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Well.. is not the end of the world right? ^^

*sigh*  took me two days but i'm starting to accept that i'll never recover my account again,  totally ignored by the owners...  i know it says "suspended" but the message that appears oonce i log in on my account stays.. "your are permanently suspended" ....so i guess is a bye bye... i was there since 2005, had over 8000 watchers,  was between the first 80 more visited artists there, almost 200 pictures posted i believe, and is pretty bad to end my relationship with FA in that matter... i remember when they announced the anti-cub thing.. i tried to understood, but it was my mistake to post that Tiny toons cover, i never suspected that mistake will cost me my account there...

like someone said..  at least i still have inkbunny ^^
Viewed: 1,048 times
Added: 13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
*hugs* ^^
13 years ago
Its all good. FA sucks ballz now. So dont let it get to you.
13 years ago
feel a lot better now ^^ i didn't realized had so much friends here until this happened
13 years ago
Yep, and we'll still be here to enjoy what ya dish out!
13 years ago
Thanks ^^
13 years ago
I've heard FA wasn't that great anyway. Started going downhill real fast. Don't worry, you can still post your stuff here and we'll all love it :D
13 years ago
FA used to be a great place, where the freedom reings was their slogan, and it was truth...  so different now days, Thanks ^^
13 years ago
Fuck those guys. Dragoneer is a rapist sheltering selfish asshole anyway.
13 years ago
^^ '
13 years ago
*hugs* =3
13 years ago
Fuck FA. Pushed the no cub porn rule on the site for absolutely no reason.

I much prefer IB, though I wish it had some features from FA.
13 years ago
they were about to lose Alertpay and would have no way to get money
13 years ago
Incorrect. They already lost AP, in fact AP told them NEVER to contact them again.

Banning cubs didn't have any effect on anything, other having most of the cubs leave FA.
13 years ago
but it had something to do with pay services
13 years ago
They lost AP because of porn, and they blamed it on cub porn. They claimed that getting rid of cub porn might get them a different payment method, but it didn't because all the services have the same ToS.

It was a whole lot of smoke in mirrors to cover up them getting rid of cub porn because they wanted to.
13 years ago
how do you know this?
13 years ago
Because they said so in their forums back when it happened.
Technically they said they didn't want to ban cub porn but it was the only thing they could think of...

Which is clearly an excuse, since it had zero chance of accomplishing anything.
13 years ago
agreed.. at the end the alertpay was just an excuse
13 years ago
Mi grande amigo... no podemos negar que banearte de FA ha sido una mala jugada de parte de ellos, ya que sin advertencia mandaron al carajo todo tu trabajo de años, se olvidan que ellos han ido creciendo gracias a los aportes de los miembros. Como que si banearte fuera lo mismo que darte un tiro... ellos tienen ese "poder" y tal vez se sientan muy bien haciendo eso, pero al final, es la envidia que los cuervos sienten por los pavoreales.
¿Acaso el mundo recuerda dónde vivía Botero? ¿Acaso el mundo recuerda dónde vivía Beethoven? ¿Acaso alguien recuerda dónde vivía Victor Hugo? ¡Claro que no! Los recuerdan a ellos, no a sus casas... Y si cambiaste de casa, ¿a quién le importa? eres tú quien nos interesa... :)

[google translation]

My great friend... we can't deny that being banned from FA has been a bad movement for them, without warning they sent to hell all your works of years, forgetting that they have grown thanks to the collaboration of the members. Is like they wanted to give you a shot with this action... they have that "power" and maybe they feel good doing it, but at the end, is just the envy of the ravens when they look at the peacocks.
Do the world remember where Botero lived? Do the world remember where Beethoven lived? Do somebody remember where was Victor Hugo's house? Of course not! Everybody remember them, not their houses... And if you changed your residence, who cares? you are our point of interest... :)
13 years ago
Completamente de acuerdo con esto ^

