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Final farewell and bridge burn

What up everybody! You probably saw my posts were all gone, well it appears our oppressive, AI hating, ignorant, uneducated, art gatekeeping overlords of Inkbunny have banned me cause i used artists names in one of my photos.

Yeah, i admit it. I used the tool how it was designed to be used and had a combination of 8 different artists listed in one of my photos. No one from the staff gave me warning, asked me to remove the piece, gave me any means to rectify the situation, just straight banned for a singular photo, and taking another users accusation at face value because i deleted their comment, but i never posted any artists for that photo, i just got sick of that users constant bitching and bullying about AI.

I initially left them in there so that other hopeful AI artists could better learn how to use the technology, so that we could have a collaborative and growing community sharing how to better ourselves with this new tech, and mostly cause i didnt notice that stupid fucking rule in the list of rules. And you know what? Im not sorry one bit about it.

I had faced enough stupidity, hatred, bigotry, and ignorance from the bullying community of Inkbunny and their baseless hatred of AI and its "stealing" that i just removed it so those pieces of shit like KammyKay could mind their own business and keep their hatred to themselves. It amazes me that they get to be so shitty, judgemental, self righteous, and hateful, yet i get banned for making art for personal reasons, not stealing anything, and not monetizing anything. That one user alone spearheaded a campaign to eliminate as many AI users as possible and has single handedly filed over 100 different complaints against different people.

The stupidity of AI art is so pervasive it BLOWS MY MIND. So heres a quick lesson on how AI training ACTUALLY work.

1. Most major AI base models were trained on photos scraped from public domains.

2. This is a legally protected activity as long as they are publicly accessible domains.

3. In order for it to be "stealing" legally, you have to have your work copywritten, which is a specific process, and it has to be an individual and specific image. If it is not copywritten, then you have little to no legal grounds to claim theft.

4. AI art trainings do NOT, in ANY way, keep a library of photos. It does not make frankenstein images  of stolen photos.

5. It is a statistical impossibility to recreate an exact singular photo from a raw generation, which only singular photos can be copywritten.

6. When scanning a photo, it creates conceptualizations of the objects and artistic styles contained within the photo, creates a transitive photo to make sure it understands the concepts its scanned, and then discards the photo. It does NOT in any way keep the original photo at all.

7. Since it creates conceptualizations of photos and does NOT take 1 for 1 copies of photos, ALL GENERATED CONTENT IS TRANSFORMATIVE, meaning its in no way stolen.

8. Artistic styles, including artists specific styles, are NOT copywriteable. Only individualistic pieces and photos are copywriteable.

AI art training is no different in its observations and data than someone staring at an art piece analytically to determine its composition to understand how it was made and the subjects contained within.

Its not stealing, publicly accessible content is legal to scan for trainings, it doesnt make copies of peoples photos, art styles cant be claimed as unique, and most of all, i didnt actually do anything wrong.

This website has drawn a clear and defined line in the sand where its supposed morals and ethics end for their ideas of "artistic freedom" and its at the feet of AI art.

Their integrity in this regard is the most hypocritical thing ive ever seen. They literally say in their highest code and mission statement of their Inkbunny philosophy that they value "artistic freedom" and that users "shouldnt worry so much about piracy."

These two values now mean nothing in the face of AI art generation because of their nyriad of oppressive restrictions about what can or cannot be done or is or is not allowed to be used and in what way. They tell you to not worry about piracy, a rule that was created BEFORE AI art, but some random user making personal art for personal reasons without monetization is BAN WORTHY?

They claim to "take great pride in their professionalism and conduct" yet aggressively make known their hatred for AI art generation, as well as CLEARLY havent even taken the time to research how this new technology and art medium works, and have vehemently violated their core values based on bias and ignorance.

But sure, they get to violate their highest rules cause they have the power. They get to be liars and hypocrites because no one can hold them accountable.

So fuck this website, fuck this account, fuck the hateful community, fuck your hypocritical power trips and your flimsy values, fuck your "artistic freedom" and your oppressive gatekeeping, fuck your intellectual laziness, fuck your desire to make rules against AI art without even understanding the technology, and fuck your self-righteous hypocrisy.

