We don't usually like using the journal feature, but here it goes: If - and that's a big if - we were to do a growth drive, what would you like to see?
I didn't bother to in Furaffinity because no one ver read those. This isn't Furaffinity though. And I'm trying to be a *big boy artist* now which means i have to update my *loyal viewers* on my *shitt...
10 months ago
They / Them (plural) Furry artist and writer you might know. Five people in a trenchcoat doing our best to do our best Polysexual and Polyamorous; I love all my partners so much ❤️ Zoosexual and proud! Autistic, sure. ADHD? Maybe? It's complicated Cis male. Does it even matter to put this here? Lover of love. Lover of lovers of love, and so on. 𐑓𐑳𐑯𐑯𐑦 𐑷𐑢𐑓𐑷𐑚𐑧𐑑 𐑜𐑴 𐑚𐑮𐑮𐑮𐑮𐑮𐑮𐑮𐑮!! Discipulus latinitum