Bibi is a wild budgie (raised by parents) and Sir Beepsalot was hand fed, so their personality is very different! Aaaan Bibi is female (still my son), and Sir Beeps is male, soooo I'd rather not risk it! Even though they're not the same breed of budgie!
Bibi is a wild budgie (raised by parents) and Sir Beepsalot was hand fed, so their personality is ve
I'm not sure on the specifics of caring for birds. Do they get let out to fly around and exercise for a while? I imagine they'd need to but I don't know myself.
Birbs~ I'm not sure on the specifics of caring for birds. Do they get let out to fly around and exe
Bibi (the green budge) got a new big cage so he can exercise better. Before that, I'd let the cage open for a while each day, but he just didn't like the outside. So now there's plenty of space to go around! Sir Beepsalot, though, was handfed, so getting him out of the cage is very easy c:
Bibi (the green budge) got a new big cage so he can exercise better. Before that, I'd let the cage o