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The Adventure Logs Of Young Queen Set 80
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[Side Art] Princess Of Friendship

[Reward] The Past

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[Mini Series] Honesty's Changeling
[Reward] The Past
[Mini Series] Honesty's Changeling
[Mini Series] Kindness's Changeling
"I am a good princess and everyone wants to be friends with me...EVERYONE...."

female 1,084,808, mlp 70,419, alicorn 10,836, twilight sparkle 8,730, princess twilight sparkle 339
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 8 years, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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8 years, 1 month ago
Man,this is so sad TuT :'(
8 years, 1 month ago
poor twilight. :(
8 years, 1 month ago
being immortal has its disadvantages.
8 years, 1 month ago
Cadence must be a lucky immortal, I guess. It's not just immortal that make Twilight have a hard time to find love. It also because she is too powerful. Too smart and the status of savior of all Equestria isn't helpful at all....She is too perfect until no stallion feel like they deserved her...Some even afraid of her... =w="
8 years, 1 month ago
I think much the same could be said about the two royal sisters. They are both like gods to the other ponies, and even a little nervous at times around those two, afraid to offend them, or not show them proper respect.

And would the two of them feel the need not to ask or seek a companion among them, because of being so different to them?

Nothing is ever shown if they ever had a personal companion, despite being thousands of years old. And if not, dose it bother them not to?

I remember seeing a short comic of Twilight spotting the two sisters fooling around with each other. They stated they do this, because they find it hard to connect, companion wise, and even personal wise, with any of the other ponies, because of who the two sisters are to their subjects, and the fact that they are both immortals. It be just as hard to see many companions pass away one after another if they did try to seek companionship from among their subjects.

So, the two sisters knowing what the other goes though in rearguards to that, they help each other out, to not feel they can't enjoy what the other ponies they watch over can.

Twilight in turn understood, and did not question this further. Well, she did not question it at all to begun with. But when the two sisters saw they had been spotted by her, they explained themselves to her anyway. As if those two had to explain away such things to any-other at all.

One would think Cadence is lucky. And she is, for now. But there has been a few stories as to what she may go through emotionally, even years after, due to losing Shining Armor to the passage of time. She will out live him, and have to face that some day. The stories don't look favorably towards her handling it all too well.

It comes down to the question, is it better for them not to fall in love with another, knowing they will out live them?

We humans do it to a point. Depending on how good the relationship is, I have heard from many others, in person, that they love their pets more then their spouse. And many pets don't live long, and have to be replaced every few years. That is if they want another after loosing the one they had. And many do. It's just the way of things.

That being the case, I don't see why these immortals, despite the hardships of outliving any companion they may find, or whom may find them, as impossible.

Even humans within society, will seek out another human companion or spouse, after losing a past companion or spouse, either due to a death, or just a break up. It is not at all unheard of.

So, I do find Twilight has every right to be upset over being turn down by another over everything she is, including being an immortal. She would not be bound to loving just that one after that one passing, she could find a new love to help pass the time within her long life, with each she may find herself with passes on.

Yes, this drawing is sad, but it is not the end of things. But it only takes her to open up her options, and find another potential love she can be with, among all those out there.

She needs to apply to a dating service! Once others know she is looking, she of all ponies probably will not be alone long after that. ^.^

Or, Pinkie could help set her up with someone. She knows all the ponies in town likes and dislikes, and she has that Pinkiesence premonition of what is, or could be. It doesn't work all the time, but it is better at times than another's guesses.

Still, I'm not too sure if Pinkie would be the right pony for that, despite her credentials of knowing every pony in town as she does. 0.o

What to do? 0.o
8 years, 1 month ago
Poor twi.
8 years, 1 month ago
immortality must suck. friends and lovedones come and go, ID is impossible there must be some point where you just wanna end it but you vcant cos you cant die
8 years, 1 month ago
Here is something to know; Only Celestia and Luna have the Immortality.

Cadance and Twilight are not immortal and will live normal length pony lives.

