I did one of these a while ago and thought I might do one again, especially as I have both more OCs and more followers, and (in theory at least) they're a bit more fleshed out now.
So - if you want to ask a question, please do so! And I'll try and answer it in character, and - depending on the question and the answer - might even draw the response.
Brief run-down of my OCs - Main Universe: Ellie: Badger girl, usually about 10-14 years old. Small and cut. In a relationship (which lasts its time!) with Rachel (and is probably the 'top'!). Bit of a bookworm, kinda shy but is trying to work on that.
Rachel: Squirrel girl, also usually about 10-14 years old. Musical, more outgoing than Ellie is. In a relationship with Ellie (and is probably the 'bottom', despite being the bigger of the two girls!)
Imogen: Fox girl, a year older than Ellie and Rachel and good friends with them. Has some kitsune in her family. Mischievous (as foxes tend to be) but well natured. Doesn't really care about social norms like wearing clothes, and somehow gets away with it. Has a younger brother, Daniel.
Hannah: Mouse girl, in Ellie and Rachel's class at school. Sweet girl, but has a not-so-innocent kinky side that comes out every now and then, but maybe just because she craves the adult attention she doesn't get at home.
Alex: Badger boy, and Ellie's older-by-two-years brother. Currently single, but has had at least three girls at school randomly hit on him (and more).
Maeve: Squirrel girl, Rachel's older sister. Has a daughter, Daisy, after a one-night-stand with her University flatmate James; still really good friends with James but she realised that she's aromantic.
James: Dog boy, and father to Daisy. Still kind of in love with Maeve, but knows and respects her decision. Moved to the same town to be near his daughter.
Matt and Laura: Alex and Ellie's parents. Matt is basically an analogue for me in my main universe.
Daisy: Squirrelpuppy hybrid, daughter of Maeve and James. Usually shown around 11-14 in any stories/pictures of her.
Sarah: Squirrel girl, adopted by Ellie and Rachel when they are older and get married. She was given Ellie's surname as she is Rachel's species; calls Rachel 'Mummy' (later just 'Mum') and Ellie 'Moomoo'.
Supplementary Characters: Pepper: Werewolf. Or a reverse werewolf in that she turns human during a full moon. (It seemed like a good idea at the time.)
Mat: My main fursona, Almost the same as Matt but not quite - although still basically me, this is the non-universe Inkbunny version of me.
Oli: Badger girl. Kind of in-universe too appearing on the Reynolds family tree as a cousin to Ellie and Alex being Matt's Brother's daughter, but mostly created to have a female badger that I could use without having to use Ellie. So maybe my female fursona?