Commission #29
For ShredderWG
“Kaito’s V-Log, Ghost Hunting File 11!” The young orange, single-tailed fox stood in his room, wearing his favorite Ghost Hunter’s shirt as it proudly displayed his faithful occupation for the viewers he was sure to get from this latest escapade. He licked his lips and held his small video camera up to his face.
“If you’re not in the know, there’s whispers of a ghost haunting and tormenting people in the Mystic Ruins Forest! This is, without a doubt, the biggest lead I’ve gotten on paranormal activity since the news articles about the mysteries of Hang Castle resurfaced some odd years ago when I was a toddler. I was a Ghost Hunting Novice at the time but not anymore!”
Kaito set the camera down and gathered up his ghost hunting equipment. It was a butterfly net, a Rook EMF Meter that detects sound and small changes in electromagnetic energy, and a flashlight.
“I got a great deal on new and improved ghost hunting equipment for just $100 dollars! It was a steal…! I mean… I didn’t literally steal it. That’s an expression. I mean, of course, it’s an expression. I’m sure you know that… I… what I mean is… ugh…” Kaito grumbled and turned the camera off. “I’ve gotta actually write out scripts for these. Well whatever. I’ll just speak from the heart.”
Kaito turned the camera back on and grinned into the lens. “Look out world, the secret of the Mystic Ruins forest shall be uncovered and I shall save you all from the tyranny that lies ahead. Those ghosts won’t be able to escape me and I’ll prove to everyone, especially the kids at the park, that their mean comments and painful atomic wedgies are totally and completely unfounded. Here I come~!”
“I’m not standing for this anymore.” Miles “Tails” Prower, a two-tailed genius and fellow young nerd, was already situated within the Mystic Ruins in a workshop that overlooked the forest way off to the side. He was packing things for his journey into the realm of these rumored ghosts. However, his reasoning for doing so wasn’t really for the sake of anything specific like Ghost Hunting.
He had heard that a lot of people were getting freaked out and bothered by the mysterious pranks and humiliation plaguing them every time they entered the forest. It was a fairly small tourist attraction that didn’t see too much activity but it saw enough that Tails caught the occasional visitor or two skulking the outside of the perimeter every once in a while. Due to hearing all these stories though, he couldn’t ignore the embarrassment and turmoil those visitors were going through and felt it as his duty as the sidekick to his hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, to take it upon himself to fix it.
He was a science buff. He always sought the truth anyway and would accept it no matter what it was so long as it bore fruit.
In an epic montage of Tails getting ready, the young fox took a shower, hiked up his Incredibles underoos, put on his shirt, pants, and shoes, then gathered up his high-powered materials before heading out to the forest.
“I’m on my way you vile ghosties!”
Kaito was tip-toeing through the Mystic Ruins Forest with his flashlight already out and at the ready. It wasn’t super necessary for the most part but there were instances where the shade got a little too dim for his liking. He had his camera strapped to the large backpack that towered so huge over his back that it jutted out over his head. It was keeping a close watch on everything and would act as his second pair of eyes. Kaito would react and the camera would record.
“Kaito’s V-Log, Ghost Hunting File 12! I’m now in the thick of the woods and have uncovered no signs of paranormal activity just yet…” Kaito muttered, sounding rather disappointed as he held the Rook EMF meter in his hands. “I’ve got a good feeling about this though. I-WAIT! I’m getting a read!”
Suddenly the Rook EMF meter went off a bit.
“There’s activity going on around me! I’ve got a read! HAHA! It says it’s THIS W-!” Kaito turned and then smacked into Tails!
The two fox boys fell over and plopped to the ground on their butts. Both of their backpacks fell off and hit the ground.
Tails and Kaito sat there with their eyes rolling and stars circling their heads before they shook the dizziness away and stood up, dusting themselves off.
“Oh… you’re not a ghost.” Kaito muttered. “I guess the Rook EMF Meter wasn’t calibrated correctly. It shouldn’t be picking up the activity of the living.”
Tails looked Kaito over and blinked in confusion. “A Rook EMF Meter? You mean that bogus ghost hunting meter they scam people out of their money with on those ghost hunting websites?”
“SCAM!?” Kaito gasped. “W-Wait, hold on a second! There ARE some scams out there but there are plenty of legitimate ghost hunting equipment items out there. Ghosts are real!”
“I know they are!” Tails said quickly.
“Don’t make fun of me! It’s true! Threaten to give me a wedgie all you wan-wait what?” Kaito stopped mid-sentence and did a double take.
“I know ghosts are real.” Tails repeated with a smile. “My name is Tails. I’ve seen plenty of ghosts in my adventures with Sonic so I don’t have any trouble believing they’re real.”
