The Seaworthy Scavs of the S.S. Firehead (Out of Placers, smut, romance, violence, femdom, pirates, drugs, fanfiction) by Teether
Chapter 9
>After all things considered, You and Freylah decide the best course of action is to head back to the ports of Val Salia >The city would be the easiest place to dump and sell all the treasures taking up space in the hull >It will also have all the goods needed to complete Freylah’s fishing nets >For fear of another confrontation, the Firehead’s path will curve up and away from the coastline >Unfortunately, this will increase the journey to about two weeks time >Stir-craziness will surely set in to the crew but after everything you’ve been through, you were ok with the decision >Besides, it gives you more time to spend with Freylah whose demeanor had become calmer since the fiasco at Mur >She seems to take her time more now, no more rushing or fretting over little problems. Her demeanor also noticeably softened, no more worrying about whether she was in a position of power or what the crew thought of her >You also spend most of your time with Freylah, constantly at her side, ready to help at a moments notice >Most of your freetime together consisted of joking or just talking for hours about anything at all >If you both were feeling really productive then Freylah would try to teach you some basic reading and writing skills or show you some of her recent alchemical experiments >It still all looked like alien script to you but you tried your damnedest to memorize what you could >One day, while making the rounds through the ship you become struck by a thought >You’ve been holding Freylah’s hand the whole time during rounds >Come to think of it, you’ve been holding her hand on and off for the past couple days >A spilt instinct in your gut tells you to let go *Holding hands with a scav! What would people think! >You quickly shake the thought from your head *Who cares, I am happy, she is happy, we’re happy >”Fetu, why did we stop?” says Freylah looking up at you >You look down at the yinglet at your side, wearing her newly repaired red doublet once more. The back showing visible cross stitches and the missing buttons replaced with engraved pewter ones >You smile and lightly squeeze Freylah’s hand, “Just thinking about my Captain” >”Zhere’s no ozher scav captains on zhe sea I should be worried about? I’d hate to lose my li-…..I’d hate to….I’d hate to lose you….Fetu” said Freylah running a hand through her hair and blushing >”Awww come on, I am not that irreplaceable” you say shifting your feet >Freylah jumps and yanks down on your arm making you drop to one knee >Freylah pulls your face around to hers as she gives you a deep kiss >”Your not replaceable to me Fetu” says Freylah pulling back >You remain silent, not knowing what to say >Its not the first time the two of you kissed ,or been intimate, but this time felt different, It felt….meaningful….heartfelt. >Something inside your soul ached for more >”Well……” muttered Freylah awkwardly looking away from you >You lean in, pulling Freylah close to you as you reciprocate a kiss >You hold the embrace before slowly breaking it off >Freylah smiles at you and blushes, “Wow, zhat was….amazing” *A simple kiss? Amazing? Really? >”I’ve never felt such…such….a way about anyone before….It feels….amazing” said Freylah shifting her feet on the wooden boards *Has Freylah never felt love before?......Have I ever felt love before? >”Fetu….I…..I…..I” Freylah stammered in an obvious loss for words *…love you? >Freylah gives a quick cough into her hand before turning back towards the stairs >”Come on Fetu, let’s check up on zhe deck crew” she said in her old professional tone >You simply nod, standing back up as the two of you awkwardly walk hand in hand to the deck above
>After quickly making the rounds, you and Freylah end up back at the stern of the ship, leaning against the railing, Freylah standing on a crate to the right of you as both your fingers lay intertwined on the railing between you >The air is cool and clean, the darkness of nightfall illuminated by a bright full moon directly in front of you hovering over the sea >The moonlight beams in your direction as it glitters off the ship’s foamy wake >Neither of you says anything for a while, just simply basking in the presence of one another >You hear Freylah sigh after a while as she pulls something off from around her neck >You look over to see Freylah with her necklace of dried ears in her right hand, pushing the ears around like some sort of grotesque prayer beads “What are yah thinking about?” you say concerned >Freylah lets out a long sigh, “Just zhinking about all zhe things I’ve done to get me to zhis point. All zhe violence I’ve brought, all zhe mistakes I’ve made…..And here I am just enjoying zhe view…………Fetu do I deserve to be happy?” >Your surprised by the question, “I…uh…well….