BIT Squad - Beyond the 4th Wall
Episode 9 - Coward Squad
2BIT & BIT Squad belong to... 2BIT.
GeneX & related characters belong to 2BIT.
Sonic the Hedgehog & related characters belong to SEGA.
Mario belongs to Nintendo.
Other characters belong to their respective owners.
An alarm was going off through Byte Space. All of 2BIT's various selves had been called back from wherever they were in the multiverse. Even ones we've yet to see, like 64BIT, 128BIT, and 22BIT were there. No, you don't get to see them now. On to the matter at hand. 2BIT himself had taken off his gloves just to nervously bite his nails as he observed some worlds through a monitor...sort of like he was flipping through channels on a TV. "Hey! What's the good word? Why's everyone crowding up the TV room??" Cupie asked as he fluttered up next to 2BIT. Stripes tapped him on the shoulder and drew him back into the crowd. "It's Halloween. All hands on deck. In fact... ALL HANDS ON DECK!! BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES, GUYS!!" Stripes yelled. "Hey! I do the piratey talk around here!" Gator protested. 2BIT glanced back at the nervous and confused faces in the crowd. "...Some of you are new here, so I'll explain. During Halloween, I kinda...sorta...lose all control over the multiverse. Even the worlds I created." he said nervously. Vixy raised her hand. "Why, exactly?" she asked. "Excellent question!" Stripes responded, "...We don't totally understand. Probably some sort of gypsy curse. Always blame the gypsies." he nodded. 2BIT shrugged. "I've been too nervous about the extent of my lost power to look into it. Don't wanna die because all of a sudden I'm mortal. But the lack of control, coupled with the nature of some worlds, leads to situations like these..." 2BIT flipped the screen to a view of a world where a grisly scene was displayed that, if we were to describe it, would up the age rating of this story. Cupie literally turned green at the sight. "Hey! I'm the green guy here!" Gator grunted at him. 2BIT turned off the screen. "We call these Nightmare Zones. Sooo many dead Sonics..." he sighed, "I called you all back so you'll be safe during this dangerous time. We'll handle any cleanup we can tomorrow." he stated. "It's like mischief night, but it REALLY sucks." Vixy stated. "You're all cowards..." The group turned towards a voice in a shadowy corner of the room. Only folded hands could be seen outside the oddly pitch dark shadows. "Hmm... I've been meaning to fix the light in that corner." Stripes sighed.
The voice repeated. "Cowards..." It was Dusk, 6BIT. 2BIT looked in the general direction of the shadows he was hiding in and folded his arms. "Where do I begin with you? Care to volunteer to go out and handle things, then?" he asked. Dusk scoffed. "Naw, I don't want to die, either, really... But you're all cowering in here where it's safe rather than...anything else. Which makes you cowards. It's just a fact." he said casually. Gator jumped up and down excitedly. "Oooh! I know what'd lighten the mood in here! Let's throw me a birthday party!!" he suggested. Half the room groaned. An office party didn't sound fun with the looming thought of "Halloween cleanup" they'd have to do the next morning. Vixy let out a soft growl. "Excuse me, none of you boys are going to challenge Dusk's claim that we're cowards?? I'm not a coward!" she snapped. 2BIT glanced at her awkwardly. "What do you propose, then?" Stripes cleared his throat. "I have a simple solution. Anyone who wants to prove themselves wil spend the night in a random dimension! ...Not a Nightmare Zone, though. That's suicide." he said, "And the rest of us...get a little more breathing room..." he added under his breath. It was crowded in Byte Space at that moment. 2BIT nodded. "Fine! Whatever! Not that we gotta prove anything to the guy who hides in the shadows all the time, right? ...Right? ...You guys are making me go, aren't you...?" he groaned.
Stripes grumbled as he walked along with the others to the randomly selected location they were to spend the night at. "Razza frazza cowards, frazza razza kick me out..." he grumbled mostly incoherently. Vixy and Gator were with them, and they stared at 2BIT, who had taken on a human form as they arrived in this particular dimension. "Why are you all ugly and human?" Gator asked. "He looks kinda like YOU, Gator..." Vixy blurted. Maybe she thought that way because 2BIT retained his light blue hair in human form. He was dressed in a dark blue jacket and jeans. "In some worlds, I take on an appropriate form, specific to that world. You guys are the ones that'll stick out." he shrugged. Soon, they arrived at their destination. "The Old Chateau... Well, let's go in and unpack our sleeping bags." 2BIT sighed. "This place don't look haunted at all!" Stripes grunted, unconvincingly.
It looked extremely haunted inside. The Chateau was a dusty, broken down mess of a building, and Gator could swear he heard creepy music playing as they entered. "H-hey, boss... You brought some Pokemon, right?" Vixy asked. 2BIT scratched his head. "My Sinnoh PC box is pretty empty. Everything was sent to Kalos or Alola." he stated. "Heck, we're safe! Pokemon don't kill people! ...Right?" Stripes chuckled. "...Have you ever read a ghost Pokemon Pokedex entry?" 2BIT gulped. Suddenly, the chandelier above them shook a bit, making jingling noises above them. "Very funny, Gastly!" Stripes shouted. Vixy shivered. "I heard there are human ghosts in these houses, too... How safe would you say humans are??" she whimpered. "Yaaaah!! It grabbed my tail!!" Gator shouted, startling the others. 2BIT stomped his foot and crossed his arms. "Let's just get some sleep! We'll be fine!" he insisted. Suddenly, the door slammed shut. "We're gonna die!!" Gator yelled. Vixy and Stripes both rolled their eyes at him. "We're not gonna die. It was just the wind." Vixy sighed. A shrill, raspy voice suddenly rang through the room. "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!" With that, the entire group ran to the door, banging and pulling on it to get it open! The chandelier crashed to the ground behind them, making them jump. "Wait, I got it! ...Turn the door knob!" 2BIT babbled, opening the door and leading the others in running for their lives. The raspy voice chuckled, and stepping out of the darkness was a certain black and red fox... 8BIT. "Happy Halloween...cowards." he snickered, sticking out his tongue.