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Happy Birthday Dex!
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Note From Teacher *Story!*

Big Brother's Glasses

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Big Brother's Glasses
Happy Birthday Dex!
Caiden and the Cookie Jar
Happy Birthday Dex!
These are two WAY overdue pictures by the VERY talented
. The level of detail and adorableness of her art is truly amazing. The main reason that it took so long to post them was because I took forever to write a story for them. Well the wait is finally over. Here is 'Note From Teacher'.

Dexter belongs to paddedringtail



“Groan…” said Cheryl to herself as she slammed the alarm off.

It was 6:00 AM Monday morning and it was time to get the day started. Cheryl rolled out of bed and dragged her way downstairs to the kitchen and flipped the coffee maker on. She grabbed one mug from the cupboard and waited for it to brew. After a few minutes the coffee maker rang and Cheryl poured herself a cup of coffee. The coffee hit her lips and it filled her body with a new life. She finished that cup while she was reading the morning paper and went ahead and poured herself another. Typically she would only have one cup in the morning, but these next few days were going to be busier than she would like. The neighbor kid, Dexter, was going to be spending a few days with them while his parents went on a marriage retreat. Usually this wouldn’t be a huge problem, especially since Dexter’s parents gave them a month’s notice, but Mike received a last minute work assignment out of town. This left Cheryl with her oldest son and two toddlers for a few days. Luckily they all attend school so she gets a small break.

     After she finished her second cup, Cheryl went upstairs to get dressed and ready for the day. Cheryl brushed her fur and put on some nicer clothes. The time seemed to just be rolling on by as it was 7:00 AM and time to get the boys up. Cheryl went into Kyle’s room first to wake him up.


“Time to get up Kyle.” Announced Cheryl as she turned the lights on to reveal a groaning cub, “If you had an accident last night, put your Goodnite in the trash bin in the bathroom and take a shower.”

“Yes mama…” said Kyle as he rubbed his eyes.

Cheryl then walked down the hall to get the little ones ready for preschool.


“OK boys, time to- oop! Looks like you two are already awake.” Said Cheryl as she opened the door to find Caiden and Dexter playing quietly on Caiden’s bed with their plushies.

“Morning mommy!” said Caiden cheerfully as he is much more of a morning person than his brother.

“Morning Mrs. Cheryl…” greeted Dexter as well.

“Well good morning to you too. It’s time to get ready for school, go ahead and put your plushies on the bed.” Instructed Cheryl as she made her way into the room and walked over to the diaper-clad four year old cubs.

“Yay! School!” shouted Caiden as he quite enjoyed class. Particularly playtime.

“Race you downstairs Caiden!” challenged Dexter.

“You’re on!-“ accepted Caiden as he and Dexter both were about to head downstairs when they were caught by Cheryl.

“Ah, not so fast you two. First things first. We need to get you both out of your diapers and into training pants and school clothes.” Said Cheryl as she led them both to the changing table.

“Aw man….” Said Caiden and Dexter almost simultaneously.

“Hush hush you two.” Giggled Cheryl as she picked up Dexter and laid him on the changing table, “Caiden, why don’t you go and find some clothes to wear while I change Dexter.”

“OK mommy!” said Caiden as he loved the idea of being a big cub and picking out his clothes. Even if mommy had to turn down some of his suggestions sometimes.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for school Dex.” Said Cheryl as she untapped Dex’s soaked diaper and began to clean him.

“Do we haveta go to school Mrs Cheryl…” whined Dexter as Cheryl wiped his bottom and frontside.

“Of course you do sweety. You’ll learn all sorts of things there and it is a fun time.” Explained Cheryl as she stood the naked raccoon pup up and helped him into his blue Lion King training pants, “Plus Caiden will be there so you’ll always know somebody and have someone to play with.

“Can I wear dis mommy!” said Caiden as he rushed back with a green shirt, pajamas bottoms, and rain boots.

“Well, you can wear the green shirt today, but let’s trade the pajamas pants for jean shorts and rain boots for regular shoes.” Suggested Cheryl as she set Dexter on the ground.

Dexter reached the ground and saw Caiden in only a wet diaper and holding some clothes.

“Nice wet diaper wittle baby. Ima big cub and wear training pants.” Teased Dexter proudly.

“Hey! You was just wearin’ a diapee!” whined Caiden back.

“Enough boys, both of you had a wet diaper this morning and both of you are wearing training pants. Now stop the teasing.” Demanded Cheryl as she picked up Caiden and laid him on the changing table, “Dexter, go get some clothes from your suitcase.”

“Yes, Mrs. Cheryl.” Obeyed Dex as he scurried off to find some clothes.

Cheryl cleaned Caiden and put him in a Pull-up as well. She then set him on the ground just in time for Dexter to come back with his clothes.

“Can I wear dese!?” asked Dexter as he held up a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt.

“You sure can.” Said Cheryl as took Caiden’s paw, “Good job at picking out your clothes, now go ahead and get dressed while I help Caiden find some other pants.”

Dexter beamed with happiness and pride with the compliment. He even stuck his tongue out at Caiden when Cheryl turned around. Caiden saw Dexter do that and pouted.
‘Now he looks like the bigger cub…’ thought Caiden to himself as Dex was able to find the right set of clothes the first time.

Cheryl replaced the pajamas bottoms with jean shorts and brought Caiden’s clothes back to where Dexter was. When they got there, Cheryl noticed that Dexter was having a hard time getting his clothes on.

“Oop, let me help you with that sweety.” Said Cheryl as she helped him snap his pants and put his shirt on, “Ok Caiden- oop! Look at you! You got dressed all by yourself. What a big boy.
Cheryl ruffled his headfur as she collected a few things from their room for their backpacks for school. Caiden teased Dexter right back by sticking out his tongue out. Dexter let out a little ‘hmp’ in response.

“OK boys, go downstairs and sit at the table. It’s time for breakfast.” Announced Cheryl as both boys jolted downstairs.

     The boys rushed downstairs. Caiden and Dex came screaming around the corner and into the kitchen. Caiden beat Dexter by just a hair.

“Ha! Beat you *panting* baby wegs!” teased Caiden as he plopped in his chair.

“Nah uh! I totally won that! You’re the one with the baby head!” shot back Dexter with his clever insult.

“Well if it helps, you’re both babies on account that you’re both wearin’ wittle baby diapees right now.” Insulted Kyle as he used his best baby voice.

“We are NOT babies Kyle!” shouted Caiden.

“Yeah! We’re big boys like you!” chimed in Dexter, “And they’re Pull-Ups, not diapees! Hmp!”

Kyle was about to argue back when Cheryl walked in.

“I hope we’re not arguing and name calling this early in the day…” singed Cheryl as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plates of toast and eggs that she made earlier and passed them out to the boys, “…Because there’s no time for time-outs this morning, so I’d have to dish out spankings instead…”

“Oh, uh…no mommy we were jus playin’…” said Kyle quickly as he shoveled some food into his mouth.

“Y-yeah, jus playin’…” agreed Dexter as he and Caiden both started eating.

“Good boys. That’s what I thought.” Said Cheryl as she sat down with them and started eating, “You ready for that spelling test today Kyle?”

“Uh huh! I studied real hard last night!” said Kyle proudly, “I’ll show you. Flower is spelled F-L-O-W…um…hold on, I know this…E-R! Flower!

“Good job Kyle! That’s how you spell flower. I’m sure you’ll do great on the test.” Complimented Cheryl as she turned to the two toddlers, “Yesterday, I head your teachers say that your class is going to have a super fun craft today!”

“AWESOME!” shouted Caiden as he bounced in his seat.

“I love crafts!...Not as much as playin’ outside, but still fun.” Commented Dexter, “What’s we gonna make?”

