Minimum -> max increases character/bg complexity in a given style. (Examples: simple character with complex backdrop, detailed character (patterns, multiple limbs, etc.) and simple bg and variations as such). Minimums are with simple/no backdrop.
NO BIDDING, EVERYTHING'S AN AUTOBUY! And you may claim as many slots as you want. Payment may be delayed a week after claiming. Any species is okay but keep it about matching ages. Can be naughty or clean. Expressions can be modified, clothes can be added, etc. Please comment with a budget, character reference and any addittional ideas (bg, specific clothes, etc.) attached!
Plain. Younger Canaan and older Shira. Shira in black and grey instead of blue and white. Can get further details to you through PM (not that there are too many more).
Plain. Younger Canaan and older Shira. ( ) Shira in black and grey i