Still, a very nice image ^^
8 years, 1 month ago
Than, what the point of being Alicorn in the first place? That is just a poor excuse MLP writer made in order to stop the drama among fan about Twilight will outlive her friend.
8 years, 1 month ago
If you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Celestia and Luna are connected to the sun and the moon, eternal celstial bodies. Cadence is connected to her husband and Twilight is connected to her friends. As for what the point of being an alicorn is; even without the immortality, alicorns still possess the abilities of all three races: the magic of a unicorn, the flight and weather manipulation of a pegasus, and the strength of an earth pony, all of which are combined and increased in power for an alicorn. So just because she's not immortal, doesn't mean she isn't powerful.
Regardless, this is a heart-wrenching picture, good job.
8 years, 1 month ago
I think you make a mistake here...Twilight connected to magic and Cadence connected to love, dear...Twilight is Alicorn Of Magic. While Cadence is Alicorn Of Love.
8 years, 1 month ago
Exactly. Just like the two royal sisters, Twilight and Cadence are conected to more than those they are with, someting just as everlasting as the sun and moon.

And even if ponies could survive somehow with out the sun and moon, Twilight and Cadence are connected to something that could last so much longer. For so long as there is magic and love, so to are those two connected to them. Making them possibly far more immortal than the two royal sisters. That is one thought.

I also don't know of any time within the cartoon if it is stated wither or not Twilight and Cadence is immortal or not. Nor the two royal sisters in fact.

They maybe long living, able to live thousands of years, but to my knowledge, nothing is ever said about any immorality with any of them within the cartoon. As far as I know, all this immortality business is just a guess by the fans, and possibly not canon at all.

I could have forgotten if something was said about it on the show, and it could be something stated within the ofishal comics ( those not every one has seen), I would not know.

Still, many are sure about them all being immortal due to them being alicorns, or at the very least sure about the two royal sisters being immortal. Can anyone really say?

Seeing Lauren Faust had much to do with creating the new ponies, and possibly the idea of the alicorns for the cartoon, she would likely be the one to ask. Though I don't think she is into anymore of anyone asking her about the ponies. She has new projects she is now working on.
8 years, 1 month ago
That's convincing argument, but here's my response: Twilight's official title is "The Princess of Friendship", and need I remind you that the title of the show is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? True, her cutie mark represents magic and is the exact same shape as the Element of Magic, but Twilight and her friends all got there cutie marks at the exact same time before they even met each other, the elements of harmony would not have been found if Twilight didn't make friends, and in the season 4 finale, Twilight got her key for the Tree of Harmony's lock-box when she chose her friends over her magic and that resulted in the six of them gaining even more powerful magic. Still, whether Twilight is immortal or not (I hope not), my second point still stands, immortality is not the only perk to being an alicorn. (In hindsight, I probably should have made my second point my first point, since you're question of the point of being an alicorn was what prompted my original response...)
8 years, 1 month ago
Yes. Her title as princess is "Princess Of Friendship". But what I said in previous comment is "Alicorn Of Magic"....

She have 2 title here. One as princess, other as Alicorn....But why only Twilight become Alicorn and other bearers aren't? Is this just some biased in the group? What is her purpose to become Alicorn? Can't she do that propose as simply unicorn?

If Twilight isn't immortal..What will happen after she died? Will Equestria going to created the new "Princess Of Friendship" and "Alicorn Of Magic" or something? And since Element return to the tree now. Will Equestria going to have new mane6 or not. Or the element bearer will gone forever? And what about Friendship Castle? Is it going to disappeared once all mane6 gone?

...But if she is immortal. Can she still be Princess Of Friendship if she lost all her friends? But she can still be Alicorn Of Magic here. She will able to stand beside the sun, the moon and the love. (Plus Flurry Heart that we on't know yet what is her Alicorn's title.)
8 years, 1 month ago
Hmm, you have a lot of good points there, and I really don't have any responses of my own, except for why the rest of the mane 6 didn't become alicorns. According to the MLP lore, alicorn status is earned by accomplishing an amazing, often magic related feat; Cadence, who was born a pegasus, earned her horn when she saved the earth pony village that raised her from an evil pony who was magically stealing their love. Twilight accidentally change all of her friends destiny and true selves for the worse when she cast an incomplete, ancient spell and earned her wings when she not only reversed the effects of the spell but also fixing the spell itself. The reason the rest of the main 6 aren't alicorns is because, though they have made many accomplishments, they have yet to accomplish anything "alicorn worthy".
8 years, 1 month ago
And what Twilight only did. Is just finished Starswirl The Bearded spell. =w="

