These are the figurines I created in 1994 as my characters for my 1995 manuscript, 'Nico and Pancho Meet a Friend From Far Away'. These are what I drew the characters from for that story to keep the characters looking like who they are when viewed from different angles...Which is very difficult to do if you do not first create the character as something 3-D.
The first pics are of the extraterrestrial family from Planet Niyo in the Sirius Star System; #2 & 3 are the the dad, Jemu. #4 & 5 are of older son, Kassa. #6 & 7 are of younger son, Tito. #8 & 9 are of sister, Sassa. #10 & 11 are of the mother, Samia.
The last pics, going from left to right in pic # 12, are; Cecil Genet, Pancho Meerkat and Nico Civet.
I had thought I no longer had these figurines until I found a case containing them a month ago. You can see they could use some clean up, grooming and repair...Nico's right knee was nibbled on by some kind of a rodent some point during the years they were stored.
Before today, the last pictures that were taken of them were with what was available back in the day, Polaroid Instamatic (which gave you a pic right away) and 110 mm (which you had to get the film developed)...neither of which gave good close up clarity. This was also about the time they reintroduced some cheap versions of the 35 mm.
There old pics I still have were taken back in the day before the internet went public...back when you never heard, "I'll e-mail the images to you", but instead, "I'll fax them to you".
That was back in the day when mobile phones were still installed in automobiles and trucks.
That was back in the day when business suits came in colours like sky blue, green and brown, and sometimes in a plaid pattern with bell bottoms...You know - like the cloths they wear on The Archie Bunker Show, The Jeffersons and The Brady Bunch.
It was back when we use to rent movies from Blockbuster on VCR tape format. And Blockbuster had the signs that said, "Be kind, please rewind".
Back in the day when there were still cars on the road like Pintos, Mavericks, Dodge & Plymouth K-cars, Chevy Vegas, the old VWs with the motor in the rear, Fairmonts, Granadas, Chrysler Cordobas, Cadillac Sevilles, GM Metric body cars, Oldsmobiles, Chevy Cavilers, Chevy Astro vans, AMC Hornets & Pacers & Gremlins...and maybe a few Ramblers still kicking around.
Also the day and time when we did not have digital cameras...That was the day and time that the older photos were taken of these figurines.
These photos today were taken with a modern digital camera where I could get good close up shots.
These are some of the older pics from back in those days;
Just like the enigmatic "The Boy from Qwertyviper" which I wrote ,but when and why, I've no idea. No memory of writing it even ! It turned up in sheaves of papers and scraps I cleared out of drawers, clearing up some 50-odd years of accumulated clutter in my home. I also found "the Astral Avenger", but deem this unworthy of my efforts and not included in my frags.
Just like the enigmatic "The Boy from Qwertyviper" which I wrote ,but when and why, I've no idea. No