I refuse to play kiss ass and pattycake with people who demand subservience and control, ESPECIALLY liars who pretend to uphold moral values, but only when it suits them.

If their oppressive rules werent bad enough already, they plan on having mods to start using AI models based on peoples prompts to make sure theyre 100% accurate. They want to inspect photo metadata to make sure it contains prompt information. They want to investigate Loras and checkpoint models to see what data was used to train it. Does any of this gestapo shit sound like "artistic freedom" at all?

I have never seen such wild fucking nazi shit before, for simply wanting to make some colors appear on a screen and show it off?! The insanity of these people, the weird , psycho, ignorant, and uneducated.

I LOVED that i finally had a means to create art in my life, and i was GOOD at it. Now i fucking hate it and havent touched it in weeks because of all the hate here and everywhere else about it. Its a literal intellectual warzone, spearheaded by ignorance and impulsive belief formation without education whatsoever. The spirit of artistic expression and a whole new realm of budding artists is SERIOUSLY under threat by facist assholes. You are doing WAY more damage than what you even THINK AI is doing by "stealing" which it is NOT.

So thanks Inkbunny, youve turned love for art into a hatred of it, you have shown your ignorant and oppressive intentions, you have compromised the values of the founder and his principles of this site, and you only plan on getting worse.
Viewed: 314 times
Added: 1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
The idea of 'auditioning prompts' shows particular ignorance on the way AI art generation works, as anyone who's done AI art should know repeatability isn't its strong point, especially when what comes out is a hallucination.
Yet these are the people making the rules!  😜
The part that particularly displeases me about that idea is that no other artist type here is subject to such - or any - scrutiny.

A little correction on your post: Copyright is a right that happens automatically upon the creation of artwork (original or uniquely-derivative). In theory, there is no need for any process to make it 'official', but works can be officially registered as copyrighted so in case of legal dispute you have documentation identifying the original creator.
(and as a side note, AI art is currently not copyrightable in the US)

Something almost nobody realizes is that, in most places on the web, you have already given your rights away the moment you uploaded a picture there. Adobe has been claiming non-exclusive rights to do whatever they want with your stuff since 2008. Most user agreements include provisions that allow for 'web crawlers' or 'other research' to look through your stuff and collect data from it. Everything that shows up on a Google Search was authorized to be looked at by computers/algorithms/AI and information from it to be collected in some way.
1 year, 1 month ago
At least you got to keep your avatar.

No, but with all seriouseness, I always thought that InkBunny was a place where you really could feel free about the ways of expressing yourself, especially the site allows content that in some countries (e.g. France) can get you into prison (yes, I'm looking at the case of BunnyBits https://inkbunny.net/j/472418-Bunnybits-hello-world-im-... ). Yet, they have a moral problem with AI and how it is made. But I guess even this place couldn't be free from "kapos" who would report their co-users to the "guards" for some unknown profit. This is really really sad. Anyway, when you feel like it, PM me via Telegram.
1 year, 1 month ago
No matter what someone's opinion is, hatred and blaming each other creates a situation that quickly divides a community. I have never seen the community so polarized. This is bad for artists who scare off their own customers and for new young furries. Right now, the furry community is doing what it does best: Instead of working together, it is once again destroying itself.

This was already the case during the transition to digital art, when diapers/ABDL were also criticized, as well as feral & cub drawings. Petplay was the same. It's ironic to me that InkBunny was created for exactly these reasons, as a place of refuge, but is now struggling to uphold its own goals. It's no longer a question of AI or not, but rather whether the community is falling back into old patterns like kink-shaming, or in this case: tool-shaming.

I'm not criticizing the rules here, but the way they're handled. I hope that everyone involved can find some peace and quiet, especially considering the fact that topics like cub and feral art are still taboo in our society. We should not insult or even call enemies those who share the furry hobby. It's always emphasized that it's about bad actions, but since I've seen the hate, it's just an excuse by some (not all). Myself have received false accusations as well as hatred. Not because I was against the rules, but asking that the audited should be made public, not the names, but the how.

