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Site Updates - More thumbnails per page, Block guests from journals

Hi everyone

We are very pleased to announce that we have finished live closed-beta testing of a brand new Community Keywording feature. This will allow users to suggest keywords on other user's accounts, and for those recipients to accept or reject the keyword suggestions as they wish.

While Inkbunny remains one of the most comprehensively tagged/keyworded archives among all the furry art sites, we believe this new feature will make immense improvements both to finding submissions by keywords you want to see, and blocking submissions with keywords you want to avoid.

All account owners will have the option to turn off Community Keywording for their account, or turn it off per submission. So if you don't want to be part of the Community Keywording project, you can elect to keep the keywording system just as it was, by changing an account setting after the new feature launches.

There are however strict new keywording rules that all users are expected to follow, especially if you choose not to allow keyword suggestions on your account: http://wiki.inkbunny.net/wiki/Keyword_Policy

Please keep in mind that the Inkbunny philosophy will always be that "the submission owner has the final say as to what keywords apply to their submissions". Community Keywording is a tool to assist submission owners to tag better and the site administrators will only insist on certain keywords in extreme circumstances.

Community Keywording is actually a lot more feature-filled than this brief description but a full explanation will be released as a separate news announcement when the feature is activated publicly. At this stage we expect the feature to go live by this weekend.

Please feel free to ask any questions if you want any clarification on the new feature in the meantime.

Another exciting development for the site is that we've grown so much that we have just added a whole new server. The new server is called "Angel" and it provides a data mirror and historical data archive for disaster recovery, which complements our existing offsite backup systems. We're now so big that if we rely on the offsite backups for a restore it could take days to get back online due to all the data to transfer! So the new onsite backup server will make recovery much faster if the worst happens.

Our existing primary web application server "Fluttershy" is still handling the growing load well and shouldn't need replacement for some time yet. She has 8 cores, 16GB of RAM and a terrabyte of disk so she's a big girl and you're all not making too much of a dent on that yet!

In the meantime we'd like to inform you of this big list of updates for the latest version of Inkbunny! Technically the release is "Beta 53b". (We actually released these updates to the live site a few days ago but took a long time to collate this journal, sorry).

Special note for API users: There have been changes to the API that may affect your scripts. Please see the changes marked "API" below.

Updates for Beta 53b

* Changed: Maximum submission thumbnails per gallery page is now 60 (was 30). So you now see more gallery contents per page, and have to click “Next Page” a lot less.

* Added: There is now the option to Block Guests from your Journals. Just tick the Block Guests checkbox when you create a new journal, or you can change that setting on existing journals if you view the journal and then click the “Edit” link at the top.

* Added: On the Unread Submissions gallery view, if a submission has the “Updated” green ribbon across it, it will now show the latest updated file/page as the thumbnail. Previously it would just show the primary thumbnail which is always page 1 in the submission. This would force people to click all “Updated” thumbnails just to see what had actually been added. Now you can see the new submission in the thumbnail and if you click it, it will take you directly to the new updated page, not just page 1 like it used to.

* Added: As part of the “Updated” thumbnail feature, there is a URL trick you can use to make a submission show the latest updated page. Just add “&latest” to the end of the submission URL like this: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=269733&l...  and it will load the submission with that latest page selected.

* Fixed: As part of the “Updated” thumbnail feature, all pages added/updated since you were last notified of the submission will show in the submission view with their own “Updated/New” green ribbon. This used to be a bit buggy and erattic.

* Added: There are now “Search” links at the top of all user Gallery, Scraps and Favorites pages. This makes it quick and easy to search that user's galleries or favorites for content. If you click the link it takes you to the Search page with the “search artist name” or “search user's favorites” fields filled out with the target name.

* Changed: Keywords editing and management is now a separate page for submissions. If you click the Edit Keywords or the Manage Keywords link on a submission you own, you will be taken to this new page. This page handles both your own keyword assignments and also keyword suggestions from others.

* Added/Changed/Fixed: The Block Keywords screen now allows you to enter multiple keywords at a time rather than just one per entry. This is just to speed up entry and doesn't allow for combined keyword blocking yet. We noticed that there were broken entries in the database where people had tried to separate keywords with commas while entering them in to the keyword blocking page before it supported that data entry option. Please note that you may need to review your keyword blocking lists as we have removed many of these broken entries. The keyword autosuggester (suggestions popping up as you type) has also been added to the keyword input for the keyword blocking page.