“Well, it’ll be a surprise when you get there.” Answered Cheryl as she sipped her coffee, “For now, eat you breakfast so we can get you three to school.”
Dexter nodded and continued to eat his food. The rest of the family ate their food in peace and not long after that, they were all finished.

     “OK boys! Time to get you shoes on and head to school.” Announced Cheryl as she picked up their empty plates and brought them to the counter.

“AHHww…” whined the boys collectively.

“No whining guys.” Said Cheryl as she started putting the plates in the dishwasher, “Go and get your shoes on.”

All three of them went into the living room and started getting their shoes on. Kyle got his on first, on account that he can tie his shoes. Caiden was next on account that he had Velcro shoes. Dexter was last because he had shoes that you had to tie. Dexter insisted that he have ‘big boy’ shoes since he was four years old now. Even though he couldn’t tie them by himself and he, and Caiden, just turned four years old over the last month.

“Mrs CChhEErrllLyyy….I need help!...” shouted Dexter from the living room to the kitchen where Cheryl was finishing up the boys lunchboxes.

‘*sigh* I forgot that his parents caved and let him get tie shoes.’ Thought Cheryl to herself.

“I’ll be in there in a minute Dexter!” replied Cheryl as she finished the lunches.

“Ima bigger cub than you cause I can get my shoes on all by myself.” Teased Caiden proudly.

“Well I’ve got shoes you gotta tie so and not baby Velcro shoes so I’m the bigger cub.” Replied Dexter as Cheryl walked in to the room with their lunches.

“OK Dexter, let’s get these shoes on.” Said Cheryl as she sat in front of him and tied his shoes tight and double-knotted “There. All finished. OK, let’s load up the van.”

     Kyle, Caiden, and Dexter all grabbed their backpacks while Cheryl grabbed their lunchboxes and purse and went to the garage. Cheryl opened the van and Kyle got in first and buckled himself into his booster seat. Dexter climbed into his carseat next and Cheryl quickly buckled him in. Caiden was last and he sat down in his carseat. Cheryl started to buckle him.

“No! I do it!...” whined Caiden as he tried to take the buckles from Cheryl.

“Not today Caiden, we’re running late.” Said Cheryl calmly.

“But I wanna do it…!” pouted Caiden on the verge of tears.

“Caiden. I already told you ‘no’. I need to buckle you today because we are running late. Do you need a spanking for not listening?” asked Cheryl as Caiden let go and shook his head ‘no’.

“Good boy.” Replied Cheryl as she buckled him in and closed the door.

Cheryl got in the front seat, started the car, backed out, and started driving towards the school. Cheryl put on the Lion Guard soundtrack. The toddlers were thrilled, but Kyle…not so much. He just sighed and pouted the whole way there. Luckily for him, it’s not too far of a drive. Cheryl didn’t like it either. She much prefers heavy metal music, but never plays it when the cubs are in the van with her.

     About 20 minutes later they arrived at the elementary school. Cheryl parked and opened the side doors to let the cubs out. Kyle hopped out first with his bag and lunchbox in hand.

“Can I go to class now mommy?” asked Kyle

“You sure can.” Said Cheryl as she gave him a quick hug and kiss, “Have a nice day sweety!”

“Ack! Mom…” whined Kyle playfully as he waved ‘bye’ and headed to his 1st grade class.

The younger boys were still in preschool so Cheryl needed to walk them to class. She unbuckled both of them and helped them out of the car. She then handed them their backpacks and lunchboxes. Cheryl closed the van up and locked the doors. Before they walked inside, Cheryl got down to the boys level to talk to them.

“OK boys, listen up. I want you both to be on your best behavior. I really didn’t like the report that I got yesterday from your teacher, saying that you two weren’t listening or being very nice to the other cubs.” Started Cheryl with a stern look, “I let you off with a warning yesterday, do you know what will happen if this happens again today?”

“We gets in twouble…” answered Dexter.

“…An spankins.” Echoed Caiden.

“That’s right. Even you Dexter, your parents gave me permission to punish you if needed.” Explained Cheryl, “Also, don’t give the teachers any trouble about your Pull-Ups or diapers. Remember, if you have two pee-pee accidents or one messy accident, you’ll automatically be put into diapers the rest of the day. It’s not a punishment; it’s just to prevent you from getting rashes and making a mess. You two have been really good about making the potty during the day at home so try to keep it up here.”

“Yes mommy/Mrs. Cheryl.” said Caiden and Dexter simultaneously.

“Good boys. Now let’s get you to class.” Said Cheryl as she took their paws and lead to them to their classroom.

Most of the cubs in their class were already potty trained. In fact, there were only two other cubs out of the 20 in their class that are still in Pull-Ups. Caiden and Dexter have been late bloomers to say the least. Their parents have finally gotten them into the training pants phase, but not much past that. They have both drawn down on the messy accidents, but are batting .500 with wet accidents. They also both wear at night still and almost always wake up with a soaked diaper.

     They walked down the hall together until they got to the Kindergarten/preschool wing. The school separated the students by grade for the most part. Kyle was in the wing adjacent to them in the 1st/2nd grade
hallway. Cheryl walked the boys to their classroom and was greeted by an overly excited baboon.

“Why hello Caiden and Dexter!” singed the baboon lady.

“Hi Mrs. Papio…” said the boys somewhat uncomfortably.

“OK boys, be good and go and play and learn.” Said Cheryl as she got down and hugged them both and sent them on their way.

“Hello again Mrs. Papio.” Greeted Cheryl as she signed the boys in.

“Hello Cheryl. How are you this morning.” Asked Papio trying to make small talk.

“Oh good as ever.” Said Cheryl with a smile, “Anyway, sorry about the boys behavior yesterday. I talked with them and it shouldn’t be an issue today.”

“Oh, I’m sure it won’t be a problem today. They’re usually pretty well behaved.” Replied Papio.

“Right…” said Cheryl not quite believing that last statement, “Anyways, you have my number so call me if they get out of hand. I put one extra Pull-Up in their backpacks as well as a couple of diapers if you need them. Oh, and I’ll be picking them both up today since Dexter’s parents are out of town.”

“Okey Dokie! You have a nice day Mrs. Smith!” singed Papio as Cheryl started to leave.

“Uh…you too…” said Cheryl as she left.

     Meanwhile, Caiden and Dexter headed straight for the blocks.

“C’mon Dex! Wets build a super big tower!” suggested Caiden.

“Yeah!” agreed Dexter as they both dumped out a box of blocks.

They both started to build a tower with a wall around it while the other cubs started filing into the classroom.

“Whatcha two rascals building?” asked an adult Hog who was one of the two assistant teachers for the class.

“Hiya Mr. Rob! We’re buildin’ a super big tower!” said Caiden excitedly.

“Well it sure looks like it. Would you two like any help?” asked Rob

“No, cause you’d just mess it up Mr. Rob. You’re too big.” Said Dexter as he continued building.

“Well ok then. I’ll go and play with some other cubs.” Replied Mr. Rob politely, “Oh you two can play for a few more minutes, then it’s clean up time because class will start soon.”

“Yes Mr. Rob…” answered the boys in unison.

A little time passed and the boys were still building.

“OK boys and girls! Time to clean up and get ready for class!” announced Mrs. Papio.

“Aww….we’re not finished yet Caiden…” whined Dexter to his friend.

“Wet’s jus keep buildin’ while everyone else cweans up.” Suggested Caiden, “Maybe dey won’t notice.”

“Good idea.” Whispered Dexter as they continued to play.

It didn’t take long for Mrs. Papio to notice that Caiden and Dexter weren’t cleaning and she went over to them.

“OK boys, it’s time to pick up the toys.” Repeated Papio.