Ademas, mientras sepamos donde ver tu trabajo todas las personas que te seguian en otros lados te seguiran a donde puedan encontrarte ^^
13 years ago
Asu.. muchas gracias mi amigo :D bien dicho
13 years ago
You're right !! (even if I happen to know where hugo lived >.> )
13 years ago
La funesta noticia me indigna y llena de impotencia, pero ver a los dos amigos apoyandose uno en el otro, me conmueve hasta el fondo de una manera positiva :'3 No tiene precio :'3
13 years ago
Gracias mi amigo :)
13 years ago
Meh IB is way better anyway
13 years ago
Luckly many of your fans are here as well. * hugs on*
13 years ago
* hug *
13 years ago
you probably will get your account back
I don't think FA would have the balls to ban you forever
13 years ago
That not goona happen :( they already deleted my gallery
13 years ago
weird you profile still has the submission number
13 years ago
Fuck 'em. No sympathy for censorship. They clearly didn't deserve you.
13 years ago
heh ..thx
13 years ago
Very unprofessional. They find it easier to just perma ban an account than to give a warning or remove the one thing that made them upset.  
13 years ago
13 years ago
Their loss. [hugs] =3
13 years ago
thx * hug*
13 years ago
My account on FA had mostly cub art, and they told me in a pm, i had to remove all my cub content or get banned.  After deleting all my cub art from FA, I was pretty depressed for months.

I hope you won't be depressed too long, and I hope your company still gets plenty of business.
13 years ago
Thank u so much ^^
13 years ago
that really sucks, I can't believe they banned you for implied stuff.
13 years ago
You're right!!! is not!!! you can do ite better :3!!!
13 years ago
The admins on FA are just getting stupider and stupider.  The whole cub ban was cutting off their nose to spite their face in the first place.  Permanently banning artists for no good reason makes even less sense.  I guess it's just hatred of cub artists or something?  WTF?  Seriously.  
13 years ago
Yeah.. there was even a guy who posted on my page celebrating my ban, why they didn't blocked the posts on my page >_<
13 years ago
Arg.  So I see.  There are at least two saying 'good riddance'.  So many users there can be complete asshats.  
13 years ago
I'm sorry Hun. At least you have friends here ^^ I'm one of them, and I'll always stick by you
13 years ago
Thank u so much
13 years ago
bien dicho compadre, FA es solo un sitio web lo que importa es el artista & tu talento si que se agradece :D

(bueno no soy muy adepto al cub pero es tu derecho a subirlo :3)
13 years ago
Gracias ^^
13 years ago
no hay de que bro, solo digo lo que creo :D
13 years ago
You are not available on FA anymore? SADNESS. :c
But like you are saying, at least you still have InkBunny, so I shall continue watching your account here. :D
13 years ago
Thank u ^^
13 years ago
realmente una cagada lo de FA :C pero no hay vuelta atras, a seguir para adelante amigo, con fuerza y con animo, que amigos que te estiman tienes aqui por montones y te seguiremos apoyando, que el 2012 sea un nuevo comienzo, abrazo enorme!
13 years ago
Gracias mi amigo ^^
13 years ago
Yeah that's true. You still got Inkbunny. No need to worry about posting stuff here...except for the fact that humans are not allowed. But other than that, we can still see your works here and on Palcomix
13 years ago
heheh thx ^^
13 years ago
that sucks D:<
I can't help but feel angry for you bud.
13 years ago
* hug * ^^
13 years ago
FA's staff plain and simply sucks.  Aval0nX(of Babysitting Cream fame) got his FA account hacked, then it got locked out, and he spent months trying to get in touch with the staff, and prove that he was the original owner of the account.  I don't know if he ever got his original account back or not, but given the nature of his babysitting cream game, he moved most of his material here.
13 years ago
Yeah.. they also ignored my proposals and explainations.. >_<  i don't care now.. only cared the artists who watched there
13 years ago
The rules are annoying enough, but the staff on FA suck, and are plainly terrible at running the site.
13 years ago
Sometimes Change brings better things. Lets see what happens.
This site wont allow "Human" so where will you post those?
13 years ago
rule34 i guess
13 years ago
fffffffffffffffffffffuck dis thing.
at least there's inkbunny. -3-
13 years ago
yep ^^
13 years ago
I'm so sick of FA and their false promises for a new interface (for years and years now), constant denial of service attacks including the possible leaks of passwords and sensitive information, and their deciding whats best for the fandom all the while forcing advertising on us and constantly having their paw out looking for donations.

