The Seaworthy Scavs of the S.S. Firehead (Out of Placers, smut, romance, violence, femdom, pirates, drugs, fanfiction) by Teether
Chapter 10
>After what felt like an eternity, the Firehead finally docked at the port in Val Salia >You look around and realize that the Firehead dwarfs many of the surrounding ships in port >You had hoped that you wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb but seeing the bustling markets and thousands of people all crowded around the docks, you feel certain that you’d blend in easily with the crowds >You just hope that the Firehead crew could mesh in with the local yinglets without creating a scene >The entire crew could hardly wait to get free from the confines of the ship so hoping for best behavior seemed unlikely >The Firehead crew quickly daisy chained and unloaded the entire hull of the ship within a matter of hours >It took even less time to sell everything off at the docks, facilitated by you, Freylah and Habbick >You had no idea what was going on, haggling in the markets was never your forte >You were just there to make the customers feel better about buying from scavs >Freylah did most of the talking while you were a yes man and Habbick chimed in with a couple grunts whenever he thought your were being stiffed >Overall, it worked flawlessly as the pile of goods and treasures slowly dwindled as your sack of coins grew >Eventually, the last item sold and the heavy sack of coins was given back to Habbick to redistribute amongst the eagerly awaiting crew >An image pops into your head of an entire ship of yinglets with spending money about to be unleashed on Val Salia >You couldn’t imagine anything good coming from that >You look down at Freylah as she lights a small, thin, clay biteleaf pipe *Maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh….maybe they’ll behave themselves “Anxious?” you say to Freylah as she rhythmically taps her toes on the dock >”What makes you say zhat?” says Freylah before taking a drag “I’ve just never seen you smoke out in public, plus you’ve been pacing the whole time between selling” you say as you adjust the small, heavy burlap bag in your hand >Freylah blows a series of six smoke rings, one through the other, “Zhis is zhe first time I’ve been back to Val Salia since…..leaving all zhose years ago.” ”And your worried about what exactly?” >You notice people walking by and glancing surprised looks over at Freylah *Watching a yinglet smoke must be unusual. It probably unusual for a yinglet in Val Salia to afford such a luxury >Freylah takes in a deep drag and lets out a sigh, “Nozhing Fetu, forget it” >You want to prod Freylah more but decide that its best let it go *If she doesn’t want to talk about it there’s not much more I can do >You lightly shake the sack at your side, feeling its immense weight strain the fibers of the bag , “So. You wanna go see what we can get for this weighty monster?” >Freylah smirks at you, holding out her right hand , “Sure but let’s enjoy ourselves wizh a little stroll zhrough zhe markets first. Remember Fetu, zhis stop is also supposed to be R&R too” >You take Freylah’s hand as the two of you continue from the docks and up into the Val Salia markets
>You and Freylah take you time walking from stall to stall in the markets, playfully trying on all sorts of wears, jewelry and clothing >You walk hand in hand with Freylah from one stall to the next >In between stalls you give out some coppers to some begging street yinglets >The looks on their faces when you placed the coppers into their hands was a site to behold >They practically jumped for joy, thanking you a thousand times over in their broken dialect before running off and disappearing into the markets >Freylah rubs her face against your arm and purs with agreement >You’ve never been happier to be in the Valsalia markets in your life >The merchants never say anything while you’re browsing, but when you walk away you can see the grotesque and disgusted faces they make out of the corner of your eyes >You receive glares from every direction and vulgar remarks from passers by >”Swamp fucker……scav chaser……scum fucker……etc >You let the comments roll off, already prepared by what Habbick had told you close to a week ago, you knew the hate would come >What you didn’t consider was how it would make Freylah feel >With every new stall and insult you notice Freylah’s energy and smile less and less >Eventually, Freylah retracts her hand from yours to back at her side as she rubs her other arm nervously >You gently grab Freylah’s hand back into your own, “Ah come on, don’t let ‘em get to yah. You could take anyone of those hecklers in a heartbeat. They’re just slinging insults because they know they couldn’t take you in a real fight. Your fucking Firehead Freylah.” >Freylah looks back into your face with a renewed sense strength, “Zhanks Fetu…your right….I just need to be strong”, Freylah turns around back at the hecklers, “Fuck your shit you fucking speciest cunts! If you got somezhing to say, say it to my fucking face!” >You hear random mutters of replies but they are drowned out in the background noise of the markets >”See? Their spineless” you say, “Now come on, let’s goes find us a smelter” >Freylah nods as you both continue onward, as slews of insults are whispered in your wake
