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Site Updates - Beta 64 - Description field for Streams, Better image processing

We have updated the site to version 64.

The most significant changes in this version are a greatly improved image processor that should provide better quality resized images and fix some known image processing bugs, and Streams now have a Description field.


* Added: There is now a Description field for Streams. Previously members were using the password field on streams to add additional notes/description.

* Changed: Improved the appearance of stream listings on the userpage, front page and Latest Streams page.

* Changed: The "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are now visible on a stream wherever it is displayed, if you are the stream owner or a moderator.

* Changed: A better method for creating resized images is being used that should give a higher quality result.

* Changed: Now using the latest version of ImageMagick from source. This helps fix a few bugs that are known to exist in the old ImageMagick version supplied in the stable Debian package. This includes image size bugs (some images were being resized bigger than can fit horizontally on a page) and color correction issues (such as line weight or brightness of some images being affected).

* Change/Added: Now using an improved PNG optimiser.

* Changed: List of users who faved a submission now only visible to submission owner and moderators (applied as a hot fix shortly after the faving users list feature was added in the last version).

* Fixed: A bug introduced in the last version caused Suggested Submissions feature to fail when sorting by username or date (applied as a hot fix shortly after the release of the previous version).

* Fixed: Formatting issues on the new Gallery Stats page.

* Changed/Fixed: A whole bunch of little improvements to various moderator tools.

* Added: Improved protection against unauthorised role escalation.

* Added/Changed: Improvements to the deployment documentation.

* Removed: Some obsolete code and links in the moderator tools menu.

* Removed: Old unused CSS in some pages.

A full revision history for the site is available on the Wiki.


Viewed: 462 times
Added: 11 years, 3 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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11 years, 3 months ago
Ill be the first to say that while i have nothing against
im glad the maintenance image is still [iconname]starling[/iconname]
11 years, 3 months ago
YES! Description field for streams!! There IS a Santa Claus!!!
(lol I know I know.. just was irksome because of all the rampant field "repurposing" I see at work XD )
11 years, 3 months ago
Omfg now people are putting two part descriptions using both the description and the password field!! D:< (lewis black rage engage)
11 years, 3 months ago
what's a "unauthorised role escalation"? O.o

and you spelled unauthorized wrong haha

Ohh also, when do you guys plan to remodel the site? :P
11 years, 3 months ago
Nice updates once again <3
11 years, 3 months ago
Improving things and fixing them before they have a chance to break. That's how you run a website.
11 years, 3 months ago
Was the GIF resizing bug ironed out?

Edit: The one found here... and clearly not. >_<
11 years, 3 months ago
Wait..you fixed things AND improved the site in 8 HOURS
WITHOUT being poked up the ass with a cattle prod??!!?
Som'n wrong here....OH wait...I know what it is...THIS ISN'T FA!!
*whew* All's Right with the World! :D
11 years, 3 months ago
Nice one for adding a description field to stream posts, it's lurrrvely XP.
11 years, 3 months ago
Glad to see it, thanks for all your hard work.
11 years, 3 months ago
We love you guys! Thanks for giving a damn about us artists! ~^.^~
11 years, 3 months ago
I must say GreenReaper isn't hanging around, I get the feeling IB will be just as good now as it was under Starling's watch.
11 years, 3 months ago
We're still in a transition period - I don't want to take credit for that just yet. :-)

@starling has been handling ongoing development tasks while I manage staff, user moderation and social communication and get up to speed on the code. There is a lot of "running the site" that doesn't involve writing code, especially with all the new users we've added in the last few weeks; the idea is to get that off his back first, as it's easiest to shift.
11 years, 3 months ago
I didn't want to down play Starling, just give you credit where its due.

Oh I get it.
11 years, 3 months ago
What are you using for PNG optimization?  I currently use "pngcrush" followed by "pngout" on each image.  I average around 11 percent lossless reduction in size for my PNG files.  I also use "jpegtran -op -co n", for my JPG files, that averages a 9 percent lossless reduction for those.  It's not much, but every little bit helps.
11 years, 3 months ago
IB has a PNG optimizer?  I hardly use PNG, but it is nice to see inkbunny support PNG. later
11 years, 3 months ago
I use PNG a lot, so that is awesome. Also, holy hell yes to the stream updates. I already love how easy to use IB's stream notifier is, and now it's just 10x better. Thank you thank you thank youuuuuu <3
11 years, 3 months ago
this made me watch that "N64 kid" vid again~
11 years, 2 months ago
First: thank you for constant updates and improvements! They are much appreciated!

Are there any plans to implement responsive CSS / the ability to activate responsive CSS? If not, is that something perhaps I could write for you / help with? =)
11 years, 1 month ago
Time of update?
11 years ago
22 December! You can click the "X months ago" at the right of a post to get an exact timestamp.
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