“Aww….but Mrs. Papio…We’re not finished…” whined Dexter.

“Yeah, can we pway some more?” asked Caiden.

“No boys. It’s time to clean up. Come on.” Said Papio a little more irritated.

“We don’t wanna.” Huffed Caiden.

“Yeah!” agreed Dexter.

“Boys! Remember out three point system. First it’s a warning, next it’s a time out, and lastly it’s a note home to your parents, and if anything happened after that we would send you home. Do you need your first strike this early in the day?” asked Papio tapping her foot.

“No ma’am…” answered the boys in unison.

“Good, now clean-.. actually…” started Papio before she had another idea, “Come with me. Someone else can clean this up.

‘Yippee!’ thought both boys to themselves.

     “Nikki! Eli! Come with me!” announced Papio as Caiden and Dexter were following her to the bathroom across the hall.

Both Caiden and Dexter groaned as they hated this part of the day and would rather clean up. The class had a restroom in their classroom that they could use. The one across the hall, however, had a changing table in it. A few times a day, one of the teachers would take the cubs whom weren’t fully potty trained yet and checked their pants to see if they needed a change. They would then change them, if needed, and send them back. If they didn’t need a change, the teacher would then sit them on the potty and make them at least try. They would also use the restroom to put cubs in diapers for naptime if they needed it. There were still quite a bit of cubs that needed some sort of protection for naptime.

The four students and teacher entered the bathroom. The four cubs had a little cubby hole with their names on it and changing supplies if they needed it. There was a ‘Koala’ changing table, and a couple of cub sized stalls as well.

“OK cubs, pull your pants down and lift your skirt so I can check your pants. You know the drill.” Instructed Papio as she locked the door.

Caiden, Dexter, and Eli pulled their shorts down revealing their blue Lion Guard Pull-Ups. Nikki lifted her skirt revealing her pink Disney Princess one. Papio went down the line and pulled on the back of their Pull-Ups to see if they were stinky, and felt the front to see it they were wet.

“Good job guys! You’re all clean. Now two of you go into the stall and try to use the potty.” Instructed Papio happily as she was thrilled that she didn’t have to change any diapers this go-around.

Eli and Dexter went first. Eli sat there for only a moment before he used the potty. The rabbit was so happy.

“I used the potty Mrs. Papio!” shouted Eli from his stall.

“Great…Do you need help?” asked Papio.

“No, I can do it!” said Eli as he finished up, flushed, and left the stall so Nikki could go.

“You doing ok in there Dexer?” asked Papio

“Uh huh! I…uh…ima tryin…” answered Dexter.

Not too long after that both Nikki and Dexter finished. Dexter came out of the stall with a victorious look on his face and announced that he too had used the potty. Nikki was more lady like and didn’t reveal what she had done.

“OK Caiden, you’re the last one.” Said Papio as she shoved Caiden into the stall.

Caiden sat on the toilet for a few minutes. After a bit of grunting he went poopy in the potty.

“Mrs. Papio! Mrs. Papio! I went poopy in the potty!” shouted Caiden proudly.

“*Sigh* Great…” cheered Papio with less enthusiasm as now she had to help Caiden wipe.

She went in there, helped Caiden, and then shuffled him out.

“Wash your hands boys and girl.” Instructed Papio as they all complied, “Let’s go back to class now.”

     The potty training crew marched back to class to find the rest of their classmates starting to sit at the arts and crafts table.

“OK boys and girls! We’re going to start the day off with arts and crafts! Everybody find theirs seats.” Announced the pretty leopard whose name is Pardus and serving as the other assistant teacher.

There was a mix of groaning and cheering from the class as they all obeyed and sat in their seats. Caiden loved arts and crafts time. Mainly because he got to make a mess. Dexter was not as fond of it as Caiden, but enjoyed it nonetheless. The boys sat next to each other and waited for instructions.

“OK everyone. We’re going to be making macaroni art today!” said Miss Pardus as she pulled out a couple boxes of elbow noodles.

“Yay!” cheered the class as the other teachers passed out some construction paper and glue.

“We don’t have enough noodles for everyone to have their own box so you will all have to share.” Instructed Miss Pardus.

Caiden and Dexter were both given one box to share. Everyone started to make their macaroni art. Caiden went more for the abstract art and just started slathering his picture with glue and randomly placing macaroni on his paper. Dexter was more constructive with his. Dexter was more careful and actually tried to make a picture with his. He was trying to make a house today. Time went on and both boys were being good and making their art quietly. Suddenly, Caiden felt that familiar urge and had to use the restroom once again.

“Oh teacher! Teacher!” shouted Caiden as he shot his paw in the air to get one of their attentions.

“What’s wrong Caiden?” asked Mr. Rob as he was the closest to him.

“I gots tah go potty!” said Caiden as he stood up and did the ‘potty dance’

“Again!? You just went- oh nevermind, come on let’s go.” Said Mr. Rob as he grabbed Caiden’s paw and lead him to the potty in the classroom.

Unfortunately for Caiden, he released his bladder on the way there and flooded his Pull-Up. They arrived in the restroom and Mr. Rob closed the door behind them.

“You don’t have to come in here with me Mr. Rob. I can do it by myself.” Said Caiden rather quickly as they got in there.

“Sorry bud. I’ve got to be in here. You can go into the stall by yourself, but I’ve gotta check your pants when you’re done.” Replied Mr. Rob

“But…But…” stammered Caiden

“Caiden…Did you have an accident?..” inquired Mr. Rob.

“No!...” shouted Caiden.

“Well, you don’t seem like you’re in a real hurry to use the potty now and you’re not wanting me in here.” Stated Mr. Rob, “I’m going to check your pants before or after your use the potty. The quicker you let me check you, the quicker we can get back to arts and crafts.”

“Fine…I went pee-pee in my Pull-Up….” Whispered Caiden.

“That’s ok Caiden. Accidents happen.” Said Mr. Rob encouragingly, “Now, let’s go to the other bathroom and get you cleaned up.”

“Ok.” Agreed Caiden begrudgingly as he waddled with the Hog, “…But DON’T tell Dexy!”

“You’re secret is safe with me.” Said Mr. Rob as he made a zipping motion with his paw over his mouth.

They both made their way out of the bathroom and into the hallway towards the other bathroom. Dexter looked back when he thought Caiden was coming back, but noticed that they were going to the hallway. Dexter grinned devilishly at the thought of not having an accident that day unlike his best friend Caiden.
They arrived in the other restroom and Rob opened the changing table, picked up Caiden, and sat him on it. The assistant teacher then went and grabbed a new Pull-Up and changing supplies from Caiden’s cubby.

“I’m sure you know the rules by now, but I have to tell you anyways.” Started Rob as he returned with the supplies and laid Caiden down and pulled his shorts down revealing his soaked Pull-Up, “Since this is your first wet accident today, you get another chance in Pull-Ups. If you have an accident of any kind (except during naptime) you’ll be put back into a diaper for the rest of the day. You won’t be in trouble; it just means that today wasn’t a good potty day for you. Understand?”

“Yes Mr. Robb….” Sighed Caiden as he has heard this speal before.

“Good pup. Now let’s get you into some clean pants.” Said Mr. Rob as he tore the sides of Caiden’s Pull-Up, “Wow, you really soaked this one.”

Caiden folded his arms and huffed at the comment.

Rob wiped, powdered, and slid a new Pull-Up on Caiden.

“There. All done.” Announced the hog as he pulled Caiden’s shorts up and stood him on the ground, “Now, let’s get you back to class.
Rob closed the changing table, threw the soaked Pull-Up in the trash bin, and washed his hands. They then exited the restroom and headed to the class.

