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Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?

Scrapbook Memories

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Scrapbook Memories
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A few years back when Kyle had just turned four years old and Caiden was just a tot, this Smith household was still busy as ever. Caiden was starting to crawl around and get into everything like the curious baby he was. Kyle was just trying to be a big cub like his parents and teachers encouraged him to be. Kyle was just recently potty trained too, so he was showing off his super hero undies every chance he got. Well, almost potty trained I guess. He still wore a diaper to naptime and bedtime.

One Summer afternoon, Cheryl had put her two little monsters down for a nap. At the time, both boys shared a room. Caiden slept in his crib and Kyle slept in his race car bed on the other side of the room. About 20 minutes into the nap, both boys were restless. Kyle got up and toddled over to his brother in his sleep shirt and diaper while carrying his stuffed monkey named 'Bonkers'.

"Hiya Caiden. Can't sleep either huh?" asked Kyle as he let the side of Caiden's crib down and picked him up and set him on the ground, "Well since we're not sleepin', let's go find mommy and see if we can go pway."

Caiden giggled as his brother picked him up and carried him out of their room. Kyle carried him to the kitchen and had to stop.

"Phew. You're getting heavy buddy." commented Kyle as he set his brother down.

"bwbwabababa...." babbled Caiden as he clutched his favorite stuffed animal named 'Mooser'.

"What's that Caiden, you want a cookie?" asked Kyle as he translated Caiden's babbling to justify his cookie cravings.

Caiden turned his head and cooed in confusion.

"Mommy is in da other room on the phone so I can get them cause ima big boy." decided Kyle as he moved towards the kitchen counter, "You stay here Caiden, cause you're a baby."

Caiden sat by the fridge and watched his brother climb onto the counter. Kyle set Bonkers by the microwave and hopped up on the counter. He then stood up carefully and opened the cupboard. Kyle grabbed the glass cookie jar and sat down on the edge of the counter. He opened the jar and grabbed a cookie out and threw it to his brother.

"Here you go Caiden!" said Kyle as the cookie landed near the baby.

Caiden grabbed it and started nibbling on it. Kyle grabbed a cookie and started eating too. He got through a few cookie when he was startled by the sound of his mother's voice.

"Kyle! Caiden! Where are you!?" singed Cheryl as she stopped by their room to find that they weren't there.

Cheryl wasn't worried because they usually get up on their own and go play somewhere inside the house.

Kyle's mother's call startled him so much that he lost grip on the cookie jar and it came crashing down the ground and shattered.

Kyle quickly hopped down and made sure that his brother didn't crawl into any pieces of the broken glass.

"Omigosh! Are you two ok?!" asked Cheryl as she rushed into the kitchen to see a broken cookie jar and her two boys safely away from the glass, "What happened?!"

"The cookie jar fell and broke mommy!" explained Kyle quickly.

"It just fell huh? It fell out of the cupboard and on to the ground all by itself....? Are you sure that you didn't break it Kyle?..." asked Cheryl as she went over to her cubs and made sure that there was no glass in their paws.

"No...." panicked Kyle as he pointed to his baby brother, "Caiden did it. He wanted a cookie an' went to get the cookie jar and broke it....See! He even gots a cookie!..."

"Wait wait wait. You're telling me that Caiden, who can barely walk a few steps, climbed up on the counter, picked up the heavy cookie jar, and stole some cookies...." asked Cheryl sternly.

"Yes...." answered Kyle slowly.

"Really. *sigh* Kyle, your monkey, Bonkers, is on the counter and Caiden isn't even tall enough to reach the cookie jar is he was even able to get on the counter." said Cheyrl as she grabbed the stuffed monkey, "I want the truth Kyle. Now."

"OKokok.....I did it mommy. I'm sowwy!" admitted Kyle knowing that his mother had figured it out.

"That's what I thought. Kyle, why did you lie to mommy?" asked Cheryl as she grabbed the cookie from Caiden's paw, picked him up, and put him in the playpen in the other room.

"Cause I didn't wanna get in twouble..." answered Kyle as Caiden started bawling because his cookie was taken from him and he was placed in the playpen.

"...And you thought the best way to get out of trouble was to lie about it?" asked Cheryl as her and Kyle went back to the kitchen and Cheryl grabbed a broom and started sweeping up the mess.

"Yes....I mean I dunno...." sniffled Kyle.

Cheryl cleaned up the mess and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs next to Kyle.

"Kyle, do you know why I'm upset with you?" asked Cheryl

"C-cause I bwoke the cookie jar..." replied Kyle.

"Well that's part of it. Not only do you know that you're supposed to ask me or daddy if you want a cookie or dessert, you know better than to dangerous things like climb on the counter. You could have hurt yourself by falling or you could have hurt yourself or your baby brother with the broken glass. Would you want that?" asked Cheryl calmly.

"No mommy...." answered Kyle.

"What I'm even more upset about is that you decided to lie to me multiple times about what happened. You know better than to lie and that it's always better to tell the truth. Mommy can't trust you if you don't tell the truth. Do you want that?" asked Cheryl as she continued the lecture.

"No mommy..." replied Kyle.

"That's right, we don't want that. Now, because you took cookies without permission and did a dangerous thing, you lost dessert privileges for the rest of the day and tomorrow and you're getting a five minute time-out." decided Cheryl as she grabbed Kyle's paw and brought him close to her, "But because you lied too, you're going to get a spanking before you go to time-out. You know better than to lie and you know the consequences for lying too."

"No mommy! I'll nevah lie again! I'll be a good boy!" pleaded Kyle as his mother untaped his diaper and bent him over her lap.

"I'm sorry baby, but you know that lying is unacceptable. Hopefully, this will remind you the next time you think about lying to me or daddy." explained Cheryl as she spanked his son 10 times on the bare bottom.


"WWWHaAHaHAHAHaaa...." bawled Kyle as his mother finished the spanking and sat him in the 'Corner of Shame'.

Five minutes passed and Cheryl went over to Kyle.

"I'm sowwy mommy! I'll be a good big cub fwom now on!" shouted Kyle as he got up and embraced her before Cheryl could even say anything.

"That's my big cub. All is forgiven and I love you." said Cheryl as she hugged her oldest son back, "Now let's get you in your super hero undies and you can so play."

"Yippee!" shouted Kyle as she wiped away the tears.


Comic by Yookey

male 1,195,909, female 1,085,781, cub 277,517, wolf 193,381, butt 117,509, diaper 78,171, babyfur 39,234, baby 21,307, red 17,623, toddler 10,971, spanking 9,837, pup 7,213, naughty 6,839, lying 6,214, punishment 4,664, cookie 3,466, cry 2,143, bare bottom 1,352, flashback 551, kyle 545, caiden 461, steal 200, corner 177, smith family 155, lie 154, cheryl 140, time out 136, cookie jar 80
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 7 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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7 years, 9 months ago
hahaha awwwwwwww how adorable cubs trying to get a cookie is all ways so much fun to see how adorable <3
7 years, 9 months ago
7 years, 9 months ago
Impressive comic with a very red ending!^^
7 years, 9 months ago
7 years, 9 months ago
Naughty brother and well deserved!Cute comic,hun!
7 years, 9 months ago
Agreed! Thanks!
7 years, 9 months ago
I see that Cheryl even has the sign placed in the corner that reads, "corner of shame".
7 years, 9 months ago
Shame on you Kyle. You could have hurt yourself or your lil brother.
7 years, 9 months ago
He really could have!
7 years, 9 months ago
He didn't it's in the story.
7 years, 9 months ago
you have so play instead of go pay in the story btw.
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