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Good gawd, these AntiFa and BAMN idiots are worse than the religious conservatives were back in the early 2000s.

Yeah, go around claiming to be Anti-Fascists while DOING ACTUAL FASCIST THINGS!

I was watching some UC Berkeley riot footage at my WW2 Vet, 96 year old, grandfather's house, and he mentions "These people in black are acting like damn Nazis".


Even my 96 year old grandfather that FOUGHT ACTUAL NAZIS is calling AntiFa and BAMN, Nazis.


They say they are for "free speech" but then violently assault anyone they disagree with, because anything they disagree with is now "Hate Speech".

Anyone they disagree with is also a "Nazi" and a "Racist" and a, well, any "phobe", "ist", "ism", buzzword their tiny little dipshit brains can think of to justify their purely retarded actions or the actions dictated to them by their puppetmasters.

They say they are the "good guys" but go around wearing masks because, deep down, they know what they are doing is wrong or illegal.

The say "Fuck the police" but then go crying to the police when their victims fight back.

They say they are American but are constantly waving around COMMUNIST FLAGS! While fighting against actual Americans of every color, creed, and sexuality.

The leftist media constantly refers to their RIOTS as "Protests" to allow these morons to keep pushing their violent agenda.

Even the MAYOR of Berkeley California has told the police to stand down and LET the AntiFa people riot because said mayor is actually a part of these far left and communist/fascist/authoritarian organizations!


They also love to riot and fight in "Gun Ban" and "Gun Free Zones" and states/places/cities, because they KNOW their victims cannot defend themselves with deadly force.



ANYONE that is part of, or supports, AntiFa or BAMN, is a spineless coward and hypocrite.

They want to punch a Nazi in the face? They should start with themselves!
Viewed: 24 times
Added: 7 years ago
7 years ago
They are trying to claim that Hate Speech is "fighting words" which it isn't. The forget that Freedom of Speech protects you against government reprisal, not from the consequences of your words from anyone else.

For example, if I say that "Trump is a fascist and should be shot on sight", I can, and should be arrested, as I am encouraging others to assassinate the president. That speech is not protected from government reprisal.

Saying, "Feminists are just man haters who are frustrated that nobody wants to date them" does not directly encourage anyone to do violence against anybody, and is therefore protected, even if you consider it hateful.

7 years ago
To be frank, those are not feminists. My Literature and Culture teacher likes to bring up politics and I asked her about the current chaos in the world when we were learning about feminism and she, being a real feminist, said it's the same when people claim to be Christians and have nothing to do with it.
7 years ago
Oh, I agree. I was just using it as an example.
7 years ago
Yeah the old-school "2nd wave" feminists are mostly fighting for MEN'S RIGHTS now because of what the crazy man-hating lesbian 3rd wave feminists are doing now. "Christina Hoff Sommers" is one of my favorite old-school 2nd wave "equality" feminists. Though now the 3rd wave man-hating feminazis have labeled her as a traitor to women and a Men's Rights activist. She's one of the few that talks about how women are treated so much better than men in American society, that it is not fair to the men.

Yeah the Christians that don't act like Christians I call the "Fire And Brimstone Old Testament Cherry-Pickers".
7 years ago
Oh, I don't know… it might encourage violence against the speaker…
7 years ago
Only to those who think violence is the correct response to verbal insults.
7 years ago
Physical violence is never legal just because someone disagrees with, or even insults someone else.

That is why these AntiFa idiots are wearing masks, because they throw the first punch 99% of the time. There are even videos of them being coached to sneak attack people then feign being the victim when the person they attack defends themselves or retaliates.
7 years ago
It may not be legal. But provocation, if established, will often result in the reduction of a charge or sentence, and depending on the feeling of a jury I would not be surprised if it's resulted in acquittals.

In any case, my point was more that speech might be restrained on the grounds that it'd be likely to lead to violence, even if that violence would itself be deemed illegal. This is more likely in jurisdictions where free speech is itself not ingrained in the culture.
7 years ago

The left thinks "Hate-Speech" is ANYTHING they don't agree with, and that makes it okie-dokie in their minds to physically hurt or kill said people they don't agree with.