“… Y-You… wait, you’ve seen GHOSTS before?” Kaito’s eyes widened and sparkled with teary eyed sadness. “I’ve seen ghosts too… I mean… I… m-my name is Kaito! Uh… and I’m a Ghost Hunter! P-Professional Ghost Hunter! They run away from me a lot or trick me out of getting footage of them, but I swear I’ve seen them too!”
“Oh… okay.” Tails responded.
“D-Do you believe me?” Kaito asked, sweaty and blushing while rubbing the back of his head.
“Yeah. Sure. If I’ve seen ghosts. I don’t see why no one else wouldn’t.” Tails chuckled. “I’m here to hunt down the ghosts tormenting people in this forest in fact.”
“You too?!” Kaito clamped his hands to the side of his face. “AH! TH-THAT’S AWESOME!” Kaito turned and grabbed the camera on top of his bag. “Addendum, to my latest Ghost File, I’ve met up with a fellow ghost hunter! This is Tails! Say hi buddy!”
Tails saw the camera turn to him and blushed before waving at it shyly. “Uh… ah… hi…?”
“Tell them your ambitious mission Tails.” Kaito grinned, biting his lip with excitement and shaking his butt about, back and forth, as if wagging his tail with happiness.
Tails sucked in a breath and put his finger up. “W-Well… there have been reports of people entering this forest and humiliating all who venture here. The whispers of them being ghosts is a hypothesis that I believe is viable. So, I’ve come here with my ghost hunting supplies to extract them from the vicinity!”
“Oh? You have ghost hunting supplies too? What was the deal with calling my stuff fake then?” Kaito smiled, playfully.
“Well, the stuff you have may or may not be authentic depending on where you got it, but I know for a fact my stuff is. I built it myself.” Tails reached into his bag and yanked out a proton-pack. “Ta-da! I haven’t fully tested it out yet but this is a Proton Pack. It shoots out a beam of positively charged proton energy to harness a ghost! Then I use my ghost trap to capture and lock it in place. Take a gander at this!”
Tails turned and blasted a shot of energy at a tree.
Kaito’s eyes bugged out when he saw this happen. When Tails’s demonstration was done he blew the smoke away from the tip of the pack.
“I… uh… w-well… th-that’s… impressive… I-I’ve got a flashlight and a butterfly net…” Kaito twitched, snot dripping from his nose a bit.
Suddenly, the wind blew rather hard and harsh wails were heard swirling in the air around them.
Kaito and Tails gasped in unison and looked around, clutching their weapons of choice.
“Guess the V-Log will have to run together with the actual capture of the ghosts! They’re here! I can feel it!” Kaito said.
“You too? Yeah. My fur is standing on end…” Tails muttered as he and Kaito began to step about the area in a small circle. The wind blew a bit more and the leaves began to shuffle about.
Suddenly, a white stream of translucent energy wafted behind Kaito’s and brushed up against his butt!
“AAAH!” Kaito panicked, turned around and swung his butterfly net down… capturing Tails! “OH! T-Tails!”
“K-Kaito… I uh…” Tails shuffled a bit in confusion before feeling the energy waft by them again. Kaito removed his butterfly net and looked ahead, feeling the wind pushing them forward a bit.
“Hmm… they must be that way.” Kaito muttered.
“Yeah. I agree. Let’s get a move on…!” Tails smirked. The two of them suddenly grinned, brimming with confidence as they turned and began to strut towards their destiny…
That’s when the ghosts decided to show these two that they weren’t anything special.
“HEEEEEEEEK!” Tails’s eyes crossed and he belted out a scream of sharp pain when his undies were grabbed by a mysterious force and yanked upward. His Incredibles briefs were yanked super high to the point where they jetted above his head. Tails gritted his teeth and felt his front lurch forward a bit as he dangled above the ground. The pain in his butt and crotch seared through him and prompted him to grab himself to sustain it. This did nothing.
“Wh-What was th-AAAAH! AAAAAEEEEEEE~!” Kaito began to ponder what Tails’s scream meant but didn’t even have time to turn around before his Monsters Inc. briefs were grabbed and yanked upward in mid-strut.
“HAAAAAGAAAAH!” Kaito yelped as his camera dropped and was pointed at the two of them. The video captured the moment for them and showcased them being wedgied and suspended in the air!
The pain was beyond embarrassing. They began blushing and screaming as the wedgies continued. The ghosts were here and they were humiliating them with their mischievous pranks just like the victims before them. These two weren’t saviors. They were just another pair of losers.
