Minimum -> max increases character/bg complexity in a given style. (Examples: simple character with complex backdrop, detailed character (patterns, multiple limbs, etc.) and simple bg and variations as such). Minimums are with simple/no backdrop.
NO BIDDING, EVERYTHING'S AN AUTOBUY! And you may claim as many slots as you want. Payment may be delayed a week after claiming. Any species is okay but keep it about matching ages. Can be naughty or clean. Expressions can be modified, clothes can be added, etc. Please comment with a budget, character reference and any addittional ideas (bg, specific clothes, etc.) attached!
I'd like to get this one, please. I can go up $60 in the wing-it/plain style. Characters would be Willy & Wanda - Wanda sitting, with Willy standing, and please make it naughty.
I'd like to get this one, please. I can go up $60 in the wing-it/plain style. Characters would be Wi
Blast from the past here! Character on the left is a leopard you are familiar with! Can you give Sundari the leopard blue eyes this time.
Expressions are fine. I want them nude with nuts and sheaths showing. Penis not showing unless just the tip in the hybrids case. Soft shading with background. I'll let you figure out the details. $106-126
Blast from the past here! Character on the left is a leopard you are familiar with! https://inkbunny
Characters would be Milo and Jessica, Milo the taller one on the left, Jessi the shorter on the right. They'd be nude, but nothing explicitly naughty or sexual going on. Would like a wing it type plain. Thanks!
awww will you make an acception perhaps? these came up for me at a time when i dont got much to spend and a few of them id really love to get with my twin chars and their parents >.<
awww will you make an acception perhaps? these came up for me at a time when i dont got much to spe