She was plan by Celestia all along to become Alicorn...Or else why she send that unfinished spell to Twilight to solve? Maybe other mane6 is just catalyst to turn Twilight into Alicorn. And what the point for Celestia to turn Twilight into Alicorn if she will not become an immortal? Maybe she need someone who will help her rule and protect Equestria.

It's not necessary at all to turn her into Alicorn if it isn't for that reason. Unicorn Twilight will able to solve the problem just fine. Since her friend able to keep up with her while being only normal pony. And 4 didn't even have a magic.
8 years, 1 month ago
Pegasi and Earth Ponies do have magic, just not the same kind as unicorns. In addition to being able to fly, pegasi can walk on clouds and manipulate the weather. Earth Ponies are stronger than the other races and have increased ability to grow plants.
As for the rest of your alicorn argument... I've got nothing, you win.
8 years, 1 month ago
Yeah. I know they have passive magic. But they don't have ability to cast it. And because unicorn can cast it as will. They can cast something to work similar to what other race do. Lift very big rock, gather all apples in the farm, grown plant, set up weather or flying. They can always create the spell to do that just fine.
8 years, 1 month ago
Very true.
8 years, 1 month ago
Alicorn status is more of a signal of increased power but also "true royal lineage". This is how Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and now twilight are princesses/leaders of their own sections of equestria and why folks like Blueblood have zero power over anything.

Twilight WOULD have become "immortal" if the original plot had been kept, which is that Celestia was grooming Twilight to replace her, so that Celestia could become mortal again and live out the rest of her life normally.
8 years, 1 month ago
Believe what you wish to believe. Each person have their own head-canon theory in their mind after all.
8 years, 1 month ago
I do believe that's the best part for everyone.
8 years, 1 month ago
It's just an excuse to prevent drama and conflict...
8 years, 1 month ago
Hey, no worries! I'm not gonna fight. ^^
8 years, 1 month ago
I understand.
8 years, 1 month ago
Poor girl.
8 years, 1 month ago
The princess of Friendzone. She needs a hug and an immortal boyfriend.
8 years, 1 month ago
I'm not immortal, but I am immoral. Will that work? ;)
8 years, 1 month ago
Would you treat her like a princess?
8 years, 1 month ago
Not if his immorality has anything to say about it. >.<
8 years, 1 month ago
Then go for it lol
8 years, 1 month ago
You would not mind if he was to treat her immorally? 0.o

The princess of friendship she may be, but I would say, even she it would seem would still need to pick her friends quite carefully. Or she my find herself with one whom may help her to wonder to another whom would treat her not so politely. 'Bed slave' for one, somehow comes to mind. 0.0

And that not even be worst case scenario. >.<

It be a very good thing that her talent is being of magic, and as such the force is strong with her. She has, and still will be needing it.
8 years, 1 month ago
Only when required. Otherwise it is best to treat her as the mare she is in her self-perception. Honestly, it'd probably be a lot of deep conversations and lazy days reading/researching. The immorality comes (or is that cums) into play for more... intimate... interactions. ;)

[Sorry for the wait on the reply. Driving truck is not conducive to post discussions....]
8 years, 1 month ago
Hmm... based on the color choice and words... Flash Sentry and Big McIntosh for the first two... clearly spike for the last... wonder who the others are.
8 years, 1 month ago
The hardships of the emortal... its not really any better if you do have somepony, in that case you just wind up having to watch them grow old and and die...
8 years, 1 month ago
Twi's obviously forgotten about the Want It Need It spell. < <
8 years, 1 month ago
the best lover is more often then not, your best friend.
8 years, 1 month ago
I am mortal and you are not. But will you still stay the little time with me I have left? You will feel hurt. You will feel joy. And all that remains will be memories. (sounds selfish right?)
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