Character Sheet for Colin Necrocyte
I will not tell you any of my embarrassing nicknames!
81 fullcircles (48 terran years)
Character Description
Hello, everysapient! My name is Colin Necrocyte and I am a necrobiologist in employment by the Sharaeyan Army. I studied necrobiology and a little ectobiology at the Military University of Parana and was trained to be a necroship pilot at a secret location a few fullcircles later. I have reached my current rank of Lieutenant Commander at the age of 76 fullcircles and am proud to proclaim that I will soon be the very first voidship pilot!
Friendly and cheerful, unless you're an asshole, then I get very cranky around you. Treat me nicely, though, and I will treat you the same way.
I HATE assholes. Who doesn't? Assholes suck! Like those bastards back in training who gave me those retarded ass nicknames! OH GAWDS how I hate them!
I like being an officer. Because now I can pay back those assholes for being such assholes.
I should really stop talking about them, there's more to my life than just hating assholes.
I really like slufftang. They're my favourite food! Oh, you don't know what that is, do you? Well, it's a plant that grows in water that is all slimy, but still really freaking delicious.
And I like necrobiology! That's why I studied it, after all. Ectobiology is pretty cool, too.
I like the ship they're going to give me, and the fact that I'll pilot it! I'm so excited already!
I like a lot of sweet foodstuffs.
And, erm, I can't think of anything else, even though there's quite a lot I like or dislike.
I grew up in the city of Volcar at the burning mountains to the northwest of Sharaeya. I can't really talk much about my military history, because most of it is secret.
2 parents, no brothers, and a few aunts, uncles and cousins.
I live in Skleryashk, a universe within the Outermost Void. RP for details, people!
I'm grey with a blonde mane and a weird dark purplish pattern on my behind. That pattern is actually my cutie mark, which is really weird because it reaches from one flank all the way over to the other, and it even covers my ass and crotch. Well, I guess we all have our little quirks, don't we?
It's supposed to be a necrobiotic cell colony (like my name, get it?), in case you couldn't tell.
I wear my vest with its many pockets to store useful things in. Also sweatbands for style.
I am rarely seen without my little clock.