If this is how they're acting these days, I honestly hope their website crumbles to dust just like Fchan and Fur Affinity.... may Ink Bunny forever remain as the DOMINANT and BEST furry artwork website....
We all knew it was coming... Really, fuck the world we live in. Fuck all of it. I stopped posting my art to e621 a while ago, and I don't regret it in the least.
We all knew it was coming... Really, fuck the world we live in. Fuck all of it. I stopped posting my
I already dropped the good parts of Ashcroft VS Free Speech Coalition...
And also Boozy Badger's article about why you're about as likely to get hit with an Obscene Drawings Charge as you are likely to win the lottery or get struck by lightning.......
I already dropped the good parts of Ashcroft VS Free Speech Coalition... And also Boozy Badger's ar