The seventh pic out of nine in which Bucky is drawn in a popular cartoon style, Bucky in Steven Universe style, done by the talented VampireMeerkat. 😊
Here’s a quick blurb on how Bucky would exist within this show:
Our story starts with Steven going to visit Lars through Lion’s mane, and coming out not in the Sun Incinerator ship, but what looks like a grey, desolate wasteland with matching grey cloudy skies. Steven finds Lars lying on the ground, his clothes in tatters and he looks very weak. Steven tries reviving him with some water he brought along, which fortunately works as Lars starts coughing up some of it, then when he’s fully conscious, begins guzzling it down. Steven asks what happened and Lars explains that everything was going smoothly, but then the crystals powering the ship’s engine burnt out and the ship ended up crashing on this planet. He and the Off Colors were trying to find substitute crystal to replace the ones they had lost where a powerful sandstorm came out of nowhere and separated them, and Lars has been wondering around aimlessly trying to find the others since. Steven tries to encourage Lars by saying that now that there is two of them, they might have an easier time. Steven tries using his empathetic ability to help Lars find the Off-Colors and to both their surprise, they stumble across what looks like a town, but everything looks rubbery and squishy, and the inhabitants of the town look like chubby anthropomorphic cartoon characters, all going about normal, everyday activities. While Steven is happy to have found civilization, Lars is more apprehensive, finding this place very unusual and off-putting. Steven states he has seen other funny looking alien life before so it seems possible that these aliens just happen to look like cartoons. The cartoon people seem very friendly and speak the same language as Steven and Lars. The toons curiously poke and prod the duo and barrage them with questions, when an important looking toon wolf pushes the other toons out of the way, followed by a meek looking chubby toon deer. The toon wolf introduces himself as the mayor. He eloquently welcomes the two to their fine community and asks what brings them here. Steven explains that he and Lars are looking for their friends and that their ship, the mayor casually states he’s seen neither but that they are welcome to stay until they do, and then instructs the deer to escort them to their temporary quarters, to which the deer timidly agrees. While leading them through the city, Steven tries to friendly to the deer and asks him his name, to which he shyly responds Bucky, and as they talk, Bucky finds himself opening up to Steven more, enjoying the boy’s positivity, even seemingly pulling out juggling balls out of nowhere and showing Steven his juggling skills. Meanwhile, Lars looks at the town confused, wondering how such a place can exist and also the strange feeling he’s somehow seen this place before. Bucky then shows the duo their abode, which resemble a comfy apartment/hotel room. Steven bounces on the bed and comments on how squishy it is, in fact how everything is squishy, even the walls. Lars dismisses this and asks if he can go freshen up, and the confused Bucky doesn’t understand what he’s talking about, but Steven reminds him that Gems don’t use bathrooms either. Genuinely having fun with Steven, Bucky starts showing off a bit, doing celebrity impressions and costume changes, but then Lars asks him how he even knows these things and Bucky becomes very nervous and uses the flimsy excuse that the mayor needs him and to enjoy their stay. Later that evening, Lars wakes up Steven and tells him he doesn’t trust this place and that they gotta get out of here and find the Off-Colors, seeing Lars’s worry, Steven agrees. The two sneak out and notice that the town is eerily quiet, and nobody’s around, and Steven suggests they might just be sleeping, but then they see a light source nearby. They approach closer and to their shock, they see the mayor and Bucky standing in front of what appears to be a really old television, and on the screen is a cartoon playing, which Lars squints to get a better look at and he sees it looks just like the toon town they’re currently in. Lars’s eyes suddenly widen in horror as he suddenly understands. He grabs Steven by the shoulder and frantically whispers that he knew this place seemed familiar, that Toon Town was a show he used to watch as a kid, and that every toon here is just mimicking a character from the show. The two turn their attention back to the mayor and Bucky, both who suddenly shapeshift into two goopy amoeba creatures. The bigger grey blob that was previously the wolf mayor, states in a voice that sounds very garbled that everything is going according to plan, and that once the two Earth creatures fully trust them, they will absorb them and use their knowledge to learn more about Earth’s culture, and even be able to covertly take it over. Bucky asks nervously about the other rock-based creatures, and the mayor goop states they are already taken care of, and it shows all their gems submerged within him. Having heard and seen enough, Steven and Lars make their presence known and attack the two blobs, despite being caught off guard, the grey blob remains undeterred and starts sprouting tentacles which it uses to fight Lars who counter by blasting it with a gem hand gun. Meanwhile, Steven goes to fight the Bucky blob, slamming his shield against him and then angrily states he trusted him, feeling betrayed. The Bucky blob doesn’t fight back and actually manages to look ashamed, it then says that it didn’t want to lie to them, that all they’ve every known was from the tv that fell from the sky and they initially just want it for themselves, but that he never wanted to hurt anyone. Steven says he wants to believe him but doesn’t know if he can. The Bucky blob looks dejected at first, but then switches to determined as it slides past Steven and then goes behind the grey blob, then quickly grows tentacles that penetrate it, causing it to howl in agony as he quickly pulls the Off-colors gems out. He shoved them into Steven’s arms and then sprouts two tentacles that wrap around Lars and Steven. The larger grey blob turns around furious at its partner’s betrayal and angrily gives chase. As they are fleeing, the town begins to melt and the trio manage to escape just as it collapse into a pool of sludge. Steven apologizes for misjudging Bucky, who admits it was deserved. Suddenly, the Gems start glowing after a blinding light, are all restored to their physical forms. The group happily embraces, but then Lars points out that they still don’t known where the ship is or how to get off this weirdo planet. Bucky says he can help with both of those, and takes the group to where the ship was hidden by the grey blob, but then Steven asks how he can help them get off the planet and the blob starts shapeshifting into the crystals they need, much to Steven’s horror. He begs Bucky not to do it and that they’ll find another way, but Bucky states he’s been here for a much longer time than Steven and he may never find what he needs in this desolate wasteland, and besides, he’s tired of this place himself and if this means he can travel across the universe as well, then he’s fine with his decision. Before converting completely to crystal, his head turns into that of the toon deer again and he asks Steven to smile for him which Steven does through his tears as he finishes completely converting to crystal. The scene shifts back to space, the Sun Incinerator successful repaired, restored, and back on its way to Earth. Lars asks Steven if he’s okay, and he says yeah, holding a piece of Bucky’s crystal in the palm of his hand.
big belly
steven universe
6 years, 4 months ago
12 Aug 2018 00:40 CEST
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