“Mr. Rob?” asked Caiden as they entered the classroom, “Can I have my sippy cup?”

“Well, you’re probably running on empty after that so yes.” Said Rob as he grabbed Caiden’s sippy cup from his bag and handed it to him, “Just be sure to tell us if you have to use the potty.”

Caiden shook his head as he grabbed his cup and started drinking. Shortly after Caiden arrived back in his seat. The class was still working on their project so he didn’t miss too much.

“Welcome back Caiden.” Greeted Dexter who had a mischievous smile on his face.

“Uh, tanks.” Said Caiden cautiously as he gulped his drink, “I, uh…hads ta go potty.”

“SSSssUUuuRReee you did….” Said Dexter as he put the finishing touches on his macaroni house, “…In your Pull-Up wike a baby…”

“I’m notta baby and I did not!” shouted Caiden

“Yes you did. Da teacher tooks you to the other potty which means you peeped your pants.” Teased Dexter snarkly.

“Nah uh!...The-the oter potty hads someones in it.” Lied Caiden, “An I didnts have an accident. See I gots Pull-Ups on.”

Caiden quickly flashed his Pull-up to Dexter.

“Jus means dat you got changed wike a wittle baby.” Continued Dexter as he turned to Caiden’s art, “See, even your picture is babyish. Mine wooks WAY better.”

Caiden has had it at this point. Usually they would start brawling at this point, but Caiden took a different route this time. He opened his sippy cub and ‘accidently’ spilled it all over Dexter’s picture.

“Oopsy…” said Caiden with a smirk.

“HEY! You did that on purpose you fat meanie butt faced baby puppy!” shouted Dexter as he grabbed Caiden’s picture and ripped it.

“Stop it you pee pee footed stealing no good trash panda!” shouted back Caiden as he gave Dexter a shove.

“Stop it right there you two!” intervened Mrs. Papio before a fight could break out. She grabbed both of their paws and led them to the other side of the room.

“What is going on you two?!” asked Papio sternly as she crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

“Dexter started it by callin me a baby an names.” Started Caiden.

“Well, Caiden spilled his juice on my picture on purpose!” followed Dexter.

“It wasn accident!” shot back Caiden.

“Oh, like the one you had in your pants earlier…?” asked Dexter sarcastically.

“OK! I’ve heard enough. You’re both clearly at fault.” Decided Papio as she stopped them from arguing even further, “It doesn’t matter who started it, the fact is you both were calling each other some really bad names. You two both know better than to use naughty words in class. Don’t you?”

Both boys nodded.

“That’s what I thought. I have no choice but to give you both your first strike.” Said the baboon.

“Nooo….” Whined both boys.

“Yes. This is your first strike and final warning. If either of you get in trouble again, it’s straight to time-out. Understand?” asked Papio

Both boys nodded again.

“Good, now everyone is cleaning up and getting ready for the next thing on our schedule. I suggest you go help and be on you best behavior.” Instructed Papio as the boys walked back to the rest of the class and started helping clean.

     “OK everyone. Now that we’ve cleaned up, everyone go and sit on the story rug because it’s time for our story!” announced Rob as the whole class got excited.

Everyone rushed over to the rug and waited impatiently for Rob to come over there with the book of the day. Rob came back with “The Little Engine That Could” and sat down.

“OK class, today’s story is, ‘The Little Engine That Could’.” Said Mr. Rob as most of the class was thrilled that story was chosen.

“AAAwww….I already know dat story…” whined Dexter.

“Well not everyone has so you’ll get to hear it again.” Explained Rob as Dexter caught Mrs. Papio’s glare from the other side of the room and settled down.

Rob started the story and everyone got quiet, but it didn’t take long for the class to get involved.

“…And what did the Little Engine say when he tried to climb the hill this time?...” asked Rob to the class.

“I tink I can! I tink I can!” shouted the class, even Dexter.

“That’s right everyone!” cheered Rob.

After a few more minutes of doing that the story was finished.

“Do anoter one Mr. Robby!” shouted Caiden.

“Oh not today boys and girls. We have to move on to our next activity.” Said the Hog as he got up and the class let out a collective groan.

“We’re going to take a 10 minute break so you can all go play. After the break we’re going to learn a little bout numbers.” Declared Miss Pardus as the class dispersed, “Nikki! Eli! Caiden! Dexter! Come with me please!”

“AAwww…..but we wanna play….” Whined Caiden and Dexter.

“You can after you all try the potty.” Said Pardus as she grabbed their paws and led them to the restroom.

“Phew. I think one of you didn’t quite make it.” Deduced Pardus after she closed the door.

They all dropped their pants or lifted their dress. Dexter was a little worried now. He didn’t think that he pooped his pants but now he wasn’t entirely sure. Pardus went down the line and passed over Dexter and Caiden. Both of whom were relieved.

“Oh no Nikki. What happened? You’ve been doing so well.” Asked Pardus as she found the culprit.

“I d-din’t wanna miss stowy time…” whispered Nikki who was one of the youngest and smallest in the class.

“Well making the potty is more important ok?” assured Pardus as she took Nikki to the side and shuffled the boys to the stalls, “Go ahead and try to use the potty while I take care of Nikki.”

The boys obeyed and went into the stalls. None of them ended up going but tried nonetheless. As they were trying they could head Pardus conversation to Nikki.

“OK Nikki, you know that you have to wear diapers the rest of the day now…” lectured Pardus as she cleaned the skunk.

Not much later, they were all finished and Pardus stood Nikki on the ground. Since Nikki was wearing a poofy dress, no one could tell that she was even wearing a diaper.

“You can all go back to class now.” Instructed Pardus as she stayed behind to clean up.

     They all arrived back to find that playtime had ended and everyone was at their chairs again. Mrs. Papio had passed everyone out a worksheet.

“We’re going to work on our counting today.” Started Mrs. Papio as the class looked at their paper that had different sets of shapes and pictures, “We’re going to start by looking for the green triangle. Can anyone tell us which one that is?”

“Oh I know Ms. Papio!” raised Billy the Anteater’s hand as Papio picked him, “Um….it’s dis one!”

“Oh, I’m sorry Billy, but that’s not correct. That shape is green, but it has too many sides. The shape that we’re looking for has 3 sides. Can you try and find it now?” encouraged the head teacher.

“Um…1..2..3..4-nope…” counted Billy to himself as he went down his page, “Oh, it’s this one!”

“That’s right Billy! Good job!” praised Papio, “Now, let’s all count together.”

The rest of the class joined in and they continued to do this until the worksheet was complete.

“Great job everyone!” said Papio as she collected the papers, “For our next block, which is science, we’re going to watch a video!”

The class cheered when this was announced.

Rob set up the DVD player and put in the DVD. Today’s video was The Magic School Bus.
The video started and the class was dead quiet. Caiden sipped on his sippy cup that had recently been refilled as he sat next to his best bud and watched the video. About 20 minutes in, nature called Caiden as he has sucked down one and a half sippy cups of juice since he had been in class. He really had to go potty, and was now shifting and trying to hold it. He didn’t want to miss any of the video.
‘I’ll just let a little out. The teachers will never even be able to tell.’ Thought Caiden to himself as he released.
Unfortunately it doesn’t really work that way and Caiden ended up flooding his Pull-Up for the second time.
‘Oh no!’ thought Caiden as he hoped that he didn’t leak, ‘Maybe they won’t check….’
Caiden didn’t leak but pushed his britches to max capacity.
Another ten minutes went by and the video ended.

“Did you all enjoy the video?!” asked Papio enthusiastically as the class responded with a resounding ‘yes!’ , “Well I’m glad. It’s almost lunch time so you all can go play until then.”