It's time to face facts, FurAffinity is yesterday's news.  It's time to unplug it from life support and let it die the unpleasant death it deserves.

InkBunny is the place that accepts everyone, and they are updating their formats (OMG have you seen the allowed upload size now?) and there are TONS of wonderful, kind, caring and TALENTED artists just like bbmbbf who are being banned for ridiculous reasons.  What is the deal? Just remove the image, don't destroy years of an artists work for a minority of admins who disapprove.

13 years ago
that if course unless the picture is human, Inkbunny is QUITE against it.. unless they're snuck in with the furries like mine are... I don't see the point of the racisim/specism? or how ever you would put it.. but yeah their just hairless apes LOL!
13 years ago
According to InkBunny's ACP, "Human characters are permitted in artwork, however they must not appear in sexual situations and must not show genitals or sexual arousal.  Human characters are permitted in stories only so long as they are not involved in sexual situations of any kind.  Characters that are essentially human (pixies, faeries, elves, orcs, trolls, etc) or just have ears/tails or other superficial animal features applied are considered human for this rule. "

I think IB's stance about humans is fair, that cements its position as a furry art site and not a jack-of-all-trades site like deviantArt.

Honestly, if you feel you have to try to "sneak" in a picture of a naked human in a sexual situation, then you're just looking to push the limits of a site that was created for the sole purpose of furry artwork.  That'd be the equivalent of going to, say, http://art.lifeasahuman.com/  and posting pics of furs getting it on with lots of nudity and spooge.
13 years ago
If that actually IS the reason why they don't allow human porn.
13 years ago
Ok, I'll bite... What do you think is the reason why InkBunny doesn't allow human porn?

(sorry bbmbbf for hijacking your journal, let me know if I need to move it elsewhere)
13 years ago
Probably because this website allows cub porn, which is, by definition, having sex with characters that are obviously children; even if they're furry. Throw humans into the mix; into a website that allows underaged adult-themed art...you see where I'm going with this?
13 years ago
Yes, and that makes complete sense to me.  But it would probably be opening up a whole new can of worms to put something to the effect of "we allow pedophilia of underage furry fictional characters, therefore we have to keep this site in the realm of fantasy by not allowing images of naked homo sapiens of any age copulating with aforementioned furry fictional characters or themselves." in their ACP.  They just streamlined it down to a bare bones explanation to avoid the arguments and legal issues that may arise for allowing cub porn.

TL;DR answer - You're right and I totally agree with you :3

(P.S. to any pro-human-pedophila movements: Trolls or angry arguments to what I wrote will be met with deaf ears)
13 years ago
The human ban on adult-themed art is actually what's keeping me from fully utilizing this website, the fact that people don't properly tag their artwork, so I'm still seeing undesired cub porn, and the lack of commission traffic I get from here. If that weren't the case, I'd gladly move from FA to IB.
13 years ago
I equate IB's ban on any nude or sexual human art is "You can have your cake, just don't try to eat it (or strip it naked and fuck it)" lol.

There's SoFurry, but I'm not sure of their ACP as I haven't personally tried to use it.