If it were at least just about the rules, but everyone has now realized that there are completely different targets of individual people behind it. It's no secret that some people now want AI to be destroyed, after all, that's what the comments say. But remember this: People don't forget. No matter who stands out with hate in this difficult transition phase, no matter which side... people remember that... and already beyond inkbunny.

Some will go down in the history of the furry community as the person who only hated. There are very special canidates who can't get rid of this reputation, never.

♥ I wish you all the best, but also the furry community, as well as inkbunny, that peace will soon return. ♥

Disclaimer: My text does NOT mean that I agree with the journal, but that I want to share MY view. Unfortunately, nowadays I have to write that down separately. Otherwise it will be used against me again.
1 year, 1 month ago
...and as an extra comment: i know that some Anti-AI artists here on InkBunny are organised in the biggest hate community on reddit: r/ArtistHate

Don't be confused by the name: This is one of the biggest Anti-AI movements that starts targeted attacks against websites as well as copying comments from forums to make fun of them.

Since this is still publicly stated in the profile, I can give this example.

Of course I can't name those who are hiding it, only this example, which is also in the profile.
Some have signed up there and are posting stuff from furraffinity and inkbunny to reinforce their Anti-AI arguments.
1 year, 1 month ago
IB only allowed AI with a good amount of controversy, so it could not have been a thing at all. Given that, and the desire to put on some limits to maintain some quality and keep drama at bay, IMO the rules aren't unreasonable.

That said, there are places with less rules if this is too much for you.

You're welcome to share your works here: https://t.me/+3J4MN_IXUZ5iMGE0
1 year, 1 month ago
Why don't you actually tell the whole story? Why don't you let everyone know how you've been using artist names in order to generate your content, then you concealed it?

That's the difference between a warning, and losing your permissions to create submissions. You hold no regard for this website's rules, and when you're confronted about it by other members and even staff, you play the victim.

This is the journal of someone who got caught generating their content using artist names and / or LoRAs to obtain a certain (specific) style, then deceptively removed those prompts. As a consequence, they lost their ability to create submissions.

That kind of practice is against the Acceptable Content Policy, and we will enforce it.

1 year ago
You must have missed the part where i actively admitted to posting artists names. I didnt even really "get caught," i got ratted out by one of this community's most hateful people towards AI who did EVERYTHING in their power to remove as many AI artists as possible.

I was confronted by 2 other members, 1 being the king AI hater, but by the time any admin had ACTUALLY called me out on something specific, i was already banned. But sure, i do hold no regard for the rules, because they tell you youre allowed to paint the sun, but you cant use the color orange or yellow. The restrictive "rules" on AI also violate the philosophy this site was founded on, so its like state law trying to override constitutional law, but every admin here appears to be fine with that lack of integrity and also appears to generally be biased against AI generation as well. By the time i sat down and read the whole thing, things had already gone too far. I tried confronting admins about it peacefully at first because the rules on AI were so contradictory to the founding principles, but lost patience quickly.

I like many AI artists didnt fully understand the MYRIAD of rules we have to abide by that no other artist or medium has to abide by. I didnt even realize that using artists names were bad at first, i just thought one of the MANY haters was just coming by to shit on AI for the millionth time. I simply thought "Wow, an actual place to freely express my artistic interests" without understanding the long list of restrictive fine print that only applies to my style of artistic creation.

So yeah, boo hoo, unknowingly broke the rules, loved my art pieces enough to try and fight for them, loved making art for the first time in my life so much that i was willing to fight giants, got smashed by tyrants who have the power to lack personal accountability, and here we are. Good news for you though, wont have to deal with my "evil" art making anymore.
1 year, 1 month ago
I mean dude you went on a huge rant in someone else's journal, tee'd off against at least two admins that I know of and all they had to say to you was don't use specific artist names in your prompts. Now you're here crying for sympathy instead of packing up your toys and going somewhere else so clearly you want the attention on your work and what they are listing is *really* not that hard but please continue trying to talk your way around the point.