     The class dispersed and went to different corners of the classroom to go play. Caiden followed Dexter but didn’t get too far as he was caught by Pardus.

“Hold on Caiden. I want to talk to you real quick.” Said Pardus as Dexter continued on, “I noticed that you were sucking down your sippy cup. We don’t want you having another accident so let’s go try and sit on the potty.”

“Oh-…Ok.” Stammered Caiden as he followed Pardus outside.

“Here let me help you with your britches real quick.” Suggested the leopard after the locked the door to the restroom.

“No!” said Caiden sharply, “I mean, I can dos it.”

“I know you’re a big boy, but the faster we get you on the toilet, the faster you can go back to playing.” Explained Miss Pardus as she went ahead and pulled his jeans down revealing his drooping Pull-Up, “Oh Caiden. Is this why you wanted to do it yourself?”

Caiden nodded as his lip quivered.

“It’s ok sweety, accidents happen. You need to tell us though. We don’t want you to get an owie rash.” Said Pardus soothingly, “C’mon, let’s get you changed.”

The assistant teacher led Caiden to the changing table and sat him on it. She went and grabbed a diaper and some changing supplies.

“NNooo…” whined Caiden at the sight of the diaper, “I dun wanna wear a diapee….”

“I know honey, but you know the rules. This is your second accident today, so you have to wear one. You’re not being punished and no one will know but us. Now lay down.” Explained the leopard calmly as she went to lay him down but met resistance from the toddler.

“No! Ima big boy an big boys dun wear diapees! It was jus an accident! I won’t do it again!...” pleaded Caiden on the verge of tears.

“No Caiden. You’re going to wear a diaper now. There is no getting out of it. This is so you don’t leak and/or get rashes. Now lay down.” Said Pardus a little more sternly.

“Nonononono!!!....” pushed back Caiden as he was starting a temper tantrum.

“It’s happening whether you like it or not.” Said Pardus as she laid him down and strapped him in, “Now stop fussing or you’ll find yourself with your second strike and in time-out after this.”

“No! Ah! Whhaa….” Cried Caiden as he kicked and struggled as Pardus tried to clean him.

“OK Caiden. I warned you. You’re getting your second-oof!- strike now and going straight to time out after I put this diaper on.” Decided Pardus as she wrestled the diaper on and pulled his pants up and set him down. “If you take your diaper off, we’re going to call your mommy. Do you want that?”

Caiden shook his head no as he plopped his butt on the floor and bawled.

Pardus cleaned the changing area and washed her paws. Once she was done, she took the sniffling toddler by the paw to the classroom and stood him in the naughty corner. Caiden stood there for four minutes as he calmed himself down. At the end of four minutes Pardus went over to him.

“Caiden, do you know why you got your second strike and got put in time-out?” asked Pardus.

“C-cause I wasn good when you was, um…changin’ me. *sniff*” explained Caiden.

“Mm-hm, you weren’t listening and you decided to throw a temper tantrum. Like I said earlier, we weren’t punishing you by putting you in different pants. You decided to not act like a big cub when you started not listening or throwing a fit. Do you think that you are supposed to do that?” asked the leopard.

Caiden shook his head ‘no’.

“That’s right, now I or any of the other teachers don’t want to have to talk you about your behavior today. If we do, it’ll be your third strike. Do you know what will happen if you get another strike?” lectured Pardus.

“You wite a wetter to my mommy…” answered Caiden.

“That’s right and we don’t want to have to do that, so be good now.” Replied Pardus, “You can go play with your friends now.”

Caiden ran out of the corner and back to Dexter.

“Welcome back diapee baby….” Smirked Dexter as Caiden arrived.

“Ugh! Shut up Dexy!” whispered Caiden sharply as he was moments away from decking his raccoon friend when Rob made an announcement.

“Lunch time everyone!” shouted Rob.

     Caiden and Dexter went and grabbed their lunchboxes from their cubbys and walked to the lunch tables. They sat down at a table with Eli and Jax.

“Hiya Caiden. Hi Dexy.” Greeted Jax the capuchin.

“Hey guys.” Said Dex as Caiden just sat quietly.

“What were ya doin’ in time-out Caiden?” asked Eli as he opened his lunch and pulled out some carrot sticks and a juice box.

“Nuth-“ started Caiden before he was cut off by Dexter.

“Caiden wet his Pull-Up again den cried about it…” teased Dexter as he pulled on Caiden’s waistband revealing his diaper momentarily.

Caiden slapped Dexter’s paw away and slugged his arm. Luckily for Caiden, none of the teachers saw him do that and Dexter didn’t start crying and just rubbed his arm. Caiden then glared at Dexter and motioned towards Jax, who was potty trained and Caiden thought that he didn’t know about them.

“Ouch!” yelped Dexter, “I was jus playin’. Besides, Jax already knows about our pants and doesn’t care!”

“He’s right. I dun care. I won’t make fun of your baby-…training pants if you don’t make fun of my big glasses.” Offered Jax as adjusted his oversized glasses and ate his banana.

“*sigh* fine.” Said Caiden, “You dun gotta make fun of me though!”

“Okokok….Keep your diapee on.” Continued Dexter, “Not everyone can be as big of cubs as us three.”

Caiden let those last comments go and opened his lunch. Caiden pulled out string cheese, apple slices, cookies, and a PB&J sandwich. Dexter pulled out the same spread, and they all started eating.

“Yucky. Apples.” Commented Dexter as he started with his cookies and nothing else.

“Did you guys see da Matbat show wast night?” asked Jax.

“Yeah! It was so cool!” replied Caiden.

“I loved it how he chased down da Mad Catter and twicked him with dat ball of yarn.” Added Dexter as his stomach started to churn.

Dex had to go #2, but didn’t want to leave the Manbat conversation. So he thought that if he went in his Pull-Up, that he could clean it up next potty break and no one would know.

“Oops.” Said Dexter as he accidently knocked his napkin on the floor, “I’ll get it.”

Dex got out of his chair and went under the table. He positioned himself and filled the back of his Pull-Up. The carefully got back up and sat down softly.

“Ah, so where were we?” asked Dexter feeling better.

“We’re talkin’ about our math lesson fwom earlier. My favorite shape is a square. What’s yours?” answered Eli as the Manbat conversation had passed.

“Oh, um circle or whatever…” replied Dexter disappointedly.

They continued eating and chatting. Eventually Dexter’s stench caught Caiden’s nose.

“Ew, what’s dat smell…?” asked Caiden as he plugged his nose.

“Oh, itwasme….I tooted.” Lied Dexter trying to play it off.

“Are you sur-“ started Caiden before he was cut off by his friend.

“Yes!” said Dexter Sharply.

“OK ok, sheesh.” Said Caiden, “Dun eat so much trash, trash panda.”

Dexter huffed and finished off his cookies and was about to put the rest of his food in his lunchbox when Rob came over.

“Hey guys, how’s lunch going?” asked the hog as he looked around the table to see if they had all ate their food.

“Good! We was talkin’ about shapes an’ Manbat!” said Eli enthusiastically.

“Oh nice! I love Manbat.” Commented Rob as he had a little nerd in him, “Dexter, you’ve still got a lot of food to eat. Why don’t you start on those apples?”

“Um, no tanks Mr. Rob. I’m kinda full.” said Dexter

“Full already? Weird it’s like you only ate your cookies.” Observed Rob sarcastically, “Well you can’t go and play outside for recess if you don’t finish most of your food, so I suggest you start.”

“Aw! No fair!!” shouted Dexter

“Yes it is Dexter. If you don’t eat most of your lunch, then we think you’re not feeling well and have to put you down for a nap early. Is that what you want?” asked Rob.

“But I feel fine!!” complained Dexter.

