-I am determined to keep up notes on my experiences, despite my recent aloofness and urge to copulate with as many male yinglets as possible. Notwithstanding the loss of my still very human mind to primal urges, I feel able to better consider now the card that fate has dealt me. I hope to keep up this journal as long as I can, unknown to how much longer I’ll be able to keep my human mind from falling into a scatter brained mess.
>Transformation Log- Day 8
-In the aftermath of what I’ll call “the orgy”, (Day 3-7) after transformation(TF), I felt for a brief second, immense guilt. Kicking myself for not taking closer notes of everything going on. The positions, the chatter, the noises, the smells, everything. Despite my eyesight being restored since the TF, I was lost in the primal waves of bliss and desire for more. The immense pleasure I received after each new straggler worked his ways on me was, to say the least, heaven incarnate. Each orgasm more pleasurable, but brief, than a humans. If Kass’ notes are anything to go by, yinglets experience more pleasure than us humans, graced beautifully by their mutations, but at the risk of low intelligence and possible poor health.
-From my new point of view, I can see quite clearly now why yinglets in-fought for most of their early existence. My sexual drive feels gnawing in a way that I’ve never felt as a human. One thing feels is very certain to me, If humans had the sexual drives of male yinglets, many cities would be wiped clean off the map.
>Transformation Log-Day 10
-It seems a certain male has become taken with me, a tall, broad, sandy colored fur with brown haired yinglet named Reeko. I can honestly say I’ve been taken with him. It seems that I’ve gained quite a reputation as of the last four days of constant sex. Despite his size, he seemed to approach cautiously, leaving me some local shellfish he’d worked hard scouring from the shores of Val Salia. I originally thought nothing of it except the bountiful joy I experienced while eating the shellfish. He came back the next day and the next, Never forcing his way into my breeding circle, just leaving treats for me. Eventually, when I was all by myself he approached. He seemed bashful, fumbling his already broken grammar to a point of gibberish. We tried chatting alone for a while and while he seems a simpleton…..I just can’t get him out of my mind. His heart is just so pure and innocent and sweet and full of…... I feel like I could be with him forever. I know that I should be reporting this all back to Viracoix but something inside me feels different. I feel like I am only kidding myself writing this log. I want to just get back into my regime, back to my studies but deep down I know that I can’t or that I don’t want to. With each passing day I feel less and less of an urge to return to my studies. I feel….freedom, or at least what feels like a immense weight off my shoulders. I feel an odd severance from my past life, All I want is Reeko.
>Transformation Log- Day 11
I’ve finally made up my mind; I am going to run away with Reeko. I have thought about it long and hard (as hard as this little brain can anyway). Viracoix already has Kass for his experiments. It’s not like adding another yinglet to the fray will bring any new knowledge (or at least that’s what I am telling myself). If Viracoix ever finds out that I am abandoning post he’ll have my head but I doubt he’d be able to identify me even if he wanted to. None of that matters now, me and Reeko will move out to one of the surrounding enclaves. All I know is that for the first time in my life I want things to be simple, I want to love and to be loved.