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Forgiveness Follows Contrition, But Never Forget

Monsieur Raz0rfist expresses the sentiment well: Do Not Forget. Do Not Forgive.

I will not forgive a single covIdiot, Branch Covidian or maskurbator until genuine apologies are made, and I will not stop burning for vengeance until just punishment is meted out upon the tyrannical medi-fascists who have destroyed lives, locked people in their homes, thrown them in concentration camps, forbidden them from seeing dying loved ones, forbidding them from receiving necessary medical care thereby killing many, forbidden them from their livelihoods, forbidden them from practicing their religion ...

For treating healthy people as walking diseases, for armed thugs with badges beating people in the street for the crime of being outside, for arresting healthy parents in front of their children, for threatening to or actually stealing children from parents when they refused experimental medical procedures, for ruining a generation of youth who will had lifelong difficulty understanding facial expressions and who have been set back in their educations by years ... for punishing anyone who asked questions, for Thanos-snapping anyone who disagreed with the medi-fascists ...

For these things and more, I will never forget the evil that has run rampant in the name of The Greater Good.

When the criminals are treated to justice, and when the regular-shmoe Latter Day Nazis express heartfelt contrition, then I will be willing to forgive.

Until that day I will not feel an iota of mercy for the fear-compelled morons who gleefully tried to destroy us.

I imagine mercy will be in very short supply for a very long while.

(Post-Script:  I almost forgot about all the dogs who were simply murdered because no one was allowed to leave their homes to adopt them.  Justice For and Never Forget the Doggos!)
Viewed: 75 times
Added: 2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
I am not a fan of the covid fascistic measure either but a  lot of that stuff Diddent to my knowledge really happen did it?
2 years, 2 months ago
Every one of them happened.
2 years, 2 months ago
thats... fucking horrible DX you dont expect that shit in the USA
2 years, 2 months ago
That bullshit ruined my life. I watched friends and family become raving lunatics.They denied science while accusing me of doing the same. Their myopic fixation on the vaccine as the only medical option, coupled with the obsessive isolation meant the immune system would become too weak to do anything with the vaccine for any vaccine to be effective. We knew this from a literal century of medical study but they rejected all of it because I guess they were told to?

Two of my friends have kids that are the perfect age to suffer the developmental stunting from the masking and isolation. The parents' response? "Oh well." Child abuse in the interest of safety.

The lockdowns and restrictions caused shortages. When I said the shortages were coming, my friends and family who were in the cult would say "there's still stuff on the shelves, so there is no shortage." These same people know there is a delay between issue and effect. They knew the shelves would go bare in lower income places first and would be a while before the shortages reached their super-rich, insulated suburbs.

These are like the people who prove there is no crime increase by going outside but they don't leave the front yard.

There's more damage to my life this bullshit caused but I'd rather not make that public.
2 years, 2 months ago
where is this burst of downer journals coming from?
The greatest damage does the resentment. (in all ways)
intelligence starts in the second chakra but creativity in the first (courage) that makes it so hard starting from scratch because that was the prize of industrialization "the west" paid.
2 years, 2 months ago
What goes around, comes around.
2 years, 2 months ago
18 people I knew, who were alive and well in 2019, are now either dead or crippled because of lock downs, covid shot "side effects" or loss of employment.

Thank you for posting that video. The world has gone to shit ONLY because people keep forgiving and forgetting. Funny how the people who pushed the pandemic BS don't want to forgive and forget but their victims are supposed to. Fuck off Nazi scum.  
2 years, 2 months ago
The true enemy is demoralization.

They want each of us thinking we are isolated and without allies, defeated before a fight ever takes place.  That was the purpose of the constant villainizing, the censorship and coercion: to make people afraid to speak out, giving the win to the authoritarians.

But we're not isolated, there are a lot of us, and we are very angry.  We aren't defeated and, to paraphrase Mr. Jones, we have not yet begun to truly fight.  The dictatorial monsters fail to respect the patience we have borne under their bootheels, nor do they understand the compassion we have shown in not becoming truly and righteously violent against their own violent and oppressive bullshittery.
2 years, 2 months ago
: )
1 year, 11 months ago
I know I'm a bit late to this game, but since your journal referencing Covid has comments disabled, I just thought I'd give my two cents' worth here. Have you ever heard of the Base Rate Fallacy?
Might want to look into it.
1 year, 8 months ago
Figures a moron like you would watch an idiot like Razorfist. Here's him getting his ass handed to him by someone who actually has intelligence: https://youtu.be/8IARK379_-c
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