomfortable about crusader fucking minions who might be
Hey don't feel bad you can like different degrees of incest in porn, some people like the parental and offspring stuff, some like sibling stuff and some like step sibling or possible cousin stuff..
You don't have to blanket like it all to enjoy your own kink lol
Personally I don't like or dislike any of it (I nothing it?) So its all a w/e for me
Hey don't feel bad you can like different degrees of incest in porn, some people like the parental a
it depends, most fiction with canon crossbreeding just has the offspring be the mothers species, but some hard core Si-Fi gos the blended genetics at either end of the appeal spectrum. if kit went with the offspring be the mothers species than he could Genetics his way out of the "crusader fucking minions who might be his offspring" thing, by having the 'males genetics' only act as a basic template that is replicated by the females reproductivnes mimics closely. a DNA test would appear as thaw their wear 3 parents, while half would match the mothers, only a portion would actually match the 'fathers' with the rest looking somewhat random as her body over wrote the males genes in certain areas to avoid developmental complications.
it depends, most fiction with canon crossbreeding just has the offspring be the mothers species, but
I don't know, accidental incest always seemed hilarious XD ...still, different stokes for different folks, so cant complain about other people's work, especially when its free
I don't know, accidental incest always seemed hilarious XD ...still, different stokes for different
i want them to be :V i dont wanna draw people beating the crap outta each other. i want this to be a universe where people just fuck each other to "defeat" them XD
i want them to be :V i dont wanna draw people beating the crap outta each other. i want this to be a
firstly: the art is absolutely stunning as always. secondly: I have to say (and trust me it hurts to do it but) I'm a little disappointed in the story. now I'm not a professional writer, and I cant say I could think of something better. the "other hearos" thing is completely unestablished, "the police are overwhelmed" cliché really, and capping it with the "are you thinking what I'm thinking" bit? I mean, come on, its kind of a rushed pilot ending. not to say its bad, you and your team are Extremely talented (way more than I could ever hope to be), but I feel like their would have been ways to remedy these faults. as example in page 5 you could of had the test subjects mention the vigilantes, you could have provoked Kit a little more during his "detainment" and allow a slightly larger time period to pass between pages 26-27 so he could have already had the idea to find twilight himself after getting fed up with the police and is already preparing (this would have also given him more character than the nearly emotionless walking dildo he's portraying, seriously, go back and look at every page he's in, fore the first third he almost never looks up from a clipboard he's as bland as past), maybe I'm being over critical, I don't know, what I do know is you can do better. I'm only trying to offer a bit of constructive criticism. and I don't think anyone would mind if you felt the need to ad an extra page or two for the story.
firstly: the art is absolutely stunning as always. secondly: I have to say (and trust me it hurts to
perhaps you should take the advice of your profile pic... for 1 the description says the other heroes are a new angle to the story... for another complaining that a man who runs a company manufacturing things and going into the research area spending his time looking at data is like complaining that the potus is talking politics with the public
perhaps you should take the advice of your profile pic... for 1 the description says the other heroe
i like your profile pic and i dont think ill ever get an oportunity like that again so i decided to start agressive so i could be funny in that moment... everything after i mention your profile pic is me just explaining the best way i can why the story is better than you think it is
i like your profile pic and i dont think ill ever get an oportunity like that again so i decided to
I never said it was bad, I just think it could be better. its exhalant given the limited pages remaining and the amount of expositional information still to be done. it just fells overly dense, in my opinion.
I never said it was bad, I just think it could be better. its exhalant given the limited pages remai
Well you do an okay job at exposition, not too overt on some topics. But it does feel a little that the hero topic was a bit shoehorned in. Its not bad I certainly love how they get to agreeing on how they should begin their own hero set
Well you do an okay job at exposition, not too overt on some topics. But it does feel a little that
Yeah not going to lie I'm a little confused but at the same time I knew this was coming. At least knowing there's multiple Vigilantes out there kind of helps explain a few things. Also I'm not certain whether or not they are primarily Distributing protection while keeping the villains occupied
Yeah not going to lie I'm a little confused but at the same time I knew this was coming. At least kn
i for one think you are doing a great job with the story! i have a deeper undrestanding having jumped into the deep end by writing a script for my own "comic" that i plan on trying to draw after the first of the year despite not feeling my art skills are up to ther task. (i am more a writer than artiest, but feel the need to push myself) we shall see where it goes either way, it should be fun
Keep on with your storytelling i think you are doing a good job, you know where you want the story to go spend what time you can in plotting it out ahead of time. --GF
i for one think you are doing a great job with the story! i have a deeper undrestanding having jump
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Absolutely!" Condom SUPERHEROES!!! Also Did Twi or eggmaker spread the chemical through the city? Cause of the whole anybody can breed anybody thing.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Absolutely!" Condom SUPERHEROES!!! Also Did Twi or eggmaker spr
It reminded me of the Conservative slogan "are you thinking what we're thinking?" (which was seen by many as borderline racist in the context of promoting immigration limits).
It reminded me of the Conservative slogan "are you thinking what we're thinking?" (which was seen by
*Sitting in the background, nosily sucking drink up a straw with a bowl of popcorn, calls out* You two are still mostly to blame for this whole situation!
*Sitting in the background, nosily sucking drink up a straw with a bowl of popcorn, calls out* You t
Love anything with firekat and the superhero aesthetic. Would love a comic with vibramare, even more so if she gets in over her head. But its up to you what you want to do.
Love anything with firekat and the superhero aesthetic. Would love a comic with vibramare, even more