Even in the other person's journal all Kadm said to you was don't use an artists name in the prompt, don't use LoRA's trained on *specific* artists. They offered you a plethora of options to  work within the bounds of the rules and every time you'd counter with bullshit excuses and half assed arguments about how the LoRA's are trained on a bunch of artists who are still alive. That was never their problem with it, that the training might include an artist who was still alive, just that it wasn't trained on like 8 artists who are all active in the community so that you could prompt just one of those artists and pop out something very close to their style.

Even when you did acknowledge that you still ignored the fact that all they asked you to do was *NOT* use specific artist names in your prompts, you couldn't even do that. This is literally a use your words scenario wherein your prompts lack anything substantial to work off of so you use the artists name in place of how you'd like the body structure described. Several people pointed that out, you ignored it or tried to talk your way around it to try and get them to change policy for you. Other AI users stepped in and offered help, offered suggestions and even sided with the admin team that this isn't that hard and all you had to do was just listen to them. You could have taken their advice into DMs if you wanted but I doubt that even happened before you went and pulled the same shit.

The admin team on this site is many things but bullies they are not. They warn you and give you a chance. It's not their fault that you took that length of rope and hung yourself with it. And btw, not an admin, not even someone important on this site but you have me agreeing with [iconname]Kadm[/iconname]. Even he will tell you that's a bit impressive. So take it from a user who has butted up against the admin team here. Just stop being a twat and follow the rules. They will not debate them with you, it's not about your opinion on the matter, it's about what that collective of people have decided is the best current course of action on this content and your say and opinions in this matter; especially as one person who couldn't even be bothered to try and listen to them in the first place, will never enter the equation.

I wish you a lot of luck wherever you land, have fun making art with AI, I did enjoy your pieces but seriously, grow the fuck up.
1 year ago
Not crying for sympathy, was simply revealing the truth and was honestly curious if my rant would cause the admins to just delete my account. I also got tired of all the hatred here for the medium and the hypocrisy and lack of integrity for so called "artistic freedom." So yeah, i went off the deep end because of being boxed in how im "allowed" to make art, which only applies to AI artists. Yeah, i clashed against the admins about their rules, but not a single one confronted me directly about my "infraction" until i was banned.
1 year ago
You're not revealing the truth, you omit bits of it, you aren't boxed in any more than artists who draw human stuff who can't have it hosted on site and even then you still aren't boxed in as other ai artists have shown. You just don't like having any rules dictating how or with what you can make art. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you ai stuff is easy or offer you advice on improving because flatly I don't fully understand it but it is funny to me how you just blatantly refuse to acknowledge any wrong doing and keep pointing back to the rules to complain about your freedoms being limited.

People get infractions for willfully not tagging things right, people get infractions for harassing others and people get infractions for posting lewd human art. And guess what, there's a lot of grey area in human art. They don't whine. They find a way to host it offline and promote it here to work within the rules. You whine about how the rules are stated as if you'll get them dropped but really all you do is make it harder for the people who are trying to stay in the rules. You whine about how much of the art is pulled from live artists and such to make LoRA's. Kay and? You keep whining about it and eventually someone's going to tighten the rules to specifically approved lora's that they have vetted. You keep posting stuff while being deceitful about what prompts were used and now we have rules about posting the prompts or iso's or whatever.

Everything you've done up until now has just made it harder for the people trying to do it right and when they've finally cornered you on this you've cried foul and whined about unfairness. It's not going to get to a point of fairness if you can't try to work within an evolving set of rules that could be reworked later as better understandings of these tools come to light. So I'm just gonna say it again.

Grow up. Understand where and why you fucked up, do your best to not do it again. And quit blaming the mods for catching you in the lie. You put yourself in that position, not them. Again, other people are staying in the ruleset and doing fine. There was nothing saying you couldn't until you proved you couldn't. That's when the admins came down on you.
12 months ago
That's the thing that you aren't getting though. It's not my content that's the problem (like the people posting drawn human content) it's the MEDIUM that's the problem. No other single medium here has any restrictions on how it's used, only on what the content of the image can be. And no, I don't like being put into a situation where I'm not allowed to make art, the WAY I'd like to, and no, I don't acknowledge any "wrong doing" because I really didn't do anything wrong. I violated their rules, yes, but I both liked and was proud of the art I made, so I chose to defend it instead of letting people tell me I had to delete it, because of HOW it was made, and not what was in it.