(sigh)… the way I see it Freylah, I don’t think any of us ‘deserve’ to be happy, just like how we don’t ‘deserve’ to be unhappy. Life’s just kinda like a card game yah know? We get the cards we get and we just have to do the best we can with what we got. Nothing you’ve done should keep you from being happy…Just do what you think is best and it’ll all work out in the end…..Does any of that make sense? I might just be rambling…” >Freylah leans into your arm and looks up at you while chuckling, “Fetu I didn’t know you were a philosopher….” “I am not, just some lowly peasant fisherman” you say matter-of-factly >”Well I zhink zhese last few weeks have shown me ozherwise…Your much more clever zhan you give yourself credit for” says Freylah rubbing her cheek against your arm >Freylah holds the necklace out in front of her, “And I zhink you just finally convinced me to get rid of zhese horrid things” >Freylah flings the necklace overboard and into the foamy wake below as a couple of seagulls try to swoop down and skim it out of the water “What’d you do that for?” you say >”A long time ago, zhat necklace gave me a sense of pride, a sense of strengzh. I zhought foes would see zhe shriveled ears and take me more seriously. Nobody saw zhe ears zhough; all zhey saw was a tiny, pazhetic, hilarious yinglet. As time went on zhe ears just served as more and more of a reminder of my own guilt and my own pazhetic grasp for power.” Said Freylah with disgust “Hmmm” you say rolling that all over in your mind >”Besides, I don’t need it anymore. I got somezhing even better” said Freylah squeezing your hand >You lean into Freylah as you watch the moon glitter off the water >”Freylah” you hear a gravelly voice call from behind you >You both turn to see Habbick standing there with both hands behind his back >”Yes Habbick?” says Freylah in a slightly grated tone >Habbick walks up to Freylah as she leans down to listen >Habbick mutters something in her ear, as her eyes grow wide >Freylah lets go of your hand and hops down from her crate >”I am sorry Fetu, I gotta go deal wizh a certain crewmate. I’ll be back as soon as I can” said Freylah with obvious frustration “Take your time Freylah. I’ll still be here when you get back” >”Y-yeah” she says taking a deep breath and running her fingers through her hair as she makes her way down the steps into the hull below >You rock your head slightly as you turn your gaze back to the mesmerizing moon hovering above the watery horizon >You hear a couple heavy footsteps as someone climbs onto the crate next to you >You look over to see Habbick leaning on the railing, his one good eye sparkling as the moonlight glints off his pupil >You wait in silence, preparing yourself for the barrage of insults from the ancient creature >…. >”You, Freylah” says Habbick in a surprisingly calm tone “Yeah?.....” >”You love Freylah?” ”What!?” you say taken aback >Habbick side eyes you with a frown, “Not true?” “I just…we just……..yeah….I love her” you say blushing >You look over to see a smile on the old bastards face, “Can, handle?” “Who? Her? Yeah, I can handle her. Haven’t I gone through enough to prove that?” >Habbick shakes his head and moves his hands over his body, “No no….can you…….?” >You look at the old geezer confused, “What?” >Habbick grabs your arm and pushes a finger into it, “You skin” before letting go and pointing towards his own chest, “Freylah yinglet” “Uhhh yeah… I know” you say peeved >Habbick rakes a hand over his face before counting out on his fingers in an angry tone, “Age, litter, people” >”Age… you mean our age difference?” you say as Habbick shakes his head >Habbick points to his own heart, “Outlive” >”I’ll outlive her?” you say as your head fills with images of you kneeling at Freylah’s grave >You bite back a choking feeling in the back of your throat, “I’ll stay with Freylah for as long as I can. Lifespan doesn’t matter” >Habbick smiles but still shows a doubtful look in his eye as he says “litter, children” “Children?....I never even thought of that one. I guess we obviously can’t have kids.” You say with disappointment >Habbick looks you over as you think about what to say next “Anyway, Freylah doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who’d want any but If she wants them in the future there’s probably more than a couple eager crew members who would be glade to give it a go.” You say >Habbick lets out a short barkish laugh before saying, “people, society” “What? Like we’ll be treated badly? For being together?......Yeah well I guess that’s just one more thing for us to face together now isn’t it?” you say confidently >Habbick looks at you with squinted eye, “Zhey’ll hate you for togezherness” “I’ve been treated like shit my entire life for being a peasant. Freylah makes my life feel like more than that, like more than just some dirt-poor fisherman. If they hate me for being with her, then…well….that’s just one more burden for me to bare, and Freylah will make it all worth it. >Habbick’s eye glitters as he looks at you with what you can only guess is admiration or at least as much as the old mule could give >”You a good skin. I approve you and Freylah” said Habbick with pride >You look back at Habbick with surprise as you mutter, “Thanks” >Habbick nods, giving you a couple pats on the arm before jumping off the crate and walking down the stairs to below deck *”I approve you and Freylah” you think as you smile “I guess dad just gave me his seal of approval to wed his daughter” you say to no one in particular >A large smile crosses your face as you feel a sense of warmth in your chest >You take a deep lungful of the night air, feeling it cleanse your body >You turn back towards the moon as you watch the seagulls fight over the mummified chunks of dried ears