* Added/Changed: We now have a system we call the “comma helper” which will automatically insert commas in to your lists of keywords as you type in a keyword entry field. This will convert all spaces in your data entry to commas, which forces you to use underscores to join together multi-word keywords. This hopefully makes it clear to users that there is a big difference in the Inkbunny system between “my little pony” and “my_little_pony” when entering words. Without the underscores it will think you mean to add three words; “little, my, pony”. Before the comma helper feature existed, this wasn't clear but now at least you will see the words get broken up as you type if you forget the underscores.

* Added: The New Private Message screen will now warn you if you click “Cancel” when there is unsent message content you have typed. We also moved the Cancel button a bit more to the right as it was very easy to accidentally click it.

* Fixed: When moderators were accessing other user's account settings, it would save the moderator's background choice instead of the user's choice. This lead to many sudden and unexpected ponyings.

* Changed: Maximum keywords per submission now increased to 200 (was 100). This is to allow for the fact that with the Community Keywording feture some submissions could end up with a lot of keywords. Although 200 keywords would be excessive, the limit exists to prevent accidental or deliberate database flooding.

* Fixed: Well sort of fixed.. we keep hitting bugs in the Postgresql query analyser for our big complex searches. Some particular combinations of search options, phase of the moon and other unknown quantities cause some searches to run for a very long time (hours, in fact). Now the system will timeout on a search after 30 seconds and ask you to try again rather than locking your whole session. It emails us the slow query so we can continue investigating the common link between such “slow searches”. For now they remain a mystery. Thankfully they seem to happen rarely.

* API – Added: The Search and Submission Details interfaces in the API now list a “contributed” status on keywords assigned to submissions. If Contributed is true, it means the keyword is a suggestion and not assigned by the submission owner. If false, the keyword is a word directly assigned by the submission owner (or one they have subsequently accepted). These changes have been documented in the Wiki: http://wiki.inkbunny.net/wiki/API

* API – Added: The Search and Submission Details interfaces now return summary data for the LATEST (most recently updated) file added to a submission, in addition to the existing summary data for the PRIMARY (Page 1, or first file in file order) file of a submission. You will see these fields as “latest_mimetype”, “latest_file_name”, “latest_....”. This is very useful if you want to quickly display the thumbnail or file for the most recent update to a submission. These changes have been documented in the Wiki: http://wiki.inkbunny.net/wiki/API

* API – Changed/Fixed: Submissions with no Primary thumbnail/file (submissions that have no files attached) will return NULL (empty string) for values such as “File URL”, “Thumnail sizes”, etc. This mostly affects the Search and Submission Details interfaces. Previously they would return broken URLs or broken size values when no actual file was attached. Empty submissions can occur if a submission owner click “remove” on every file in a submission.

* API – Changed: The Keywords field in the Submission Edit interface is no longer required. Previously you had to send all of a submission's current keywords via the keywords field when you were updating any other detail on the submission, which was a bit silly. Now if you omit the keywords property entirely when sending changes it will leave the keywords as they are. If you send the property but leave its value blank (empty string) it will clear all the keywords on the submission. To add/remove keywords you need to send an entire new comma-separated keywords string for the submission. Don't forget to join multi-word keywords using underscores!

* Added: A note on the Banned User list now informs account owners that banning will prevent users from making keyword suggestions on their account, as well as the usual blocking of comments, PMs, etc.

* Changed/Added: The interface for managing and banning accounts has been greatly improved to give moderators more fine-grained control and a clearer idea of what the various options do. A new moderation action type has also been added which is “remove all keyword suggestions” made by a user account to help clean up after trolls.

* Optimised: The gallery view (when in widescreen mode) would often make the thumbnails “jump” as the screen loaded, as it worked out the best margin widths for the screen size. Now this size calculation is run once and applied instantly rather than waiting for the page load, so the thumbnails shouldn't jump around any more.

* Changed: Removed the wording “It will not remove new unseen notices” from popup messages on the Unread Notices page. It was trying to explain that notices that arrived since you loaded the page wouldn't be removed by “remove all of one type” or “nuke” actions, but I believe it was just confusing.

* Changed: The wording on the login screen when your login fails now says “Invalid user name or password, or login to that account from your IP may be restricted by your own account settings.” Previously the wording said “or the IP is not permitted”, which lead many people to believe we blocked them when in fact it was their own IP Range settings that were doing it.