A BLM or KKK member saying "Pick up a knife and go stab anyone that isn't the same color as you!" Is outright hate-speech.

Saying "You are a fat turd and I hope you kill yourself!" Is mean, but not hate speech.

And saying "I like the president and America!" is DEFINITELY NOT HATE SPEECH!

But people today have such thin skin, and are such pussies, that it is like they never heard the old "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but bad names will never hurt me!" saying.

I mean, just the mere idea of a "free-speech-zone" or "safe-space" for GODDAMNED ADULTS IN COLLEGE is utterly ridiculous!

George Carlin was right when he talked about the pussification of the American male all those years ago.
7 years ago
Another famous quote they seem to have forgotten:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
7 years ago
I like that one!

Basically another "Words can never hurt me" and "I'm rubber, you're glue" type quote.

So many thin-skinned people out there these days that think anything they don't agree with is "fighting words" or "Words LITERALLY hurt me".
7 years ago
Which makes the term "Cyberbullies" really an oxymoron.
7 years ago
Meanwhile in Texas I'm just sitting around reading this thinking "Wow. I suppose I have less reasons to leave my state unless it's for a job that pays exceedingly well."

Seriously though, the only time I hear about these things is from this site and FA since I don't normally watch the news and live in a town so remote it's almost completely unaffected by these crazy times.
7 years ago
What are the winters like? I may join you.
7 years ago
Winters can be odd. One day it's below freezing and cars won't start, the next day it's close to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Maybe the day after that it'll rain at below freezing. The people are nice though. Hell I even managed to have an insightful conversation about political views with a progressive individual, something that the internet tells me doesn't happen.
7 years ago
Ha! Big cities and everything being overly expensive are two of the many reasons I'm trying to get out of California within the next 2 years.

Even in a state like California where it just passed a $15 an hour minimum wage, it also just started raising the prices of EVERYTHING preemptively to offset any gains made by higher minimum wage, and has done this time and time again.

Likely going to move to a state where one or two big cities populations do not outnumber those in the rural areas in the rest of the state. I think it will help my health too, I can see why people in higher population areas are more unhealthy and depressed than those in less populated areas.
7 years ago
So you're saying I should never leave Texas? If so that's a shame because I always wanted to see those states considered "the most beautiful."
7 years ago
LOL you can do whatever you want to, I'm not telling you to do anything. Though there is a saying about places like California or New York and such. "Nice places to visit, but I would never want to live there."
7 years ago
Bingo. Go visit places. Definitely. Get to know the people there.

I visited Portland Oregon. I want NOTHING to do with the city as a result.
7 years ago
Yeah at one point I was n love with the idea of moving to Portland Oregon or Seattle Washington... Till I actually went there for a few days each and found out they were just wetter versions of LosAngeles with more self-important hipsters per square inch than any other place I've been.
7 years ago
And trees. Don't forget the trees.
6 years, 12 months ago
I can get plenty of trees in Idaho with a lot less hipsters. ^_^
7 years ago
Many politicians are oblivious to the fact that raising the minimum wage does nothing except cause inflation in the long run.

Most politicians, however, know that raising the minimum wage gets them more votes than it loses them.

This is why we need term limits.
7 years ago
I think they are PERFECTLY AWARE that raising the minimum wage causes inflation. But since they only care about 2-4 years at a time, they know that the average dumbassed voter will think "Durr... More money is always a good thing!" and the short term increase of income tax revenue the state gets to brag about saying "Oh look it's working!" before everything costs too much and people and taxes are right back in the same shitty situation they were a couple years before.
7 years ago
Again, perfect reason for term limits.

If they don't have to buy votes, then maybe they will do what is best for people.
6 years, 12 months ago
The only problem is trying to get a bunch of lazy, brain-dead, people to actually care about term limits enough to make it a general vote that can't be vetoed or put to die in a "committee".
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