Sorry, but the actual pic seems to resemble what I was doing on my old Apple ][c+ (Apple suddenly discontinued it in 1996 and would not authorize repairs. My system crashed on me a month later,froze in mid-boot and that put paid to my software company ! Kill Bill Gates !) All those programs and games suddenly useless, because no ammount of work could get my Apple working again. Suddenly it was asking too much of it to work ! I finally threw the machine out !
Anyway, the pic and its colors match those of my lo-res graphics. (16 colors).There was hi-res and super hi-res, but I had no routines for the latter and only "accelerated Applesoft" for the former. Heck, I am not even sure you know what I am talking about, but I was into home-computers, even before there were any ! (1970).
Sorry, but the actual pic seems to resemble what I was doing on my old Apple ][c+ (Apple suddenly di
nah it's adobe suite (flash) and windows 7 to 10 depending on who did it and a custom art program made by one of our guys in visual studio. maybe the colors match because the art program uses a standard palette which is just clicking a button rather than manually using hex codes. that's why you'll see the same colors over and over but sometimes you'll see odd colors that don't match it here and there where we coded it ourselves if we couldn't get the exact color we wanted. We do use a low color definition but its still higher than 4 bit (16 color) so it wont run on that kind of software. It's amazing what you can do with GIFs nowadays even transparency, shader layers, encrypted coding and low quality audio. Given long enough they'll surpass even PNGs.
nah it's adobe suite (flash) and windows 7 to 10 depending on who did it and a custom art program ma