When I made my first few posts, I didn't even realize: 1. How hateful the damn community is towards AI art and that I'd be dealing with so much scrutiny for making art, and 2. The full extent of the rules regarding using artist names, which is how the technology is designed and works. I made things I liked, I was met with haters that felt the need to go out of their way to dictate how I'm "allowed" to create art, so I deleted their comments, blocked them, and removed the tags so they'd leave me alone. Then one of them felt extra bitchy and snitched on me, so here we are.

You and everyone else keeps trying to pin it down as me "intentionally" being "malicious" but I was ignorant of the rules and proud of my works that I'd made, and I didn't want to be told to delete them.  As I've likened it before, it's like being told to paint the sun but you can't use orange and yellow. No other artist or medium has these restrictions, and people that have NO actual understanding of how the technology works have made rules. I stood up for my art, I stood up for my medium, and I stood up against unfair rules that violate supposed core principles this site claims to hold as their highest regard. So no, I did nothing wrong, I simply stood up for what I believe in and I don't regret it.
12 months ago
Yeah, I'm done listening to this, again, it's intentional when you were told by users and staff to comply with the rules and you elected to hide it and ignore the warnings. That's it. The hate for ai art is a short term thing right now and plenty of people like the art it's putting out. Myself included. But you just wanna whine about the hate and talk in circles. Have fun with that.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Look bro, say whatever the fuck you want. I refuse to be apologetic about how I create art. Absolutely fucking stupid that anyone should expect anyone else to feel that way. Absolutely fucking stupid that a website built on the principles of "freedom of artistic expression" would enforce otherwise, but sure, "rules."
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Then go the fuck elsewhere. I'm not even sure why you're bothering to respond anymore given I'm the only person you're continuing to engage with here, weeks after the fact. Be unapologetic but do it somewhere that gives a rats ass.
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Mainly because you think you're hot fucking shit and have to have the last word to keep acting like a bitch and brow beating me. Fuck off and go gatekeep someone else's art.
1 year, 1 month ago
I'm sorry to see you go.  I really enjoyed your art.
1 year, 1 month ago
It's amazing how you have the time and effort to teach a robot to do the modern-day version of art tracing.

Yet had you just taken all the effort you put into teaching an AI to copy other artist, and used it to learn how to draw yourself this whole situation could've been avoided.

Ya know, learning how to create art on your own merit, with a style that's unique to YOU and not artsyles stolen from other people?

What a concept holy cow.

1 year, 1 month ago
If you'd ever actually used the tools you hate so much, you'd realize comparing it to art tracing is ignorant at best.
1 year, 1 month ago
I have no interest in learning how to use an AI, Id rather just learn how to draw, based on research, it takes way less effort.

also contrary to what you seem to think, I don't have anything against AI art, it doesn't affect me, I have an Issue with bad apples.

I also called it modern-day tracing because, your basically taking a huge shortcut to produce art and parade it around

Same concept as a traditional artist, tracing something really.
1 year ago
Your complete lack of education is unreal. You also clearly didnt even read my post on how AI works, or you did and chose to ignore. Lemme give you rhe quick a d dirty points.

1. Its not "stealing," its training on the CONCEPTS of photos.
2. Its not tracing either, not a SINGLE photo it trains on is stored ANYWHERE in data.
3. I, or anyone here, did not do the trainings, so that rant is useless.
4. Using stylistic influences from multiple different artists is literally how EVERY artist works. Having a machine do it just offloads the task.

Its people like you that make this suck. You create stupid and false ideas about how you THINK these things work, create entire beliefs about how you feel about it, and have never ONCE, ACTUALLY, taken any time to educate yourself on how it works from a technical standpoint.
1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
Also imagine putting all that effort into training an AI

And being so bad at it you had to fake the prompts just to get it to generate properly.

Actually does that fail fall on the AI bot or you as the "Artist"?
1 year, 1 month ago
Relax a bit. Weren't you the one ranting about the admins, I'm quoting you: You say that but also factor in this site has mods that don't give two fucks about doing their job to begin with.

