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Help with professional research in to the fandom

Hi everyone

We were recently contacted by a researcher from University College Cork, Ireland.

They have asked if we could encourage members of the Inkbunny site to take part in a simple online survey to help advance a professional academic study of the fandom.

I hope she doesn't mind us sharing part of her message to us by way of explanation:

" I (like most people in their early 20s) spent quite a lot of my childhood and teenage years on the internet - while I myself do not subscribe to the Furry fandom, I have been interested in them since happening across fanart, fanfiction, documentaries and articles (of which there are few), and forums, both Furry and non-Furry.

I am very interested in the interaction of people and technology, and so furries are of particular interest to me as a researcher. The use of the internet to support a shared interest and activity is very interesting to me, and I also am curious about the more sexual side to the fandom.

My study will attempt to determine two things - 1) Who are the furries? (assessed by simple demographics) and 2) What is the place of the Furry fandom in the context of the existing literature on internet behaviours?

If you'd like to assist, simply follow this link and answer the questions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HSVZDZD

We will ask the researcher to stay in touch with us as I'm sure many of you will be interested in any conclusions they draw or any further requests for assistance.

Not everyone sees these news announcements or +watches the Inkbunny account, so please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in helping.

Thanks everyone!


PS: A note about the suicide prevention helpline link at the end of the survey; The survey was overseen by an ethics committee so I suspect it's a requirement they impose for any study the university conducts. While this survey is pretty tame, humanities researchers may be surveying people about domestic violence for example, or other deeply emotional/psychological issues. So you can see why it'd be required by default. I don't think any of the questions in this survey are particularly traumatic! :D
Viewed: 569 times
Added: 12 years, 7 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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12 years, 7 months ago
Interesting. The "If you could become 0% human, would you?" question needs an "other" answer. Or needs to be changed to, "If you could become your fursona, would you?" No furry is 0% human. Even ferals have human intelligence, right? If I could take the form of my fursona, I would, but I wouldn't want to be a standard "dumb" animal.
12 years, 7 months ago
True.  It doesn't seem to offer an anthro option, which is pretty much the core of furries.  Even 'ferals' aren't completely non-anthro.  
12 years, 7 months ago
Dolphins have intelligence higher than humans, ferals could have Dolphin intelligence xD
12 years, 7 months ago
Agreed, as written it’s an all or nothing proposition.
12 years, 7 months ago
Im game!
12 years, 7 months ago
Well, that was fun, but a lot of the questions, such as "If you could become 0% human, would you?", left me really wishing I could give an explanation instead of just hitting no...
12 years, 7 months ago
I was about to comment about that question and "Do you consider yourself to be less than 100% human?" as well. Several ways to take & answer that question and still be 'right', but that means nothing for this survey which is going to take these questions at face value.

So I could answer Yes to both questions, one because I don't feel like I behave or think like most humans do so maybe I'm not 100% the same as other humans. Physically I am 100% human, but we're all animals and share DNA with other animals around us. Answering for mentally or spiritually can produce a different result, and I'm not sure exactly what they're talking about specifically.

I guess I'll just answer whatever 'feels right' first. [nods]
12 years, 7 months ago
Hi all, I'm the researcher in question. Thank you so much for your participation and comments, and thanks especially to Starling for helping out by advertising the study. I'm really interested to hear that the need for an 'other' box was felt during that particular question - your comments will definitely inform both the study itself and the next iteration of the survey so please mention anything at all that you felt was lacking or that could be changed. It would be great to engage in discussion about the survey and any questions arising from it here if anyone is interested!

Just a note on Starling's note - the information at the end of the survey about the helpline or contacting your doctor is exactly that, really - something that is included at the end of most studies and surveys on the off-chance that anyone at all is affected adversely by the study itself. The study passed the ethics committee with no trouble and it's not imagined that the survey contains anything which could be unpleasant or upsetting. At least, we hope not :)

Thanks so much again, everyone!
12 years, 7 months ago
The survey was pretty fun! But yeah, the 0% human thing is badly worded. Try writing "If you could become your furry identity, would you?" We don't really want to be dumb animals, as it's been said above----anthropomorphic beings are usually bipedal, sapient animals. Think an animal-human crossbreed that "looks" like an animal but "acts" like a human.
12 years, 7 months ago
I tend to agree, but given the choice between human and animal, I'd choose animal in a heartbeat.
12 years, 7 months ago
In that we have no idea who you are, or how this data will be actually be used, I politely decline.
12 years, 7 months ago
They're from University College Cork, Ireland. And it's a anonymous survey, so there's not much negative they can do with it.
12 years, 7 months ago
I find it odd that a legitimate University research project uses 'Survey Monkey'.
12 years, 7 months ago
Faster, easier and less expensive than coding your own, I'd imagine.
12 years, 7 months ago
SurveyMonkey's paid options are actually pretty good for collecting the types of data we're looking for here :)

