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Name: Zeke
Species: coyote
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Color: silver with a mix of white.
Eyes: Green
Features: Pink Z shaped birthmark on left shoulder, silver tails but with a white ring by the tip.
Sexuality: Bi but prefers women
Personality: Generous, social, lyrical, sexy.
Likes: Music, gaming, singing.
Dislikes: Anything that gives bad breathe, Disrespect, Bugs, Sore throats.
Name: Roy
Age: 11
Sex: Male
Species: Fox
Body color: cobalt blue, his feet and hands are coal colored unlike his milk white belly and chest fur. Black hair on his head with green spike tips.
Eyes: red
Feature: lime green anklet on his right foot (rarely takes it off, its that special).
Sexuality: Unknown, but seems to find more comfort in boys.
Personality: cheerful, shameless, energetic loves to learn, loves his friends.
Likes: video games, sports, dancing.
Dislike: Bullies, Being scolded for his mistakes, fish, boredom, losing long lasting friends.
Name: Morgan
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Species: Panther cub
Eyes: Moon colored eyes
Body and feature: Violet color fur all over,silk white arrowhead shaped mark on her right butt cheek, pitch black long hair that's usually in a ponytail, Gap in teeth(always has a whisp in her sentences), pink nose.
Personality: Tomboy, competitive, clever,fun loving.
Likes: hunting (for non anthro creatures of course), camping, Messy fun, sports, nature.
Dislikes: Complainer, Losing, Meanies, being indoors too much, too much clothing.
Sexuality: Straight.
Kinks too much to post. ^^"
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