As the two companions aproach the gate, they get stopped by the guard. Holding his torch up he notices their wings and asks: "'What business brings you here?"'
"We would like passages trough the gate, we are on a urgent mission."
"'Of course my lady, OPEN THE GATES!"' And two men come from the small barrack post stationed under the stairs that go up to the wall. Both grunt as they lift the wooden support that is suppoced to be a "lock" then the door starts creaking opening slowly as a guard on top of the wall turns a wheel.
"'Best of luck on your mission, may the devines guide your path."'
"The devines watch over you."
This was a common saying among the people of Iraleth, sitizens would wish luck to their protecting Angels while they would reply with this sentence. It was a sign of double-sided respect.
The two continue to walk out of the city and exchange eye contact with the other guards.
"The moon should start waning tommorrow, Helene says as she looks in the nightsky"
'All the better, there is a high chance he'll still be active tonight, and once the moon wanes he'll grow weaker wich will make him easyer to contain.'
The sound of a large wooden support falling in place behind the gate is heard behind them as Ilanae and Helene continue their journey to the farm. Walking down the small path of the mountain toward the valley below. Little lights from the farm can be seen.
"Sight, I'm afraid this is going to be a long night if he does deside to show up."
'If he doesn't we'll be in bigger trouble, who knows where he might go'
The farmgate creaks as they open it and the farm dog starts barking, soon after the front door opens and a man with filthy pyjamas stands in the opening. A neglected beard and broken owl glasses on top of his big nose that matches his grumpy face. One could likely mistake him for an dwarf.
He holds his lantarn up to look at the strangers. "'What business do two angels have on my farm"', the man ask friendly. Altough a mild hint of anoyance can be heard if you'd listen closely.
'Rumors have it there is a werewolf on the loose, we are here to track him down. Do you happen to know anything about this matter?'
"'Do I know.. DO I KNOW? Of course I bloody know! He took out 2 of my cows last night!" The man continues ranting about the wolf and points at the fence, "'The basterd bashed my whole fence to peaces, I don't even have the monney, time or recources to fix it! Especially with my cows gone! What am I suppoced to do? Bad dog! Don't eat my cow!?!"'
"I'm sorry we couldn't be here sooner mr.."
'Buck I am' Helene looks at Ilanae and continues, "We are terribly sorry for your loss mr. Buck. But we are here to bring this beast to justice, allow us to shelter here while we watch over your farm tonight. We can discuss the wereabouts of the wolf in the morning".
"'That's not going to fix my fence!"'
"Excuse us for a moment Buck, What do you think your doing?! Are you out of your mind? If we wan't to track this wolf down easy this is our best chance!"
'You're right, I overreacted. Allow me to apologize mr Buck, I just don't want to waste precious time arguing when there is an werewolf on the loose, the sooner we catch him the better, the only reason we came here is to have an headstart in the morning, or even catch him in the act here, if you allow us to stay here we will take shifts protecting your farm tonight'.
"'Hmfh"'Followed by some mumbling under his beard, "'Very well, let me grab the keys for the barn, you can stay in there, just be sure you don't come near the house, if the dog sees you he will bark.. and bite."'
'You better warn your dog not to come near us, Ilanae says on a low tone' And immidiatly gets a hard stomp from Helene's elbow in her side. 'Ough!'
After Buck hands them the keys they head for the barn. Once they open it, the typical smell of cows hits them. 'I suppoce we won't be sleeping much after all..' "Can you stop complaining already? Why don't you go and take watch all night then, if your not sleeping then I am!"
'Alright, alright. I'll take the first shift, but next morning I am going to wash myself first!'
"There should be a lake about an half hour in the forest, I presume the wolf will drink there as well, so we can take a stop there once we reach it."
'Or we catch the wolf and head home already.'
Helene yawns, "Either way, you'll get your bath.. I'm off to sleep, wake me whenever."
Hours go by, and eventually she heads inside to wake Helene, this continues 1 rotation untill dawn breaks. The first beam of lights strike across Helene's face and not long after she wakes her companion. "It's a good day, I feel we will pick up his track today, possibly even catch him."
Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she reply's: 'Let me guess, the sun..' "YES! It showed me visions of the lake I told you about, the wolf was there. We should head there now, we can eat on underway."
'That still facinates me about you Dawn's, All I have going for me is superior fighting skill. Tell me, how does it work? Do you just ask it a question and it awnsers?'
"The sun? No, it's just like a dream. However, it also works when I'm awake, as soon as dawn breaks the night it will send me these images, almost like memories even tough I haven't been somewhere, I can remember what happened. Depending on what my mind is set on most."
'So if you where to think about..'
"Anything really, she smiles. Places, people name it and if I set my mind to it I will know what's up".
'That's so cool! Man, I envy you.'
"You shouldn't say that, everyone has something going for them, look at yourself, you must have faught dozens of battles, and not a single scratch, dent or scar!"
'Thanks Helene, now let's go tame that beast.' "Right!"
As the two walk out of the barn, they are greated by the farmer, much friendlyer then the night before. "'Gooood morning lady's, hope you had some sleep last night, I'm sorry I didn't have another place for you to stay."'
'Not an problem at al mr. Buck. May I ask you a favour?'
"'Of course sweatheart! Now, what is it you wanted me to ask?"'
'I regret to inform you we are leaving now, that beast is still out there, however. We didn't bring any food with us for the journey, would you provide us some? We can pay for it!'
"'Oh, don't be silly, of course! My wife is busy making breakfest already, why don't you come inside?"'
'I'm afraid you misunderstood, we are leaving right away, can't we take anything for on the move?'
Buck seems to be thinking about something, "'That's sad to hear, not many angels visiting these days"', he says accompanied with a hard bellowing leagh. To wich the girls grin in responce. "'Very well, let me grab some from inside, I will be back in a minute!"'
He returns with a basket full of tomatoes, carrots and a loaf of bread, "'This should suffice!"'
Ilanae already heading for her purse, the man waves it away. "'It's on the house, now just make sure you get the basterd!"'
'We will, Ill send a message once we completed our task, I wish you the best of luck mister Buck!' "Thanks for everything!"
"'Ha! Thanks to you I could sleep undisturbed. Best of luck on your hunt, and hop by anytime!"'
And so they enter the forest. Leaves are already starting to fall from the trees as the forest turns collors from green to brown. "The forrest will never bore me, it's ever changing."
After litlle less then an hour with no sign of tracks the reach the small lake. Ilanae starts stripping down, preparing herself for the bath. Helene follows her lead. 'Mhh~Getting kinky I see, oh don't worry well keep it between ourselves'
"Don't get any funny Ideas, I'm just taking a bath, never taken group baths before?"
'Never one on one<3'
To this Helene starts to blush but continues her bathing, untill..
~~ OK I would like input here :D I have 3 ideas but I think it would be fun to have you interact with choises. COMMENT BELOW! All options will include NSFW stuff and a lot of it. <3
1- Wolf aproaches
2- Creature of the lake
3- Lesbian scene