looks like their scrolls have like 0 security xD Hell my uncle started his security company and to make it literally impossible to break in a server it uses quantum physics where it will just have a encryption pattern that is 100% physically and mathematically random. This is just 1 layer of the security walls you need to break and this one alone is the easiest to break in (can't tell about the other parts since they broke up the encryption processes between coworkers and they all know everything about their part) so if the "easiest" level is pretty much impossible for even a quantum computer imagine having to break the other levels. To be honest, you can't really be a hacker much nowadays and expect to break into a system that will need a quantum computer that works and is better than any quantum computer we could ever imagine building... if only typing "root colon x colon zero colon slash" could break into that shit lol
looks like their scrolls have like 0 security xD Hell my uncle started his security company and to m