* Fixed: There was a bug which caused the background to keep changing size if you had two Inkbunny windows open on two different sized monitors at the one time. Now the background should remain stable and solid on both windows without appearing to change on each page load.

* Fixed: Clicking “remove selected” on the Unread Submissions page when you had nothing selected would cause an internal error. It was nothing any user would see, and was harmless, but it was filling up our logs with error messages! Fixed now.

* Fixed: A bug in the Unread Private Messages Count was causing it to count deleted messages, which could leave people with incorrect message counts. All counts have been updated so please report any further strange numbers.

* Fixed: The “shouts per user system wide” counter was broken, effectively allowing any user to send as many shouts as they liked. The counter and limiter now works again, and this is important to limit spamming and trolls.

* Optimised: Previously searching for MD5 sums via the Search page would treat all keywords entered as possible MD5s. This was silly as we allow users to enter multiple keywords and MD5 codes, so searching the non-MD5 keywords as MD5s was a huge waste of time. Keywords are validated and any not found to be MD5s are skipped for the MD5 search. I managed to get MD5 in to this paragraph 7 times. No, 8 times!

* Optimised: Keywords now get added and removed from submissions individually by the database function. We used to clear all keywords per submission and then reassign them all each time an edit was made, which was lazy, easy, inefficient and dumb.

* Security: Lots of little security improvements to do with the IP range locking feature.

* Fixed: Lots of other small bug fixes to various functions.

* Hardware: Added a new backup server called “Angel” which now mirrors the main site locally in addition to the offsite backups. We also doubled the memory resource limits on the main server for the database. Inkbunny is growing fast!

That's all for now. Keep an eye out for news about the launch of the Community Keywording feature in the next few days!


Viewed: 271 times
Added: 12 years, 2 months ago
Site News Item: yes
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12 years, 2 months ago
I haven't read the whole post, but thanks for the hard work, IB team. :D

Regarding keywording, if I post a submission involving a character with a nonstandard physical gender (e.g. cuntboy), would that be sufficient or would I also be put in the position of having to decide whether the character should be tagged both male AND female (to prevent tripping up someone who doesn't want to see female parts and has 'female' blocked) even though there's only one character in the submission? The keyword policy article does say "the main three" without directly excluding others, I just don't want to run afoul of weird edge cases like this. I obviously would be tagging appropriate keywords for any exposed genitalia or acts, as well, so the likelihood of someone seeing something they really don't want is low unless they think blocking "female" is better than taking the extra 3 seconds to block "vagina" as well.
12 years, 2 months ago
I suppose that it will be up (as usual) to the artists' discretion, but a cuntboy, for example, is actually a female since he got female genitals even though he's usually refered as a 'he'. Usually, when somebody searches for 'male', specially in an adult image, they will expect 99% of the time to see a certain organ and not another ;) Makes sense?
12 years, 2 months ago

For example. (And I think I was lazy, because I looked at that and saw several tags that should be there.)

If someone is looking for a male cub picture (not straight sex, just a male cub), and they REALLY don't want to see a vagina, this shouldn't show up anywhere (or be placeholder-blocked, either way) unless they've neglected to tag-block words for female genitalia. Or, if they don't want to see intersexed characters that don't have penises (maybe they're okay with dickgirls, I duno), they should be keyword blocking.

If someone simply searches for "male" and doesn't specify "penis" or "balls" or synonyms for those parts, and they haven't keyword-blocked things they don't like... it's not going to be my fault if they saw a vagina and didn't want it. Now, e621 has a "tag what you see, not what you know from elsewhere" policy that... doesn't always work in every case, especially characters with unusual physical gender identities. I would be okay with tagging my picture there as both "male" and "female" (in addition to "cuntboy", which is the most thoroughly descriptive tag for the situation) just to avoid people being sloppy with tagging individual body parts they don't see, but my character's physical body is, in some continuities, something not found in nature, but I would not be pleased if it was all collapsed into "female" and nothing else, because that's incorrect.
12 years, 2 months ago
*drools at the update list*
Aweeeesooooome :3~

Also, tiny little request? Can I has my "New Submissions" ordered by oldest first? Sometimes I can go for a couple of days without checking IB, and they pile up a bit, and I like to parse them in order, from least to most recent.
12 years, 2 months ago
I also like to do that, but it's not so hard to just hit on 'more' and begin with the one at the bottom! :) Same for new submissions. It's not so hard to go to the last page and go back from it. In any case, it's something doable and shouldn't be difficult at all to implement, so I'd suppose we could see something like that sooner than later :)
12 years, 2 months ago
" * Optimised: Keywords now get added and removed from submissions individually by the database function. We used to clear all keywords per submission and then reassign them all each time an edit was made, which was lazy, easy, inefficient and dumb.

