Have you ever been in a wi-fi spot such as a Starbucks, McDonald's or Taco Bell, and when you have to leave your table momentarily to go use the restroom, you find your laptop is gone when you return to your table.
It started to happen to me a few years ago at a McDonald's one night when I went to the counter to place an order...Fortunately, I caught the culprits in time to have them give the laptop back to me.
I came up with a good deterrent to fool a thief into not wanting my laptop:
It's a fake "virus page". If you pull up the file I posted in pic two, and double click, the laptop will appear as though it actually has been infected by a virus.
Then you can get up and leave your table at your favorite wi-fi spot to place an order, use the restroom, wind up the windows in your car if it starts raining, to place an order at the counter, or for any other reason, and it is not likely your laptop would be stolen.
If a would-be thief sees that on the screen, he's likely to say, "Shit! That one got a virus on it. I don't want that one".
Then his accomplices might say, "Yea, this one's no good...What about that other one over there?. Let's grab it".
Then when you get back to your table, simply clear the image file.
If any of you all want to copy pic 2 of this posting to use as a laptop theft deterrent, feel free to do so.
I'm offering this one as public domain.
6 years, 2 months ago
04 Nov 2018 00:00 CET
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