All my contact with Inkbunny has been done through my University College Cork account and so I suppose the moderators here know that I'm who I say I am; however, if you have any misgivings or feel uncomfortable at all about completing a survey such as this, that's perfectly fine - you don't have to after all! Thank you for your comments.
12 years, 7 months ago
It is perfectly fine to decline, but just going to throw in here that while I was in college at the University of Oklahoma a lot of the lower end surveys were hosted on Survey Monkey.  It is just a fast, cheap, and pretty well trusted site for hosting surveys.
12 years, 7 months ago
Being an "oldtimer" in the furry community (not a fandom, like Star Trek or anime, but an actual diverse community) for the past nearly 28 years, I've seen many changes and how the community has evolved. One of the things that makes this a true community is how diverse the term "furry" is to many people, and how they participate.

If you're serious about studying our community and its subculture, I would suggest asking questions, especially that require written responses, and request brief essays from various furs who choose to respond, with the option to follow up if you have further questions.

Although I'm in no way a "Big Name" in this community, my longevity might prove insightful to pick through, including history, diversity, and so forth, and I'm open to be asked any question. Some things I may not be able to answer, but I can try! :)

12 years, 7 months ago
Hi dmfalk, thank you for your comments. I agree that in order to get a real picture of "why" people do the things they do, more detailed and rich data are needed than that which we will collect here. However, what we are really looking at here is demographics - more of a quick gauge than an attempt at detailed understanding. I myself would love to engage in more detailed, text-driven research later down the line :)
12 years, 7 months ago
I'm having to agree with many of the other commenters, while I am far more than happy to contribute to the survey, many of the questions lacked the flexibility for me to feel that I could give a truthful, and accurate, answer.
12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Flygon, thanks for that. Unfortunately because of the kinds of data we're gathering here (quite basic demographics to really gauge the population at hand on a quite facetious level) the questions asked are definitely quite 'black and white' and I agree, more in-depth questions are needed to get a full understanding of the 'whys' and 'hows'. This is something we'll definitely look at in the future. Thank you for contributing!
12 years, 7 months ago
Alright. Thank you so very much for replying to my comment!
12 years, 7 months ago
I didn't think that you would reply directly lol. This is very good though.

In my opinion, a survey like this will never give you anywhere near the accurate results that you are looking for. You would need to have intimate knowledge of every subgroup and every site where they reside. Choosing one site like this and having the yes or no answers that you have, is absolutely inadequate. Everyone joins the furry fandom for different reasons. Think of every other fandom, and all the other sub-groups they have, from every country. Now, combine ALL of that with an animal element. That is what ties us all together as furries. We are literally composed of every other conceivable group, but we are all united by that animal eliment.
12 years, 7 months ago
BTW, I didn't actually finish the questionnaire. I enjoyed looking at it though. It told me alot about the general idea people in the scientific community have, that have no idea who or what furries are lol.
12 years, 7 months ago
With the single exception of the 0% question it seems a very impartial and straight forward survey for a baseline demographic.

I’m curious to see if my longstanding supposition that the furry community demographic breaks down nearly identical to that of most any other creative art community holds true.

Reading over the tread only germane quibbles I noticed where mainly due to the evolution of broader more accurate definitions relating to gender and sexual ordination though in all fairness those are items of debate even within the medical and psychological communities.

Thank you for inviting us to participate.
12 years, 7 months ago
In that we have no idea how this data will be used or by whom, I politely decline.
12 years, 7 months ago
Survey filled~ ^^
12 years, 7 months ago
was a fun time kill really
12 years, 7 months ago
Like the Most trolls i will say: i no like x3
12 years, 7 months ago
I think there should be more questions to do with the fandom and what you think being a "furry" means.
12 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for your comments! That is definitely something I'll look into next time around.
12 years, 6 months ago
Welcomes. c: It might even help those who are anti-furry purely coz of the crazies realise we're not all that weird. XD
12 years, 7 months ago
It's fun to see someone that's more intrigued by furries than they are repulsed by generalizations and stigma. I would have personally gone with more in depth, written questions, like people have been saying, kinda like "What do you like most about furries?" "What do you dislike most?", etc
12 years, 7 months ago
Hi IamRy, thanks a million for the input. That's definitely something I'm very interested in and something I think we will include in the future :) thanks again!
12 years, 7 months ago
Done, though the last page did make me smile.
12 years, 7 months ago
I can't wait to read the case study.
12 years, 7 months ago
Done! And for those who mentioned the 0% thing as I'm not a furry I viewed the question a little different; 0% human would be human conscience  sans physical form. IE: Brain in a jar, computer program, cyberman, etc. You have to assume the wording was meant to include anything anyone might want to be not just furries and overthinking the question slows down the survey.