>Eventually you come across the local smelter and smithing stall manned by a large, muscular hairy man reeking of sweat and burnt coal dust >The two of you go up to the stall as you pull the death mask out of your sack and onto the table >”So…How much for this solid piece of work?” you ask as the smelter picks up the mask with one hand as he turns it over and examine it >After a couple quick seconds the smelter throws the mask back down onto the table with booming thud >”1,000 copper” the smelter says in a disinterested tone >You give a sarcastic chuckle before leaning forward on the table ”Give it longer than a two second look and maybe you’ll notice that this is solid gold” you say pushing the mask back towards the smelter >The smelter doesn’t look at it, instead staring flatly back at you with his arms crossed >”I know it is, 1,000 copper” the smelter says matter-of-factly >You slam your fist on the table, “1,000 coppers my ass! This thing is easily worth a thousand times that!” >The large beast of a man stands up out of the chair and leans forward on the table easily dwarfing everyone else in the market >”I don’t smelt death masks or anything stolen off of dead bodies, I’d rather not have my furnace haunted by spirits” says the smelter in a serious tone “That’s bullshit!” you accuse as you lean in further pointing a finger >”You calling me a liar?” gritted out the smelter getting close to your face ”Yeah, A liar that’s so fucking dumb that he can’t even-“ >The smelter grabs you by the face and slams you down into the table >” What were you about to say to me punk?” growls the smelter grinding his teeth as he leans down over the table >”I said-“ you begin as Freylah quickly leaps onto the table and places her daggers at the smelter’s neck >”Let go of him” Freylah barks out in a menacing tone >”Or what? You gonna flay me with them toothpicks?” chuckles the smelter amused >Freylah pulls the daggers from his neck and slams them down around the smelter’s free hand >”I zhink you’d be more zhan a little upset to lose a couple fingers, might make your work little more zhan impossible” said Freylah grinding the daggers tips into the table as she inched the blades closer to the smelters fingers >The smelter huffs as he lets go of Fetu who immediately jumps back from the stall >Freylah puts away her daggers as she jumps down from the table, coming to your side to see if you’re ok >”I am fine, just a little shook up is all” you say as you take Freylah’s hand again >”Hey scav fucker” you hear the smelter bellow as you turn around to face him >”Take your haunted shit with you” says the smelter as he throws the death mask from the table and into a pile of mud and refuse beside you >You quickly pick the death mask out of the shit pile, frantically wiping it down with the cloth sack >You feel panic set in as you try fruitless to wipe away the gunk >You feel Freylah put a hand on your shoulder as you look into her face >”Don’t pay him any mind Fetu, we’ll go wash it by zhe docks. Somebody else will give us a good price” said Freylah calmly >You nod, putting the mask back into the sack as you walk off back towards the docks together >”Fucking swamp fuckers, they’re all insane I swear” mutters the smelter
>As the two of you patiently wash the mask down by the docks a merchant spots you >You quickly come to an agreement and trade >In exchange for the mask you get the merchants entire stock of ship parts and goods >Everything you could ever want to build Freylah’s nets and more then you could possibly ask for, you now have >You now have a gigantic supply of salted meats and other foods that will keep the crew full months >You eagerly make the trade as the crew of the Firehead moves all of your newly acquired goods onto the ship >You and Freylah oversee things from the docks, making sure every piece of equipment makes it onto the ship unharmed >Once the last piece makes it aboard the ship you turn to Freylah, “That makes it all worth it for having to lug that heavy piece of crap around, not to mention nearly dying” >”Yeah almost” Freylah says with a smile >You suddenly look past Freylah to see an extremely well dressed older man examining the front of the Firehead >Behind the man is ten of the local guard talking amongst themselves >You and Freylah look at each other with worry as you both walk up to the elderly man >”Is there something wrong with the ship sir?” you try to play off casually >The man steps back from the front of the ship and scowls at you, “Matter of fact there is” “oh?” you say >”Who is the captain of this ship?” barked the man stomping his cane down onto the dock >You look over at Freylah, “I am” >The old man nods his head in your direction as the guards swarm around you, grabbing your arms and blocking any form of escape >Freylah tries to grab one of the guards arms, “Get off of him! He’s lying! I am zhe captain!” >The guard easily pushes Freylah back down off of him, “Ah scav captain eh? Hah!” ”Leave her alone, she’s hysterical. I am the captain of this vessel and I want to know what I am being accused of!” you yell out >The old man hobbles up to your face, “You killed my son and his five friends in cold blood, you deserve the deepest bowels of hell you