“Good, then you can finish you’re apples or sandwich and go play in a little bit.” Said Rob calmly.

“No!” huffed Dexter.

“You’re inching closer and closer to a time-out and a second strike…” warned the hog.

“I’m not gonna eat it!” shouted Dexter as he knocked his lunchbox on the floor.

“That’s it. It’s time-out and a second strike for you Dexter.” Decided Rob as he went around to Dexter and grabbed him by his arm, “*Sniff-sniff* What’s that smell?”

“Dats Dexy, he has gas.” Ratted Caiden as he smirked at his friend.

“Oh really…” stated Rob as he pulled on the back of Dexter’s trousers confirming his suspicions, “Change of plans. We’re going to go to the bathroom first…”

“Nonono!...” pleaded Dexter as he was begin dragged to the bathroom, “I’ll be a good cub! I’ll eat my food and stuff! Please dun put me in time-out!”

“Sorry bud. You had your chance.” Said Rob as they left the room and Dexter continued to try and bargain with him.

“I don’t think that he jus had gas…” said Caiden to Eli and Jax as they shrugged and continued to eat.

About five minutes later, a crying Dexter and aggravated Mr. Rob emerged into the classroom and went straight for the corner. Mr. Rob put the teary eyed raccoon cub in the corner and stood by. A few minutes later he was let out of time-out and talked to by Mr. Rob. Dexter was then escorted back to the table where Caiden, Jax, and Eli were cleaning up.

“OK boys, you three can go play outside. Dexter will stay with me until he finishes his food.” Explained Mr. Rob as he and Dex sat down.

“OK Mr. Rob!” said the other boys as they headed outside.

Dexter pulled out the apple slices and begrudgingly ate them. It took a few minutes but he managed to eat them all.

“I’m all done Mr. Rob…” said Dexter quietly.

“Good boy. Now was that easier than arguing and being disrespectful?” asked Rob.

“Yes sir…” replied Dexter.

“That’s what I thought. You and Caiden are skating on thin ice right now. One more strike and you both get a letter home. Do you want that?” asked Rob.

Dexter shook his head ‘no’.

“Good, because I don’t want to have that happen either.” Said Rob as he took Dexter’s lunchbox, “Now go and play outside.”

Dexter got up and ran outside to catch up with Caiden and the others.

     Dexter got outside and looked around for the others. He saw Eli and Jax in the sandbox and ran to them.

“Have you seen Caiden?” huffed Dexter.

“He went to go pway by himself.” Answered Eli.

“I tink he’s by da slides.” Added Jax.

“Thanks.” Said Dexter as he went towards the slides.

He got over there and saw that Caiden was at the top of one of the slides.

“Dexy!” shouted Caiden as he spotted him too and slid down the slide, “WWeee…! Hiya.”

Dexter just glared at Caiden.

“Now whos da diapee baby?...” teased Caiden.

“You are still!” yelled Dexter.

“So are you!” replied Caiden as he pulled Dexter’s pants down a little revealing a white disposable diaper.

“Hey!” shouted Dexter as he pulled his pants back up and punched Caiden’s arm, “That’s for tellin’ on me for havin’ a poopy butt!”

“Ouch!...” winced Caiden as he rubbed his arm and smirked, “I thought yous jus had gas….”

“Grr…shut up you!” huffed Dexter.

“Tee hee. Well now dat we’re both diapee butts whatcha wanna do?”

“Dun call us that….” Grumbled Dexter as he hiked his pants up as to try and hide the diaper more, “Well, you wanna go play with the chalk?”

“Yeah! Dats fun!” answered Caiden as the both ran towards the blacktop where the bucket of chalk was.

Both of the cubs arrived on the blacktop to find that Nikki was already playing with the chalk.

“Hi guys. Wanna draw too?” asked Nikki sweetly.

“Yeah, but we’re gonna draw over here cause we dun wike ‘tinky wittle girls!” said Caiden harshly.

“Yeah!” agreed Dex.

“Fine!” yelled Nikki as she went back to her drawings.

Caiden and Dex both grabbed a few sticks of chalk from the bucket. They went to the other side of the blacktop and started drawing.

“Wook Dexy! I drew a dinorawr!” growled Caiden playfully.

“Whoah! Dats awesome!” complimented Dexter as he moved out of the way to show Caiden, “Ima drawin’ a sea monster an robot fightin’!”

“Wow! Dats weally good! Way better dan mine!” praised Caiden as Dexter had way more artistic talent than Caiden and it showed in their pictures, “Hmmm…I need more colors.”

“Me too!” agreed Dexter, “Wets go get da bucket. The ‘tinky girl doesn’t need its.”

Caiden and Dexter went back to Nikki and grabbed the bucket.

“Hey! I had dat firsts!” shouted Nikki as she grabbed the bucket as well.

“We wants it now!” said Caiden back.

“We cans share, but the bucket was here first!” tugged Nikki.

“No! ‘tinky skunk girls can’t haves it cause we wants it!” shouted Dexter logically as he tugged back.

“Ima not stinky an you can’t take dem all!” pulled Nikki.

“Yes we can!” shouted Caiden as he shoved Nikki to the ground.

Nikki plopped on the ground and started to tear up.

“Aw you gonna cry wittle ‘tinky skunk baby…” teased Caiden.

“You’re a meanie an ima tellin’ Mrs. Papio!” threatened the teary-eyed Nikki as she stood up.

“Aw…you gonna tell on us wike a wittle diapee baby….” Teased Dexter as he lifted her skirt revealing her soaked diaper to the other cubs in the area, “Aw…No one is gonna believe a wittle baby cub….”

“Caiden! Dexter! Just what do you think you are doing?!?!” shouted Papio as she was rushing over to them.

“Oh- uh…noting Mrs. Papio…” lied Caiden.

“Y-yeah, we was jus playin’…” lied Dex as well.

“That’s not what I saw!” replied Papio as Nikki came running over to her bawling.

“CaidenandDexweremakinfunofmeanstealingdachalkanpushedmeancalledmenamesanananshowedeveryonemydiapee!...” bawled Nikki uncontrollably.

“I know sweety. I saw….It’s ok now. I’m here…” soothed Papio as Pardus came over, “Could you please see Miss Nikki inside and clean her up?”

“Yes ma’am.” Answered the leopard as she picked up Nikki, “Come on sweety, let’s get you cleaned up.”

“W-we’re sorry Mrs. Papio…It wasn accident…” said Caiden softly.

“An accident!? I saw you two. You both did this on purpose.” Said Papio sternly as she grabbed their ears and headed towards the classroom lecturing them along the way, “Bullying is a VERY serious offense here and we will NOT tolerate it!”

“Owowow….We’re sorry Mrs. Papio…We’ll be good an nevah do it again!” cried Dexter as they arrived in the classroom.

“I am very disappointed in the both of you! Picking on a student is bad enough, but you two took it further and pushed her and revealed her diaper. How would you like it if that happened to you!?” lectured Papio.

“We wouldn’t…” answered Caiden and Dexter.

“Exactly. I’ve had enough of both of your bad behavior. This was the last straw. You’re both getting a letter home to your parents.” Started Papio as she led to one of the naughty corners, “On top of that I’m sending you both home for the day. We DO NOT tolerate bullying in the classroom. You both can come back tomorrow when you learn to behave yourselves.

“Nooo…!” whined Caiden as she dropped Dexter off at one corner and led Caiden to the other, “Pwease dun send us home….!”

Caiden’s pleas were ignored as Papio walked to her desk.

“You can both stand in the corner until Mrs. Smith arrives to pick you up.” Announced Papio as Caiden and Dexter started crying.

A short time passed and Papio came around and safety pinned a letter, stating all the naughty things that they did today, to their shirts.