Kaito and Tails were given wedgie after wedgie for their exploits. Tails had the squeaky-clean wedgie administered to him next. Kaito had the leg holes of his briefs grabbed and yanked up ward for a banana hammock looking wedgie. Tails was flipped over and made to spin around before being shot back and forth in a yo-yo wedgie. Kaito cried and tried to plead for them to stop before his pleas turned into another shriek when he was given an atomic wedgie. The atomic went even further and traveled in between his legs and back up to his butt.
Their wedgies were expansive and numerous. The messy wedgie saw mud get shoved into their undies. The propeller wedgie saw them spun around like the wooden planks of Tails’s biplane. The jock-lock wedgie saw them practically hog-tied in their underwear before they were untied and hung from the hooks of a branch. Their feet were grabbed and yanked downward to deepen the horrendous hanging wedgie even more.
“HEEEEEEEEEEK~!” Tails’s eyes were teary and his teeth gritted.
“OOOOOOOGH~!” Kaito’s eyes were still crossed and his mouth was in a “O” shape.
The ghosts let their feet go and wailed in laughter as the two of them were launched out of their pants and sent spiraling into the sky.
Despite the numerous wedgies, they only ever caught site of two ghostly hands. Nothing more.
A group of kids stood outside of the forest, looking in with mild but fleeting interest.
“That Kaito loser said he was gonna prove us wrong if we came and saw him with a captured ghost.” One of them said.
“Bah. He’s an idiot. Why’d we even come? He’s not gonna find a ghost.” Another kid said.
“Duh. We came to gloat about the fact that he didn’t find any.” The third boy smiled.
As if on cue, the two screaming foxes spiraled down from the sky and landed hard before the three boys.
The two of them were laid out in their undies with swirly anime eyes and drool ebbing out of their mouths, birdies chirping as they circled their heads.
“It’s Kaito…!” The first boy said.
“And he’s got a friend…” The second one stated.
“Nice undies.” The third one chuckled.
Kaito sat up and wobbled where he sat. He looked confused before shaking his head and gasping in surprise when he saw the three boys before him. “Y-YOU GUYS! I… I found the ghost! Th-They just gave me and Tails a series of humiliating wedgies! I-I have it on camera!”
“Yeah right dude. You just fell out of the sky but that could have just been from you launching yourself from a catapult.” The first boy said. “Where’s this video?”
“Uhhh…” Kaito panicked, looking around.
Tails sat up next, rubbing his head. “Ow… m-my butt… it hurts so m-!” Tails began before Kaito’s camera fell from the sky and smashed onto his head. Tails’s eyes re-crossed and he smiled stupidly with his tongue flopping out the side of his mouth. A small lump appeared on his head and he sighed before falling back, out cold.
Kaito grabbed the camera and giggled, desperately. “I… th-the picture… it’s here! LOOK!” Kaito smiled and showed it to them.
The three boys looked on and laughed. “You guys had a wedgie party in the forest! BWAHAHAHA!”
“BUT THE GHOSTS!” Kaito snapped.
“What ghosts? I just see you guys wedgieing each other!” The main kid teased.
“HUH?!” Kaito gasped and looked at the footage. The footage of the ghosts… was not there. Instead it was a video of the two of them giving each other humiliating wedgies. The video ended with them jumping onto the branches and giving themselves the hanging wedgies that launched them into the sky!
“What weirdos. Welp. See ya later, loser!” The first kid grinned and waved them goodbye.
“You promised we’d get to give you all the wedgies we wanted next time at the park if you couldn’t find the ghost so look forward to it, bud.” The second kid added as they walked off together.
Kaito couldn’t believe it. The footage was doctored by the ghosts! His proof was gone.
Kaito’s eye twitched and he pointed the camera at himself. His eyes crossed and he began giggling like an idiot. “K-Kaito’s V-Log… Apple-Pealing File Cheese! I’m Kaito and my booty hurts! Also, I’ve got ducks for feet and my teeth is made of bird seed. HAHAHAHAHA~! Duuuuhhh~!”
Kaito drooled then fainted, falling onto his back as the disappointment of losing the footage coupled with the wedgies got to him and made his brain temporarily snap and shut down.
The pain a ghost hunter goes through to make their catch is rough. Kaito wouldn’t give up though. When he recovered, his Ghost Hunting Files will continue and they won’t stop until he succeeds at his mission!
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sonic the hedgehog
miles tails prower
tighty whities
public humiliation
knocked out
cartoon briefs
cartoon underwear
eyes rolling
hanging wedgie
seeing stars
cartoon undies
eyes crossed
atomic wedgie
crossed eyes
cartoon ko
ghost hunting
ghost hunters
6 years, 8 months ago
24 Jul 2018 03:39 CEST
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