Glad I could do my part to skew the bell curve.
12 years, 7 months ago
Thanks CIV, brilliant comments!
12 years, 7 months ago
The results should be interesting if not hilarious!
12 years, 7 months ago
Is there any way to just see all the question and answers without participating if I'm just curious? Anyway, I see two main problems:

a.) The confusion between furries and Otherkin, and probably also the whole fuss about fursuits and whether they're sexual or not. I guess you could design a 4-point matrix as to where one considers one's "furry identity" closest to: 1.) Anthro aka "funny" animals from comics and cartoons, 2.) plush (mascots and fursuits), 3.) real feral animals,  4.) totems, shamanism, hybrids, and chimerae.

b.) Being that my (and many other people's) reason in moving to IB from FA due to a certain ban, I wonder if the researcher is aware of what they may be getting into when asking about sexual orientation (the number of replies to which I thus found lacking). I've been taking part before in a number of surveys in that regard as well (and read many, many of those and the corresponding literature as part of my overall interest in Critical Theory, prejudice studies, deconstruction, post-structuralism, plus psychology, history, cultural anthropology, and social sciences at large), none of which were ever much acknowledged, published, or, if published, taken seriously at all.

It was and simply is that way regarding controversial subject matter because the Ego is not master of its own house within a positivistic culture based upon the sado-masochistic, social-Darwinistic Authoritarian personality type, driven by ethnocentric, numinous prejudices and instrumental reason. Thus, true objectivity is inachievable even within a large part of that one social agency that we know as the scientific community and that is solely concerned with affirming the positivistic, ethnocentric status quo by means of producing universally-accepted pseudo-science comparable to racial knowledge as we know it from Whiteness studies and Critical race theory, where everyone within the dominant, hegemonical in-group agrees about things as "self-evident facts" regarding alleged qualities and behaviors that marginalized minority out-groups are associated with as a form of both labeling and othering.

It especially happens within a scientific community that regards the humanities as an inferior, "soft" science or even just a mere "art" that could never command the same validity and legitimacy as supposedly "hard" natural sciences. So due to its blind admiration within "hard" natural sciences, this scientific community is unaware that all data, methodologies, categorizations, and interpretations of "hard" natural sciences are subject as well to the filtering and distortions of cultural construction of reality as according to the prevalent ethnocentric, positivistic prejudices inherent to the in-group culture that researchers are part of. Whereas the only group of scientists that would ever pay attention to all these glaring, but widely ignored problems are those associated with the belittled and trivialized "soft" sciences of the humanities.
12 years, 7 months ago
According to the intro page, the results are not submitted until you finish the last page.

You used a lot of words for not having even seen the survey questions. :-)
12 years, 7 months ago
I was using a lot of words to critizize the options given at "sexual orientation" and warn the researcher that they may not know what they're getting into specifically with IB folk as due to the recent ban on FA.
12 years, 7 months ago
Hi DaddyDuckyBE, thanks for your input. While the results of the survey are not viewable to the public at the moment, I will make sure to get back to each website and community which helped once the analysis has been completed. I'm unaware of any issues concerning a recent ban on FA so I'm sorry to say I can't comment there. Is this something that directly relates to the survey itself?

Your comments on the 'sexual orientation' options are very valid and are, as you say, ones which I have seen raised for a number of surveys which limit the options at questions such as this; however, for the sake of ease of statistical analysis later, the amount of options were limited to those which are most commonly found in surveys such as this (in the psychometric literature). There is an option for an open-ended answer here also: however compromises (unfortunately) had to be made! I do agree with you on the inherent subjectivity of most research such as this which aims to be objective - however, this is a methodological issue which has been around for quite a while, which I don't see being solved for quite a while, and again, unfortunately, is somewhat outside of the scope of this survey :)

Thanks again for your comments - they are very welcome and any and all input will certainly be something that will inform the study at hand.
12 years, 7 months ago
Oh, I wasn't interested in the results at this early point, just all the questions and what replies can be chosen.

As for "the ban" and what you're getting into with IB, here's the 200+ page Kulturkampf thread that erupted back in November 2011 when what is known as the cub ban lead to a major exodus from FA to IB: http://forums.furaffinity.net/threads/87380-The-New-Po...

I guess that might give you an idea as for what I was going on about when I was talking about labeling, othering, "self-evident facts", ethnocentric prejudice, and cultural construction of reality, considering that my academic knowledge taken from the non-fiction literature regarding Western and Indo-European morals on this specific issue goes back until at least the mid-19th century, and several millennia further when it comes to Indo-European repression of putatively or factually sexual deviance in general.
12 years, 7 months ago
so much critique, I liked, relatively the psychological test seemed pin pointed.
"psychology" just doesnt dare to be precise.
12 years, 7 months ago
I don't usually like this kind of thing but seeing so many other people having done it assured me that this isn't a hoax, scam or tease. It was an interesting little quiz, and I answered truthfully.
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