Actually, a site like FA sounds about right for what you need. I wish you luck. They run it like a swiss cheese dictatorship.  FA should erase the offensive art, not the artist who may have accidentally forgotten the rules once or twice.  That's just plain chasing away people who want to support their site, but can't trust it to be secure or that you'll have an account there tomorrow if you inadvertently piss Dragoneer or whoever off for some stupid reason.
13 years ago
Sofurry doesn't allow human porn if there's no furry in the image with the human. I personally hate using that website, and rarely update it.
13 years ago
heh ^^
13 years ago
Guess this means that you'll be on Inkbunny more often ^_^.

You have my support 100%, I've always been a big fan of Pal and all your work for years, I hope things work out for you in the new year and I cannot wait to see what you and the fans come up with next  ^_^.
13 years ago
Thank u ^^
13 years ago
and thank you for Pal, and all the work you do, always be my fav artist. ^_^
13 years ago
What a dick, my old loli/shota pics were removed without warning, now they ban some famous artist just because a pic ? What a retard.
13 years ago
^^ yeah
13 years ago
FA is really stupid.
13 years ago
Well, honestly, and not to sound rude, but, for one. They maybe wouldn't have kept you banned forever on FA because of one picture. Have you ever gotten in trouble for others? I think that maybe, the thing that really cemented your ban not being lifted is that you were ban evading by making a new account.

Give it time, see what happens.

If anything it's not really a major loss to you. I mean, FA is a popular site, but it seems like a lot of people follow you here too. I'm sure with your following, people will look out for your art wherever you go. You're not gonna lose anyone or anything.

FA can be silly though, I agree. Good luck with everything.
13 years ago
i did the new account after they ignored my requests and deleted my pictures, i realized they will never give me back my account but wanted to have an alternative account to watch the artists who aren't here on FA, i only care the artists, not the site, still have an alternative account there with that sole purpose, but i'll not make it that obvious and i'll keep a low profile
13 years ago
It's such shit...
13 years ago
eh, just be done with it pietro, FA sucks now your better off away from it im sorry your relationship with FA ends on such a bad note but its gonna be a new year. look forward to the future
13 years ago
Thank u ^^
13 years ago
no prob man, im a big fan of your work and i wouldnt want something like this to drag you down, keep doing your thing dude =)
13 years ago
Someone there just didn't like you.  They should have issued a warning first.  They really get carried away with the "cub" thing.  The only thing I don't like about IB is that pictures with humans are a bit restricted, but even that isn't a total ban.

FA used to be a great place back when you really could post any type of art there.
13 years ago
Yeah.. loved that place back in those days, i encourage lot of people to join there at those days >_<
13 years ago
preech on, buddy
13 years ago
Ah so that how that happened i was wondering. and yeah no worries still here.
13 years ago
What... FA has suspended you... OMG... was having prob with my PC and wasn't able to go online...

Jeez now that I'm back I learn this... what the hell is going on at this place... there destroying themselve by banning all the good artists... The administration of this site (FA) has become coo coo I think
13 years ago
it's like I said before.  FA gave up their soul for profit, all of this was for not getting green for a content of art.  all you do is simply find an alternate service for your users and for you to take in revenue.  for example, JABarchive has their own and people sell their stuff on it for profit... it happens that way.  people will sell their souls for profit instead of finding other ways to accomodate everyone.

looking for alternate ways is the much better choice anyway
13 years ago
They´re too freaked about lose their sponsors/host or whatever( who were the ones who complained about the cub thing ), and damn the authors! Lame on them!
13 years ago
don't let that bother you man. you'll get over them. post here on Inkbunny ^^
13 years ago
And Palcomix Too.
13 years ago
While I am slowly moveing away from the cub thing letting my cub c grow up more and more (because it an ongoing rp and story) I will say this IB has a much more user friendly and flexiable interface then FA ever had
13 years ago
Try to wait out the 3 months and try again you never know it might unban you
13 years ago
That´s pretty shitty acting there, totally ignoring you and kicking you out without any warning before in first line... :-(

