I have for my fursona and the other eight siblings;
From 'Moyomongoose Dreaming of Old Times';
Moyo is 7th born on May 1st, 1954...And like his eight siblings; Chege (born 3-25-35 male), Makena (born 2-4-39 female), Kioni (born 4-8-44 female), Ruguru (born 1-15-47 male), Chanya (born 3-6-49 female), **Kanja (born 12-15-52 male), Jomo (born 9-10-55 male) and Jabet (born 8-30-57 female), is 1/4 binturong and 1/4 Pokot tribal African banded mongoose from their mother, Aluna Jais Mongoose (formally Aluna Tatazu Mongoose {pronounced Ah-loo'-nah Tat-taz'-zoo})...And 1/2 Kikuyu tribal African banded mongoose from their dad, Makori Jais Mongoose (pronounced Ma-koo'-rye Jay'-es). BTW, Makori Mongoose's grand dad on his mother's side of the family was an Indian mongoose. So there is also 1/8 Indian mongoose from dad's side of the family in the genepool of Moyo and the siblings. With no "real" hospital being nearby, all members of the family, like all other locals, had been born in the homes and tribal villages where they grew up...Hospitals were considered to be for the ill and injured anyway, and the locals certainty did not deem being born as an illness or an injury. **Kanja, Moyo and Jomo were already uncles, as well Jabet being already an aunt, at the times of their birth. Early in the year of 1951, oldest brother Chege, at age 16, got his 17 year old girl friend, Jahaira, pregnant. A few weeks after Chege and Jahaira agreed to get married, their first cub, a female, was born on March 1st, 1951, whom they named Dafina Jais Mongoose. Two years later, Chege and Jahaira's first son was born on June 30th, 1953, whom they named Kanoro Jais Mongoose. During family visits, Dafina, Kanoro and their younger aunt and uncles, **Kanja, Moyo, Jomo and Jabet, and sometimes along with their older uncle and aunt, Chanya and Ruguru, would play together as though they were all siblings. **Kanja (Moyo's next older brother) was born mentally challenged, IQ of 76, well below average but not fully mentally retarded (retardation is 69 to 70 and below). Still the same, Kanja Jais Mongoose is loved by his family, friends and locals, and no one makes fun of him over his being mentally impaired... Anyone who would dare to do so would get the shit beat out of them by Daddy Makori Mongoose for it. Kanja's younger brothers Moyo and Jomo possesses IQs of around 89, borderline between average and very slightly below average. Jabet's IQ is 93, lower end of average...Mamma Mongoose was getting up into her older age by the time she gave birth to Kanja, Moyo, Jomo and Jabet. Sister Kioni is the genius of the siblings with a high average IQ of 118. The rest of the siblings; Chege, Makena, Ruguru and Chanya have average IQs ranging between 97 to 105.
______________________________________________________________________ The character Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks, was depicted as having an IQ of 75; http://www.iapsych.com/iqach.pdf
Kanja Mongoose's IQ of 76 is close to that of Forrest Gump. ______________________________________________________________________ IQ does not necessarily have a bearing on stupidity either... ...Take Dr. Zander Iscelberg Rat MD for example;
Zander Rat has an average IQ of 98, and completed med school (barely). However, Zander Rat stacks up as being incredibly stupid when compared to Kanja Mongoose who has an IQ of 76 and a **10th grade education (or when compared to anyone else for that matter). Kanja Mongoose has way more common sense than Zander Rat ever dreamed of having.
**Kanja Mongoose could not excel in 11th grade academic material. 10th grade was as high as he could go...Of course another factor was a failed school with misbehaved and disruptive students. Kanja's education was from the Turkana County public school system of Rift Valley Province, none of which was from a special school. ______________________________________________________________________ 1916 classification IQ Range ("ratio IQ") / IQ Classification Above 140 Near" genius or genius 120–140 Very superior intelligence 110–120 Superior intelligence 90–110 Normal, or average, intelligence 80–90 Dullness, rarely classifiable as feeble-mindedness 70–80 Border-line deficiency, sometimes classifiable as dullness, often as feeble-mindedness Below 70 Definite feeble-mindedness
1977 classification IQ Range ("deviation IQ") / IQ Classification 131 and above Very superior 121 to 130 Superior 111 to 120 High Average 90 to 110 Average 80 to 89 Low Average 70 to 79 Low 69 and below Very Low
1981 classification IQ Range ("deviation IQ") / IQ Classification 130+ Very Superior 120–129 Superior 110–119 High Average 90–109 Average 80–89 Low Average 70–79 Borderline below 70 Mentally Retarded
1986 classification IQ Range ("deviation IQ") / IQ Classification 132 and above Very superior 121–131 Superior 111–120 High average 89–110 Average 79–88 Low average 68–78 Slow learner 67 or below Mentally retarded
KAIT 1993 IQ classification 130 and above Upper Extreme 120–129 Well Above Average 110–119 Above average 90–109 Average 80–89 Below Average 70–79 Well Below Average 69 and below Lower Extreme
Dr.Zander was a moral imbecile.(I probably said this already)
You stated that IQ tests done with him after his coming out of that coma and before he was deported back to Egypt, showed he was mentally a teen-ager now, and insanity likely explains his stunts during that mercifully short stay at the nursing home in El-Minyah.
I myself was tested twice and both times,showed near-genius IQ. I,however, am now just a shadow of my former self, when it comes to Calculus, writing...
Dr.Zander was a moral imbecile.(I probably said this already) You stated that IQ tests done with hi
Actually, Zander's IQ records were from when he was younger...By the time he emerged out of his coma after the boys fixed him good, Zander would have probably tested at an IQ of between 55 and 60.
Actually, Zander's IQ records were from when he was younger...By the time he emerged out of his coma
Also...Even though Kanja Mongoose and Zander Rat had never met before, Kanja, although having an IQ of 76, would be in all rights had he pointed a finger at Zander and told Zander how stupid he is.
Also...Even though Kanja Mongoose and Zander Rat had never met before, Kanja, although having an IQ
Thomas Wedders or Wadhouse (18th century) had a nose about a foot long and very wide, the rest of his face being practically an afterthought. He was,however, unaware of his singular deformity necause he was microcephalic and described as having the most abject idiocy (IQ 10 or lower ?). The sourse of this info (1) Drs.Gould & Pyle, Curiuousities & anomalies of medicine., (2) Ripley's Believe it or not, and (3) GoogleImages .
Thomas Wedders or Wadhouse (18th century) had a nose about a foot long and very wide, the rest of hi
IQ of 10 or lower...I picture that as someone who has to be led around by the hand everywhere, and can not articulate speech...and making ungodly noises all the time.
IQ of 10 or lower...I picture that as someone who has to be led around by the hand everywhere, and c