LOL I do this all the time when I'm coding an alpha or beta, then I have to go back and fix it. It's such a horrible way to do things, but so much faster! ;P

I really like the features you added for the Updated posts. I've already noticed it before this journal went up, and I was very impressed. Little features like that make this site feel more well thought out, and user-friendly.
12 years, 2 months ago
Thank you! ^^
12 years, 2 months ago
So awesome <3 You just keep making the site better and better!!
12 years, 2 months ago
Awesome stuff! =D Thanks for all the hard work guys. =3
12 years, 2 months ago
Sudden and unexpected ponyings?  That sounds like fun.  Hehehehehe!

Lots of great updates.  I like that URL trick with updated submissions.  Looking forward to the keywording being implemented too.  
12 years, 2 months ago
InkBunny: come for the art, stay for the sudden and unexpected ponyings! :D

Community tagging is a great idea; I've definitely seen plenty of things that didn't have tags they obviously needed (even keywords they went as far as to print in their thumbnail, but then not tag..!)

You're working extremely hard on this site! :)
12 years, 2 months ago
So, wait - how does one submit a keyword exactly?
12 years, 2 months ago
Once the feature is enabled (and assuming the submission does not have suggestions disabled), there will be a keyword entry box beneath the existing keywords.
12 years, 2 months ago
Oh, shoot. :) I assumed it was rolled out in this latest update, sorry :)
12 years, 2 months ago
It's up now! Go for it!
12 years, 2 months ago
" * Fixed: As part of the “Updated” thumbnail feature, all pages added/updated since you were last notified of the submission will show in the submission view with their own “Updated/New” green ribbon. This used to be a bit buggy and erattic.

This is great news. I was having serious problems when uploading a comic recently... When I would add a new page every other day or so, only about half of my watchers got an update notification with the "updated" ribbon on it. I always figured it would make more sense for multiple page submissions to just update like all other submissions when you added to it. Hopefully this feature will be less buggy than before, because I plan on making a new comic. :)
12 years, 2 months ago
Beautiful beautiful updates. Got to appreciate the work you guys put in for this site.
12 years, 2 months ago
I haven't seen the new keyword suggestion system yet obviously, but will users have the ability to suggest the removal of keywords? I've seen a number of submissions that have irrelevant keywords - whether mistaken or "joke" keywords - that should be corrected. Then again, in some cases, if they put joke words in the first place, they might not be receptive to suggesting their removal...
12 years, 2 months ago
We don't think that joke keywords could be much of a problem, much less when just several people use them. Keywords are meant to let users both be able to find or filter-out what they want. If somebody adds an 'oh yeah I love pokemon' as a keyword, that really won't cause any harm whatsover, as long as 'pokemon' is included alone, you know what I mean?

As for 'wrong' or 'mistaken' keywords, well.. that's a very weird scenario too! An artist usually won't say 'fox' if it's a 'wolf'. That's why the artist/submitter has the last word about which keywords to accept or not.
12 years, 2 months ago
It's a not a bad idea - I suggested the same thing a few days ago - but it isn't in the current system. For now, if there are tags that should be replaced, suggest the replacement; the uploader is be able to edit their own tags on the same page.
12 years, 2 months ago
I'm so not reading that :yaoming:
12 years, 2 months ago
And you decided to take the time to share that with us.
12 years, 2 months ago
yes :yaoming: as long as I'm not reading xD
12 years, 2 months ago
Taking the risk of saying something in the wrong place (dunno if I can request features here), is there any way to filter journals from specific users to appear in the new submissions inbox?
Aside of that, this update looks monumental.x3 But one thing bugs me about the suggested keywords. If someone suggests a keyword, will I be notified of it so I can approve? Like, how will I know they suggested? Will it show in the notices inbox, like a comment?
12 years, 2 months ago
As far as I know, it isn't currently possible to filter journals like that. To suggest it as a new feature, file a support ticket so it can be tracked.

You will receive a notice for each submission which has keyword suggestions (if someone suggests the same keyword for many works, and you do an "accept on all", it will remove each notice).
12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for clearing my doubts.:3
12 years, 2 months ago
This keeps getting better and better.
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