Ah well, there still are IB and Paheal. :-)
13 years ago
I'm sorry to hear about this. You deserve better, then just being chased away! I can only hope, that you are recovering well from this un-just treatment! =:/
13 years ago
Sorry to hear thats happened to you :(
13 years ago
Whew, at least you're still alive. I looked in my journals and it said "RIP, bbmbbf", and my heart skipped. Where would we be without teh Comix? Seriously D:
13 years ago
Precisely, you have your IB account.  And this is where most have gone from FA.
13 years ago
Fuck FA.  And break their window.  What'd you do, anyway?
13 years ago
Have you considered joining sofurry.com or something, bbmbbf?
13 years ago
hey there so FA is making that weirdo stuff even to you now ? o.O

how uncool is that, playing dumb by using the tiny toons as excuse. they got a lot of more irritating and sick stuff to mass with the head of there members.

sry for the bad english, i'm kinda emotional right now so it made my skills sink into the middle of nowhere.

and you're right it's not the worlds end, it's the end of an era and the beginning of something bigger they just can't imagine with there massed up "we bann what we wanna" thinking heads.
13 years ago
Thanks :)
13 years ago
I'm sorry for what happened, but that is why I made an InkBunny account in the first place - to post my own cub art if I ever make any.

I do have a nude sketch of the girls form the anime Lucky Star I want to color and post, but I don't know if InkBunny or FA will accept them, so I'm afraid to do anything about it.

Anyways, if it were me, I be pissed and pretty banged up about it, too. But as they say, "out with the old, and in with the new."
If it were me, and I lose my DA account, I be devastated, as that's the only account where I'm most active than FA or IB due to traffic. On FA and IB, there's nothing much there to interact with, like no CSS journals or such. Plus, I don't get as much traffic there or here as I do on DA (mostly here because I'm new). Mostly my fault, because I'm away all the time, and just mostly end up updating just my DA. Another reason I don't update FA or IB is because I hardly draw porn either way. Porn poses have never been my strong point, and I'm still noob at it. Plus mostly everyone on FA only watches me for my porn.

Anyways, if I did lose DA, I would try and make FA work for me as much as I can. I would also try to update more, although that's what I plan to do anyways. I hope that I can get the ball rolling again and come up with some newp orn pics for FA and IB, including some cub. If I do Lolicon, I don't know where to post, as I don't know anywhere that takes it.

Anyways, god luck to you.
13 years ago
ink bunny don't like humans.. the better place is rule34 i'm affraid.. i'll post my human pictures there and just a tease here ^^
13 years ago
I knoe what rule34 is, but are you saying "Rule34" is also a website?
13 years ago
13 years ago
Meh. FA sucks more balls than is worth right now. Don't take this too personally.
13 years ago
Y ahora, mi ultimo comentario hacia alguna forma de vida online. (y ciertamente no sé por que lo hago. Quizá por darle la mano a un compatriota)

En un lado, "no cubs" y en el otro "no humanos". Apoyo del publico no hay, los amigos de aqui son falsos. Sólo apoyan a los artistas más populares y a los otros los mandan al cuerno.

Hora de ser tu mismo. No existe la comunidad perfecta, no existe la amistad en las galerías y por lo visto nunca existirá. Abre los ojos o seguirás lastimandote.
13 years ago
I know many others have said this, But your much better off not being there. Between the horrible lag on there site and there a-hole admins and there censorship, your better off here. And I will always watch you here, waiting for the next piece of UN-censored art. :)


13 years ago
That's why I nuked my gallery on FA.