“I gave Mrs. Smith a call. She’ll be here shortly and she is NOT happy with you two.” Commented Papio as she returned to her desk.

Caiden and Dexter stood there nervously and quietly.

     A few minutes later the rest of the class came back in and started getting ready for naptime. A few of the cubs went into the other restroom to get their protection on while the rest got their mats. Not much later everyone was ready and they quickly started falling asleep. While everyone was doing that Caiden and Dexter were still in time-out.
Ten minutes later, Cheryl arrived at the door and was greeted by Papio. They chatted for a little bit. After their conversation ended, Cheryl went and grabbed the two trouble makers out of time-out and pulled them into the hallway with Papio.

“This behavior is unacceptable Caiden and Dexter. You two are in BIG trouble and I’m very disappointed in the both of you.” Started Cheryl, “Apologize to Mrs. Papio this instant.”

“We’re sowwy Mrs. Papio…” said Caiden.

“Yeah, we’re weally sowwy for bein’ naughty…” echoed Dexter.

“Apology accepted boys. I would have you apologize to Nikki as well, but she’s napping.” Said Papio, “You can apologize to her tomorrow. You both can come back tomorrow, but I expect your behavior to vastly improve. Understand?”

“Yes Mrs. Papio…” said both boys.

“Their behavior will be MUCH better tomorrow. I’ll see to it.” Assured Cheryl as she grabbed Caiden’s and Dex’s wrist, “Again, I’m real sorry for this.”

“It’s ok. Let’s just try and not let this happen again.” Said Papio as Cheryl and the boys left.

     Mommy…” said Caiden softly as they made their way to the van.

“Hush Caiden. I don’t want to hear a peep out of either of you. I’m very disappointed in both of you. We’ll talk about this when we get home.” Snapped Cheryl as they arrived at the van and she strapped both of the whimpering cubs in their carseats.

Cheryl backed the van out and drove home. The car ride was quiet and awkward with no music. After a short time, they arrived back at the house and Cheryl let both Caiden and Dexter out of their carseats. The boys grabbed their bags and followed Cheryl inside. They just got inside the door and Cheryl turned to them.

“You two stay right here. I’ll be right back.” Ordered Cheryl as she took the note off of Caiden’s shirt and went into the other room.
Caiden and Dexter nervously took off their backpacks and put them on the floor or changing table. Cheryl went into the other room and grabbed the spanking paddle and put it in her back pocket and returned to the boys.

“*Ahem*” started Cheryl as she cleared her throat and opened the note to read it out loud,

“Dear Mrs. Cheryl,
I am writing this note to inform you that your son, and Dexter, have not behaved well in school today. Both of them started out arguing and calling each other bad words during our art project resulting in both of their first strike. Their misbehavior continued when Caiden threw a temper tantrum over having to wear a diaper, as he had wet his Pull-Up twice this morning. As a result Caiden was given his second strike and a time-out. Not much later, Dexter refused to eat most of his lunch and disrespected Mr. Rob. As a result, after Dexer was changed into a diaper for pooping in his Pull-Up, he was sent to time-out and given his second strike. Their poor behavior peaked at recess. Both boys teased and pushed a little girl because she was playing with a toy that they wanted. As a result, they were given their third strike and sent home. Please see that their behavior improves so that we may have a positive learning environment.

Mrs. Papio “

“What do you have to say for yourselves?” asked Cheryl sternly as she put the paper to her side.

“We’re sowwy mommy…” said Caiden as he started tearing up.

“Weally sowwy Mrs. Cheryl.” Echoed Dexter as he tucked his tail between his legs.

“What were you two thinking!? Caiden, what did I tell you this morning about wearing a diaper? Was it a punishment?” asked Cheryl.

“No mommy…” answered Caiden.

“So you decided to throw a temper tantrum about it?! Unacceptable Caiden. They’re just trying to help you.” Lectured Cheryl as she turned to Dexter, “Dexter, are you supposed to eat all your food when it’s given to you?”

“Yes ma’am..” answered Dexter.

“Yet you refused to eat your food and be disrespectful to one of your teachers? Not a good choice young man. Not at all.” Continued Cheryl, “Bickering and using naughty words? How old are both of you?”

“four…” answered the toddlers.

“Exactly and you are both acting like two year olds. What were the words that you said?” inquired Cheryl.

“Trash Panda…” answered Caiden.

“Fat butt face…” answered Dex.

“Hm, all of those words I’ve told you weren’t supposed to use didn’t I?” asked Cheryl sternly as both boys nodded ‘yes’, “I think I’ll have to clean your mouths out just to make sure you remember.

“Nooo…” whined both cubs.

“Hush!” said Cheryl, “The last one is what is really upsetting. Bullying? A little girl. That is VERY naughty. Why would you do that?”

“W-we wanted tah pway wit one of her toys…” answered Dexter.

“And you thought calling her names and pushing her down was the right way to go about that.” Asked Cheryl.

“I didn’t push her Caiden did!” pointed Dexter.

“Well you showed everyone her diaper!” shot back Caiden.

“Enough! What both of you did was VERY wrong. Do you understand that? You could have hurt that girl and she didn’t even do anything. Bullying is not acceptable at school and it’s not acceptable here either. Not even with your parents Dexter.” Lectured Cheryl.

“Yes mommy…” said Caiden.

“Yes Mrs. Cheryl…” said Dexter.

“Good. Now you two go straight up to Caiden’s room. I’ll be up there in a minute to continue our conversation.” Said Cheryl as she pulled out the paddle with her other paw and put it on her hip.

“No! Pwease mommy-…” started Caiden before he was cut off.

“Upstairs! March!” said Cheryl sternly as she pointed up the stairs.

     Both cubs obeyed as they made their way to Caiden’s room. They both stood in the middle of the room quietly and waited. Not much longer, Cheryl came in and sat on Caiden’s bed.

“You two are about to get the spanking of your life.” Said Cheryl, “Both of you take off your pants. Dexter, you’re first.”

Caiden and Dexter obeyed and took off their pants, leaving them in a shirt and diaper. Dexter slowly made his way to Cheryl. Cheryl quickly pulled on the back of his diaper to make sure he hadn’t pooped and then proceeded to untape it and set it aside.

“Pwease Mrs. Cheryl! I’ll be a good boy! Jus put me in time-outs or no dessert or early bedtime! Jus dun ‘pank me! Give me anoter chance…!” begged Dexter as he was laid over Cheryl’s lap.

“I gave you both another chance yesterday and you both threw it back at me. I’m going to tan both of your hides as reminder of what happens when you act up in school.” Replied Cheryl as she brought the paddled down on Dexter’s bare bottom.


“Ow! OWIE!...” shouted Dexter as the spanking began.

“I, nor your parents, will tolerate being disrespectful or disobedient to your teachers or other grown ups young man.” Lectured Cheryl as she landed four more swats.


“AH! OH! Mrs. Cheryl! OWIE! ILL be good! I’ll be ggoooddd….wwwaahhh…” yelped Dexter as his bottom was on fire.

“I’m sure you will.” Said Cheryl between the swats, “We also won’t allow bullying to go unpunished.”


“WWHhhha…..” cried Dexter as the tears rolled down his face.

“Making fun of little girls and pushing them around. I’m very shocked and disappointed. Especially since you both wear diapers too.” Continued Cheryl as she laid five more swats down.


“WWWHAHHWWAHA…..” bawled Dexter as he kicked his legs and beat his arms.

“Are we going to do any of those things again?” asked Cheryl as Dexer nodded his head ‘no’, “Good, because if it does and you’re at my house, you will find yourself over my knee again.”

Cheryl finished up with three more firm swats.


Cheryl stood the bawling raccoon cub with a fire-engine red butt up and looked to her son.