Now they do their job and instead of finding your inner peace, you even reactivate your old account and start ranting on others journals. =)
1 year, 1 month ago
Interesting... How do you "reactivate" an account?  I only see "Remove Account" when I go to settings :O
Also thought this was a critque on this person's artistic ability, and not on mods finally doing the things.
1 year, 1 month ago
You misunderstood me. Maybe read it again. ♥  I deliberately wrote it exactly like that, word for word. Your last sentence tells me that you didn't understand my comment, because that wasn't the point. =)

Please also note the other comments from this user.
1 year, 1 month ago
I did read your silly post. 🤔 To the fact you didn't respond how to reactivate accounts.  Maybe answer that for me. 🖤
I really didn't care about them bashing on the mods on them not doing their job, as this initial comment was about the OP being bad at their AI generating to get them reported.  Should also actually read that comment, too. 😆
However, since you're stuck on the topic, maybe the rants and insults on them finally got them to enforce policies and other stuff faster, hence why this journal exists.  Ever thought about that?

But seriously... how do you reactivate an account on this site?  Where is that located?
1 year, 1 month ago
Somehow we don't understand each other, let me try again. ♥

By reactivation I don't mean that the account has been closed, but that it has not been used: No comments, no favorites, nothing. Maybe "sleeping" would have been the right word. Some people just log in to rant and don't contribute to InkBunny for months.

My point was: Some people are just never happy. Even if users get banned.

I suspect that you stumbled into this topic and didn't realise that it had been going on for months. Which is not a bad thing. To explain the whole topic here would go beyond the scope of this comment. To summarise: At the moment, the community are trying to find common ground for everyone. Sponch represents an extreme side, still worth reading. If you want to hear the other side, then you should listen:


...or you don't get too deeply into the subject and just have fun with inkbunny. :3
1 year, 1 month ago
Quite odd you've blocked someone you responded to. 🐈

Do appreciate you finally responding about reactivating accounts. 🖤 However...

" No comments, no favorites, nothing. Maybe "sleeping" would have been the right word. Some people just log in to rant and don't contribute to InkBunny for months.

Don't get this one. 🤔  There are those who comment on this site, like what I'm doing, and the person you've blocked.  Yes, there are rude people, however the ones that rant do actually contribute.  They eventually got mods to act faster and efficiently, as you can see.  Favorites can be hidden, and like me, sometimes they don't want to post their commissions or requests on their accounts.  I find this take rather tasteless and uncalled for.  Why can't there be people who just want to browse and look at art?  

" Some people are just never happy. Even if users get banned.

Who are we talking about here?  The OP who got caught and is not happy about it, or the fact users on the site want mods to do their job, and it took them a while to do so?  Thing is. this site was infested with MAPs and pedophiles for a long long time.  Users like me were not happy with them using this site for unspeakable things.  But at least it was taken care of finally, slower than the AI art enforcement, but I'll give them credit on that.

Also, I would not be happy if I get restricted after being caught breaking ToS, or I would not be happy if the mods or admins take their sweet time on their jobs.  Last you were correct on never being happy part.

" I suspect that you stumbled into this topic and didn't realise that it had been going on for months.

Hmm... That was rude of you.  You know I've been on this site on a daily for almost 13 years, right?  I don't think your time and experience on this site parallels mine seeing this account is about two weeks old as of this response.  Unless... this is an alt account I'm communicating with. 😲

" ...or you don't get too deeply into the subject and just have fun with inkbunny. :3

To be fair, I didn't jump on the AI art bandwagon like everyone else and KammyKay, who have I been watching for a few years now, so I'm very familiar with their takes. 😏  All I did was block the AI tags due to not being interested in seeing it.  I would prefer traditional, and actual digital art, from real artists.
I only responded to you, because I wanted to know how to reactivate accounts, and why you were bashing on that blocked user for a different reason other than their inital reply.  Seems you were the one bringing me into this subject I didn't ask for.  However, since I got my answer(s) due to communication error on your part as a result, I'll let you continue doing your thing, while I do mine, like having a great time on Inkbunny.