And people still ask me why I don't post there!
13 years ago
heh :)
13 years ago
Sorry to here
13 years ago
*Pats BB* There there~
Ouch FA is getting strict... Cubs or getting it's own site down.. But going hard like that... It's painful. :X
At least I got IB and where I keep my happy furry stuff there! (And free to look at cute chibi-furs/cubs!)
13 years ago
* hug * Thanks ^^
13 years ago
i said it once and i will say so again dragoneer is nothing but a shit stiring douchebagging dragon that lives for nothing but starting un-needed drama first the 3d art gets banned then cub porn now this shit hell the only reason i stay on FA is a few close friends still remain on there if it wasnt for that reason alone i'd be lurking the hell out of ink bunny more your art rocks hard candy homie and dragoneer is smoking some pretty good shit to let you go just showing by the more turdfucked rules he makes the more talented artists will chill here more i follow palcomix like a fucking hawk just because of your mad art skills homie if i remembered my damn password i'd post the odd story or two there ahwell what can you do eh? all that aside im glad to see you still up and about keep up the radness that is you homie *hugs
13 years ago
Dragoneer is nothing but a disgraceful impudent motherfucking son of a bitch of a dragon! I can't believe you got banned and I feel sorry for you despite all the nice artwork you have done..I even did a pic on one of my art and they said it was shota. I was forced to delete my art containing cub! The Staff and Dragoneer are owning the site unfairly like dictators and I can't even post one goddamn cub artwork.
Like Communism on the loli/shota art. *Hugs bbmbbf* well, Inkbunny is the appropriate site for you besides FA the rotten pile of excrement it is I give FA a 1 out of 5.
13 years ago
So, who's worse:

1) An entertainer who knows shocking, faux pas, extremely deviant material intrigues peoples' curiosity by allowing them to vicariously experience the taboo through fictional media, without actually harming people or committing the acts in real life.

2) Someone who wants to believe so badly the above entertainer is 'evil' for insulting their sentiments about what is good and just that they pretend, without factual proof, that said entertainer is actually a pedophile, and try to make an actual argument based on observation alone that fictional material can make you a REAL pedophile . . . in effect wishing that the fictional material presented to the masses was 'real' and 'true', where the entertainer is actually showing the 'surreal' and 'fictional'.

People who attack individuals for posting fictional, anthropomorphic artwork are worse then the people who actually post it. Much worse, because they're trying to make fiction REAL. People, including Dragoneer and his admins, need to quit getting butthurt about material that contradicts their sentiments. That's all that's being hurt, their sentimental, fallible perspective on what is pure and innocent, whereas they wish to do actual, physical damage to those around them. They're sociopaths. They don't care what their actions lead to, as long as their own feelings are being nurtured.

Besides, as soon as Dragoneer goes on a drunken drama rant about how some particular artists soiled his site, it makes it painfully obvious to the intelligent that his major motivation for banning cub porn is personal taste, if not his then that of his mods or friends. Don't let him fool you . . . but on the other hand, do realize it's his site, and he can do with it whatever he likes. When he or his admin buddies acts like a petulant child, unprofessional and vindictive in their actions, no point in arguing with them anymore, time to pack up and head for greener pastures, rather than the soiled site Dragoneer has made for himself by shitting in his own back yard.

Glad you've moved on and your real fans followed. Don't let Dragoneer's actions put you down one bit. Just move on, and let him dwell in the drama shit-storm he likes to call home.
13 years ago
Well. said pal... like my friend karavan said.. the art is on the eye of the viewer more than in the hands of the artists, sometimes artists (musicians, painters) are surprised by the interpretation of the people about their own works..  i heard many times to artists surprised how some people take what they did and make them look / sound like something totally different (music using on political spot campaings for example)... this is not an exception, i like cartoon porns since i was very young and i do bunny pictures, for some people these images are zoophilic, for other these images are even Pedophiles!... for some poeple are just fun stuff, for others are pretty offensive stuff.. the thing here is the difference is make by the people who watch the work, the artist have a single point of view about his own work, sometimes not shared with the rest of the world
12 years, 9 months ago
For a tiny toons cover?  They have a lot more bans to work through.

Still see tons of TT stuff on that site.
12 years, 2 months ago
I'll miss you at FA.
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