Character Sheet for Kumiko Tatakani
Kumiko is very quiet and tends to sneak up on others without doing it intentionally. She loves anime and mangas, especially the dirty ones. She's particularly into the ones with tentacle monsters in them for some reason. Outside of a mission she's usually bubbly and friendly. On mission she's usually bubbly and friendly... until its time to start killing. She prefers to use her blades or body to kill her targets. Just like the ninja, she's a master of a knife in the back vs an upfront battle. Stealth, misdirection, and confusion are her greatest weapons.
She prefers to not use coms or any kind of device that could track her whereabouts.
Likes: Cosplay, Anime, Tentacle Hentai
Dislikes: Tracking devices, Wasabi
Kumiko's training started the day she was able to stand on her own two feet without immediately falling over. Born into a family of assassins, she learned the way of the ancient shadow warriors that her ancestors had perfected long before her great grandfather was born. She is an expert climber, swimmer, and tightrope walker. She speaks many languages and is an excellent actor. Kumiko is the youngest of all the girls and she's also the smallest. (Even smaller than April.) She's small and petite enough to pass as a middle school student with the right clothes and make up. She's a fair marksman with firearms, but it isn't her strong suit. Her ability to vanish and escape seem to border on supernatural. Kumiko likes to further spread this belief. After all... there's no such thing as mystical powers right? RIGHT!?
Typical equipment list:
Suppressed S&W 22A pistol with two extra mags holding 12 rounds each and a green 'dazzler' laser.
A pair of tungsten alloyed short swords sheathed in a 'X' at the small of her back. She's been known to hack through car doors with them.
Four throwing knives made from VG-10 stainless steel. (Sometimes coated with poison.)
Three flash bang grenades
Three shurikens (Sometimes coated with poison.)
Recurve bow with 12 carbon fiber arrows
Needle and thread with a small vial of liquid poison.