Well folks here it is, the ninth and last pic out of the set in which Bucky is drawn in a popular cartoon style, Bucky in Courage The Cowardly Dog style, done by the talented VampireMeerkat. 😊
Now for the last time, here’s a quick blurb on how Bucky would exist within this show:
Courage brings in the mail and after Eustace grabs it from Courage, reads that they have won a free vacation to luxury resort called Paradisia. Not one to pass up a free vacation, Eustace drags the family along and the resort is a ginormous building enclosed in a glass dome that has everything it promised. The Banes settle in and are catered on hand and foot by servant droids, who gift them with special bracelets that are supposed to show they are guests and gives them access to the facilities’ resources. While Eustace perfectly content with this and Muriel soon warm up, Courage can’t help find but find the set-up a little suspicious. Later when Muriel states she feels homesick, when she tries to head towards the exit, the droids try to distract her with drinks and recreational activities. However, after Muriel politely refuses and asks if the droids can let her pass, the droids become aggressive, forcing her back and engaging into a recreational activity to keep her from leaving much to her dismay as she asks Courage for help and Eustace tells her to quit complaining. The little dog tries to protect her from the droid but is easily thrown off. Noticing that they are more focused on Eustace and Muriel, Courage decides to sneak away and goes into an off-limits secretion, revealing the elaborate machinery that keeps the place going. Following it to the control room, Courage finds himself soon in a room with dozens of screens, each showing various people from all over the world having all their needs taken care, and watching it all from a comfy looking armchair is a deer wearing a pair of gloves. Noticing he has company, the deer introduces himself as the manager of the resort, Bucky Deerling, and he asks Courage what he thinks of his little project. The deer comments on how happy everyone looks and he cannot wait till he extends his invitations to join the resort to everyone on the planet, and once everyone is safely locked away in his specially designed human zoo, then the planet will be safe for animals again. Courage, now understanding the deer’s true intentions, begs him to change his mind, but the deer then shows Bucky his monitors, which display his life story, on how he used to be a regular deer who lived an idyllic life until humans got involved, and used him for experiments, and by a sheer fluke, they accidentally increased his intelligence ten fold. At first Bucky had wanted to use his gift to destroy the humans, after seeing how humanity was already destroying themselves and the planet that best thing to do was lock them away so they couldn’t do any more damage. Courage, still undeterred, begs him to release the zoo people, but Bucky still refuses, and now annoyed with Courage, decides he needs to be reeducated, has one of his service drones, straps the little dog in a chair and then puts in a complex device on his head. Bucky then puts a similar device on his head, explaining that he needs Courage to understand and this device should help, as it starts sparking and lighting up. Courage’s mind is suddenly barraged with images of Bucky’s suffering and his negative feelings. Courage can feel himself losing himself to Bucky’s negative influence, until he has a fleeting thought of Muriel and how she was always good to him. Focusing on this, and then intensifying it with every good memory he has him and Muriel, Courage begins to pump his memories into the deer, who witnesses the true kindness and love that can exists between humanity and animal-kind. The helmets pop off of both Courage and Bucky, the deer says he never experienced anything like that before. The deer comments on how Courage is truly remarkable, and that even with all his intelligence, the little dog was able to find the answer he could not. Bucky then vows to use his gift to help improve the relationship between mankind and animals, and allows the people to leave the human zoo, much Eustace’s chagrin, as he chastises the stupid dog for ruining his perfect vacation.
big belly
courage the cowardly dog
6 years, 4 months ago
12 Aug 2018 01:01 CEST
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