You have a nice day, okay? 👋 🖤
1 year, 1 month ago
I don't know why you deliberately want to misunderstand me. I only block users, whether pro ai or against, who have attracted attention through hate speech. That's also my right and I don't have to justify myself. ♥
1 year ago
" Thing is. this site was infested with MAPs and pedophiles for a long long time.  Users like me were not happy with them using this site for unspeakable things.  But at least it was taken care of finally, slower than the AI art enforcement, but I'll give them credit on that.

Yeah, and MAPs totally disappeared. Completely vanished into thin air. Nobody on this site is aroused by real human beings anymore. /s

All the changes to the rules achieved is making MAPs less noticeable (and maybe letting admins sleep at night). 😆

Frankly, I still have no idea why it was seen as such a big deal. I searched InkBunny for "map" keywords back when that journal appeared, there were like 3 pages of results, mostly some weirdly colored cats and some flags with obscure messaging. I'd bet there were like 10 people obsessed with the "problem", including admins who sat 24/7 in the private messages of these MAPs looking for links to illegal content (admins at least had the legal incentive to worry; can't say so about others).
1 year, 1 month ago

Just noticed you tried to start a conversation with me then blocked me before I could respond aw well.

but to reply to what you said

" I'm quoting you: You say that but also factor in this site has mods that don't give two fucks about doing their job to begin with.

Yes I said that, and I stand by that statement, especially if it actually DOES make the mods on this site get their stuff in gear, Know why?

Did you know this site had a huge Pedo problem, a problem multiple users had been begging for a solution to for years?

Probably not because your profile is only 2 weeks old.

But hey they finally got around to fixing it, it only took them way too long to get around to it, but I mean, If that's what it took to finally make them deal with these bad apples on the site then hey I'll continue to stand by that statement for another 10 years on this site.

Least they got to this one faster than the pedos.

Also feel free to reply down here I didn't block you :)
1 year, 1 month ago
Blocking you only means that you can't write to me privately nor on my journals. Everything else still works. Actually, you should know that. Why do you now compare pedofiele with AI? I don't even want to answer that and one reason why I blocked you. I've also read youre other comments, too. Such a comparison harms everyone, no matter how you feel about Ai. That's my right to block you afterwards.
1 year, 1 month ago
So @RNSDAI.  Why did you block me after you that reply?  I only wanted to know how to reactivate accounts, and never done anything hate speech related.  And where did I misunderstood you in my responses?  If my right to block AI tags, and you saying rather unneeded posts to me and expect me to bend over backwards, then say misunderstanding are hate speech, then I don't know what to tell you, buddy. 🐈
I guess you can keep me blocked, like these AI tags, and I'll continue on being a good member of Inkbunny society.
1 year, 1 month ago
so yea as stated before when you come to reply again feel free to hit this button
because it's still there on your end


" Blocking you only means that you can't write to me privately nor on my journals. Everything else still works. Actually, you should know that.

I do know that, hence why I'm having to ping you in these replies, see how you were able to reply directly to me by hitting that button that says reply next to my post, its not there....because you blocked me

again your profile is only 2 weeks old you more then likely didn't know that, you're forgiven.

" Why do you now compare pedofiele with AI? I don't even want to answer that and one reason why I blocked you. I've also read youre other comments, too. Such a comparison harms everyone, no matter how you feel about Ai

I just simply don't know what the actual fuck you're talking about here, because I didn't compare being an AI artist to being a pedo at all, and like I told the other person here which you clearly didn't read more then likely even though your stalking everything I post apparently, which is funny because you blocked me didn't you? Go away....

literally going to quote myself here:
" also contrary to what you seem to think, I don't have anything against AI art, it doesn't affect me, I have an Issue with bad apples.

The person here was a bad apple, I didn't call them a pedo, I didn't call any AI artist a pedo.

" That's my right to block you afterwards.

And you're right, its your right to block me, why you didn't just block me and move on is beyond me but no you chose to open your mouth first, clearly there's nothing forcing you to interact with me either but you chose to do so as well. So that's on you

1 year ago
WTH is it with comments on FA and IB, lately?  Full moon?
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