monster” >A cold rushing sensation goes up your spine >”Where’s your proof you old cock?” you snap back >The old man turns from you and hobbles back to the front of the ship >”I’d know this ship like the back of my hand. I custom ordered it with many tiny details for my son. I see you bastards scrapped off the initial name, The S.S. Persuasion. Not to worry since I ordered the initials of the ship carved into every part of every engraving” said the Old man pointing to the elaborately carved trim on the front of the ship >The guards bring you closer so you see it >”S.S.P.” repeating over and over into the trims motifs >”There’s another piece I particularly liked that was done up on the captain’s door, A sailor fighting a monstrous sea squid. I imagine its still up there unless you barbarians destroyed that as well” >Your eyes grow wide >”That’s what I thought” huffed the old man as he nods to the guards >The guards begin hauling you away from the docks >”FETU!” yells Freylah as she tries once again to slip through the mob of muscly guards >She makes it to you as you reach out for her, both embracing in a kiss, “I love you Freylah” you say >The gaurds pry Freylah away from you as everyone surrounding makes disgusted faces, curses and wretching noises >”A cold-blooded killer and a scav fucker, disgusting” spits the old man as the guards continue to carry you away >Freylah watches helplessly as guards block her path from continuing any further >She stands all-alone on the doc as her ears droop, “I love you too…..Fetu…….”
>The judgment was swift and harsh >Death by hanging >The old man must be one of the most richest and powerful merchants in Valsalia, someone who can pull a lot of strings if they want someone dead >Not to mention he had the blessing of the other powerful merchant houses to pursue an expedited trial and execution >In only a couple hours since capture did it take them to set you up on the town gallows >You slowly ascend the wooden steps with a spear at your back >Your denied the right to a last word but even you are unsure at to what you would even begin to say >Your surprised at the crowd forming up to see your death >Despite the speedy trial, your execution must have traveled like wildfire >You stand still as a noose is lowered over your head >You take one last deep breath as the sun shines a golden glow over the courtyard before you >You think to close your eyes so maybe you won’t have to watch yourself die but for a split second out of the corner of your eyes you see a small figure with a small red coat >”Frey-“ you manage to choke out before falling through the trap door in the gallows >You feel the rope slam around your throat >Your neck is intact but your quickly losing consciousness >You try to stiffen your neck as much as possible as you struggle and flail from the rope around your neck >You see Freylah rush to the front of the crowd roaring a charging scream, her daggers unsheathed as she ascends the gallow stairs > The entire courtyard becomes flooded with thousands of Firehead crew, all charging with their spears and crossbows at the ready >The executioner quickly dies from a bolt to the head while Freylah swiftly dispatches the guard at the gallows >Any remaining guards in the courtyard are quickly overrun and speared >All remaining civilians scatter in all directions trying to escape the sudden invasion of yinglets >Freylah swipes both of her razor sharp daggers cleanly through the noose rope as you plummet the last couple feet directly onto your ass >Freylah jumps down through the trap door and into your arms >She plants a kiss on your cheek before wrapping her arms around your neck and hugging you >”Don’t you ever do somezhing zhat stupid ever again” she says choking up slightly “Is that a captain’s order?” you say “Yes, and don’t you fucking question it” says Freylah once more giving you a kiss >”I love you Fetu” says Freylah nuzzling the side of your face ”I love you too Freylah” you say returning the nuzzle >You hear thousands of yinglets cheering the two of you on from the courtyard >You look over to see Habbick in the crowd clapping and nodding his approval “Come on, I think we’ve over stayed our welcome” you say standing up and walk out into the courtyard >The sea of yinglets parts as the two of you rush off back to the docks to the Firehead and back out to sea
>A couple months later…… ”The nets are full boys, reel ‘em in! We’ll never be want for food ever again!” >The ropes tighten against the giant pullies as the behemoth nets are hauled up from the cold ocean depths and onto the deck of the Firehead >Yinglet crew hands walk along the nets, opening them up as cascade after glistening cascade of fresh fish pours from them onto the deck >Freylah walks teary-eyed, overcome with the reality that her dreams are coming true >Freylah walks around; scooping fish up out of the pile and dropping them back to the deck, trying desperately to see if this is real >You walk over to Freylah and place a gentle hand on her shoulder >Freylah looks up at you in wonderment as you look back down at her “We did it…We actually did it Freylah!” you say with excitement as you scoop the yinglet up in your arms >Freylah wraps her arms around you before kissing you >”We did it…togezher”