“Come here Caiden.” Instructed Cheryl to Caiden who was already crying after seeing what happened to Dexter.

Caiden obeyed and when he arrived at his mother she checked his diaper as well. He was soaked, but not messy. She untapped one side of his diaper and it fell straight to the floor.

She then laid her youngest over her lap.

“I’m sowwy mommy! Dun pank me!” shouted Caiden as Cheryl began his punishment.


“Oh! AH! OWIE!” cried Caiden as the paddle bounced off of his bare bottom.

“You do not throw temper tantrums and you do not disobey your teachers. Especially when they’re trying to help you with an accident. When they tell you to do something, you do it.” Started Cheryl.


“WWWHHHAaaaAA…..No more mommy! No more!” begged Caiden as he covered his butt with his tail.

“Move that tail this instant.” Snapped Cheryl as she grabbed his tail with her free hand, “Your father and I did not raise a bully either. You are to be a kind gentleman. You do not push little girls around or bully others. That is a big no-no.”


“AAHAHAHA….!!WWHHAHAHA…” bawled Caiden as every swat hurt more and more.

“I don’t want to EVER get a report like this again. You understand?!” asked Cheryl as Caiden nodded his head.


Cheryl finished up with Caiden and stood him back up next to Dexter. She let both boys settle down to a sniffle.

“Come on. We’re not finished with your punishment yet.” Said Cheryl as she grabbed their paws and led them to the bathroom.

     They entered the bathroom and Cheryl closed the door. She went over to the sink and grabbed two small bars of soap.
Both boys started crying again at the sight of them.

“I told you two yesterday that if I heard you say those words again that I would wash your mouths out didn’t I?” asked Cheryl as both boys nodded, “Now open up.”

Both boys hesitantly opened up and Cheryl placed the dry bar of soap in their mouth. She just wanted to get the point across so she didn’t wet it. Wetting it would cause a lot of suds and would be too much for the boys. This just gave them a small taste. They stood there for a minute with the soap in their mouths as they rubbed their sore bottom. At the end of the minute Cheryl took the soap out. The boys started to make their way to the sink to rinse their mouth out, but were stopped by Cheryl.

“What words are you not going to say again?” asked Cheryl.

“P-p-oop-p-y head or-or-or fat b-ut-t-t f-face…” stuttered Dexter.

“T-t-rash-h Pa-an-anda…” sniffled Caiden.

“Good. If I hear you say those words, or any variation of them, again you can expect to find yourself in here with a bar of soap in your mouth and a spanking afterwards.” Said Cheryl as she pulled the paddle back out.


Cheryl grabbed each boy, turned them around, and swatted them three times each with the paddle standing up. She then let them rinse their mouths out.

“OK, now go and stand in the corner in Caiden’s room.” Commanded Cheryl as the bawling toddlers ran to the corner.

Cheryl entered the room behind them and made her way to the changing table and Dexter’s luggage. She took all the training pants from both areas and put them on the top shelf. She then rolled up both of the diapers that they were wearing earlier and threw them away.

     After five minutes, Caiden and Dexter had stopped bawling again and downgraded to sniffling.

“OK you two, come over here.” Said Cheryl soothingly as she sat on the bed.

Both boys walked over to her and Cheryl picked them up and sat them on her lap.

“Now I’m sorry that I had to spank you and wash your mouths out. I don’t like to do that, but I sometimes need to. Do you know why?” asked Cheryl as she rubbed their backs.

“C-cause w-we were naughty an-an had tah be punished so we know it was wong…” answered Caiden.

“So it’s a-a reminder so we dun do it again.” Answered Dexter.

“You’re both right. I don’t like to do this, but if I didn’t you would both never learn and that’s not good. I want you both to grow up to be good men.” Explained Cheryl.

“I’m sorry mommy…” hugged Caiden as he buried his head in her shoulder.

“Me too Mrs. Cheryl” as Dex did the same.

“I forgive both of you.” Hugged Cheryl as she rubbed their backs and the calmed down a little, “Now tomorrow you two are going to be on your best behavior. You are also going to apologize to that little girl. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am…” said both boys.

“Good. Now, for the rest of the week you two will be wearing diapers.” Announced Cheryl as both boys whimpered, “You can both have your training pants back when you show me that you can go two days without getting in trouble. OK?"

“OK mommy/Mrs. Cheryl…” said both boys as Cheryl picked them up and laid them on the bed.

“Good, now let’s get a diaper on you two and put you down for a nap.” Said Cheryl as she went to the changing table and grabbed some changing supplies.

“B-but *yawn* we’re not tired…” yawned Caiden.

“Yeah…” stretched Dexter.

“Uh huh…Well you just rest your eyes for a bit then.” Said Cheryl as she wiped, powdered, and diapered both boys.

By the time she was done with that, both of them were out cold. She tucked them in to Caiden’s bed and left the room.


male 1,198,671, female 1,089,293, cub 278,473, wolf 193,821, rabbit 139,676, butt 117,733, diaper 78,503, babyfur 39,361, raccoon 36,871, skunk 34,411, wet 31,473, pee 20,434, red 17,675, messy 17,453, leopard 11,758, tease 10,623, monkey 10,156, spanking 9,857, school 8,815, pants 7,448, pup 7,234, badger 7,173, naughty 6,859, punishment 4,670, stinky 3,324, teacher 3,314, cry 2,153, diaper change 1,991, bully 1,463, bare bottom 1,356, poopy 1,248, paddle 1,113, nikki 944, soap 922, hog 784, training pants 670, kyle 546, otk 511, caiden 461, pull ups 364, note 294, jax 254, rob 250, eli 235, dexter 206, baboon 163, cheryl 140, time out 136, dex 109, paddled 101, temper tantrum 23, bawl 22, pardus 3, papio 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 7 years, 10 months ago
Rating: General

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7 years, 10 months ago
Wow...epic lond story and cute pic 2!^^
7 years, 10 months ago
7 years, 10 months ago
Fantastic work Caiden!
7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much!
7 years, 10 months ago
That was a very adorable story of two little cubs getting in trouble for acting up in school.
And the pics turned out awesome.

In one of my long stories of my meerkat family in Angola, Africa, I have three parts where the four brother cubs had their turn getting in trouble...
...The things they did were a little more serious (but not too bad) than disobeying teachers, resisting a diaper change, bullying, and name calling.
I've got those parts also posted separately as journals;



As for playing a Lion Guard CD on the way to school...to begin with, most of my meerkat characters live where there is a high illiteracy rate, and where it is common for cubs to help with family income instead of going to school (the province they lived in didn't even have funds for school buses). Only the youngest of the brothers, Cheesah, ever attended school.
What few animals had an old ragged car, and if the radio worked, there would be music playing similar to the playlist linked here.
7 years, 10 months ago
OK thanks.
7 years, 10 months ago
You are welcome.    
Furry Version of Smiley Face by moyomongoose
7 years, 10 months ago
My butt hurts just thinking of getting a spanking from cheryl
7 years, 10 months ago
Me too!
7 years, 10 months ago
Yours hurts FROM getting spanked by her hehe
7 years, 10 months ago
You're right!
7 years, 10 months ago
Enjoy the sore tushie :P hehe
7 years, 9 months ago
It may be!
4 years, 7 months ago
nice picture, interesting story
3 years, 10 months ago
Incredible story; I like it. I hope you have more similar ones. I also tried to write stories, but I'm not good at it. I couldn't even write my dissertation in college. Thank God that there are sites like this one https://edubirdie.com/writing-prompt-generator where you can order work. Otherwise, I would never have finished college. You probably write text on any topic very quickly. You are like an idea generator. This is cool. I probably don't have enough talent.
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