Posting this late because I was ripping up ceramic tile with a chisel and that shit is hard on your fingers/arms... Only about 100 more tiles to go.
Please consider donating to the patreon for high resolution versions. Half of your money goes to Children Incorporated at the end of the month. The other half gets sent into the Void.
God I feel so bad for this version of Mindes. The way he seems to revert to a scared little puppy form when he starts to realize what's going on. His confusion and fear seems so much more genuine and tragic.
Ambus isn't obligated to have to take on all the baggage at his own expense, and he's probably right to recognize that their dynamic is unhealthy for them both, but it's just rough to watch it crash.
God I feel so bad for this version of Mindes. The way he seems to revert to a scared little puppy f
Problem is Mindes doesn't see it as a problem/fault yet, so until he does that and actually is willing to accept help from the outside, therapy would be useless.
Problem is Mindes doesn't see it as a problem/fault yet, so until he does that and actually is willi