Hi all I figured I can start actively updating people on my writing plans and progress as I'm attempting to take pick it up as a smallish sidejob/hobby.
I have also put together a pricelist and info for commisions:
Info (you can always ask questions)
1. You can purchase small bits or parts over time, or pay in full up front, we can discuss if you want it posted as a whole or in parts.
2. You can let me wing it or provide me with specific details and requests, I will take my own interpretation and creativety as a guideline so if you have the entire story in your head you better write it yourself :p.
3. You can have a standalone story or have it play out in one of my 'worlds' such as M.A.R.E. or Dungeons and Damsels Slut Souls.
4.Of course you can upload and edit it, please refer to my original post/make edits clear.
Writing prices:
EUROS €Standard rate *0.01 per word
€2-5 Tip/small story for artwork up to 400words.
€10-20 Short story 1000-2000 words. *(0.01 per word)
€30 Medium story/1 part 4000 words (+1000 bonus words).
€50 Adventure /Long chapter 7000-8000 words
(+2000-+-3500 bonus words).
All my writing:
CM = Custom MARE = M.A.R.E. DDSS =DungeonsDamselsSmutSouls
My current projects:
Commisions que:
8000 word CM
8000 word DDSS
Personal projects/World settings:
MARE The M.A.R.E. Project
story branches and adventures.
DDSS Dungeons&Damsels Smut-Souls
Adventures and long storys.