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Retired, Deleting Galleries Soon. Final Goodbye.

Hello. It's Zenu. Yes I am retired. And I'll be deleting my final two galleries by months end.

So I'm not returning to porn making as I did decide to quietly retire a few years ago if that wasn't obvious by now. I'll be deleting my final two galleries; ib and pixiv by the end of this month since I have no plans on ever updating them again I'd rather just remove them and for personal reasons as well I'd rather keep to myself.

If anyone hasn't saved a copy of a commission I've done for them in the past and wants to have one feel free to rehost it on your own gallery or save it to your hard drive, whatever works for you.  

I haven't had any complaints so I assume anyone who wanted to hold on to something has it already, if not they probably know where to find it elsewhere. I'm certain more than one archive of my drawings exists online.  Send me a pm by months end if you're having trouble otherwise I'll assume everyone's good.  

Final Goodbye and Explanation.

Before I purge these last two pages I just want to once again say a big thankyou to everyone who supported me over the years. It meant a lot.  Thankyou for the kind words and well wishes and concern too.  

I wanted to respond sooner and talk about what was up with me but it's been a rough few years and this post has been one I've tried to write so many times never quite sure what I wanted to say and it's been tough to find the words and thoughts.

God I sound like someone who mattered when I'm just another random porn artist giving up on the porn like so many others before me have. Like there aren't a million of them online these days haha.

Kind of feels like a right of passage though, everyone quits some time. Whether you do it in your late 20s or late 40s or whenever. I don't think anyone can maintain a life time of passion for perverse creations.  Especially some of the more taboo weirder shit many of us choose to make.

As for why I quit. It can be summarized as I just don't want to do this kind of thing anymore. My passion and motivation was waning as far back as 2018 and by the time 2020 wrapped I think I was just done.

Too old, too tired, too unmotivated. Carpal tunnel, personal life problems, even some different perspective on life it all just adds up and you say yeah, yeah think I've had enough of this for forever.

I guess I could say more but I don't think it would really add anything or make anyone happier about my confirmed permanent absence from this space.

I guess to my fans, and the people who truly cared in the end I'll say, don't worry about me. I'm good.  Zenu might actually be happier than ever in a very long time. I genuinely want to leave this all behind and find something else in life to put so much time and energy in to, I'm sure I'll find the answer to that eventually.

But please don't nag me for some followup local or feed or whatever to watch from, I have nothing to give you in that respect and honestly I do just want to be left alone.

So please respect my privacy and leave me be.  Thankyou.

Sorry if anyone's angry or upset or doesn't understand.

But there are so many amazingly skilled people out there doing what I did, so many doing it so much better too. Surely you're following many of them too. You'll all be just fine without me or my stuff. The internet has one truth above all and that's that the porn will always be endless haha.

Best of luck to you all in whatever your life entails. Hugs and kisses.

Ex-porn maker Zenu.  
Viewed: 1,045 times
Added: 2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
Darn. I like your style and would have wanted a commission. But ah well, you had a very good run and I enjoyed your work :)

Good luck with whatever you do next!
2 years, 9 months ago
Stay safe, good luck going forward!
2 years, 9 months ago
*Bows* Mat all your Endevors bear fruit n_n .
2 years, 9 months ago
It was a good run, I'd think.
2 years, 9 months ago
Best of luck to you too, Zenu.
2 years, 9 months ago
Good luck and best of new life to you!
2 years, 9 months ago
Sad to see you go but in the end, you do what you feel is right. Thanks for all that you've done and good luck on your next chapter in life
2 years, 9 months ago
Best of luck to you on your future Endeavors and Enjoy your life :)
2 years, 9 months ago
Am sry for the rough time. I wish you the best luck. Will try to save some stuff while I can.
I meet you because of the brothers and is still my favorite comic in my early times as furry.
2 years, 9 months ago
Good luck!
2 years, 9 months ago
All well and understood, however I always urge artists if they're walking away to leave galleries up. I too struggle with the old age thing, I've not been very active myself, but for the enjoyment of others that in some small way enjoy what's on my page, I leave it up for them. Good luck in life :)
2 years, 9 months ago
You have some amazing art in your gallery. Im sorry to see you go. You will be missed here. Wishing you the best in your endeavors going forward
2 years, 9 months ago
it does feel like a rite of passage... it was nice while it lasted, thank you for sharing your imagination with us as long as you did, it was enjoyed, and hope you find happiness in whatever endeavors you choose to pursue going forward, we all deserve that <3
2 years, 9 months ago
It's such a shame all kind of problems arise but it's a choice to be respected, even if you don't draw anymore though you can still interact with others. You're one of the few people who still had things i liked the most but im glad you stayed with us so far. And hope whatever you choose to do next goes really good for you ^^
2 years, 9 months ago
good luck, have fun o7
2 years, 9 months ago
Farewell Zenu. Best of luck bud.
2 years, 9 months ago
Completely understandable decision, best of luck to your new ventures my friend. =3
2 years, 9 months ago
Hope you have a good time :3
2 years, 9 months ago
is this going to happen to the 3d stuff you made too?
2 years, 9 months ago
You were one of the first artists I followed here 11 years ago.
I hope you won't reduce your time here as just a porn artist, because you are still an artist and I sincerely hope that your skills as such will find new values.

Thank you for all the fun you brought to us.
And thank you for going with honor.
I wish you good luck in your future.
2 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for the heads up and for sharing your art with us all these years!! <3 I'm glad you found a home in this community, and I wish you the very best in what's next in your journey.

Your feral horsecest stuff was how I discovered your art, and it was some of the first stuff I ever faved on IB! I'll be sure to save another backup copy. :}}

I hope wherever you go after retirement, that you always continue drawing! Peace. *foxysnugs*
2 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the pics you drew me <3
2 years, 9 months ago
Sad to see you go, but I understand. (Most of it. Why so many artists, porn and non-porn alike, decide to delete their galleries when they quit, I'll never understand. But to each their own.)

My best wishes amd regards and gods blessings, Zenu. One final hurrah!
2 years, 9 months ago
Hope life treats ya well!
2 years, 9 months ago
Good luck, hon. I'll miss you, but there's a time for everything, and your time here seems to be over. I wish you well in whatever you pursue.
2 years, 9 months ago
Sad by reading this journal, but I really understand your reasons and respect your decision, mate. Anyways, I wish you good luck in your "porn artist afterlife" (lol) and that you pursue your passions. Just be happy, whatever you're doing.

You will be missed, but never will be forgotten.
2 years, 9 months ago
Huh I never did think retiring from art meant taking all the years of work along with you. Giving for years, and then taking everting you gave with you is like making all those years of work worth nothing. But I feel your time spent was valuable, and should continue to be enjoyed well after leaving this place.

that's just my opinion though, maybe you have other reasons. Hopefully enjoy whatever you are up to now as well as the art you  did art here.
2 years, 9 months ago
Sad to see you go, you did some awesome work. Best of luck going forward.
2 years, 9 months ago
It really is sad to see another artist leave, but I will say good luck going forward with your new adventures. =)
2 years, 9 months ago
Hey. Whatever it is that makes you happier, pursue that thing to its fullest.
For the time you've shared with us here, I appreciate it, even though I might not have been the most vocal regarding it.

Thanks. 👍🏿
2 years, 9 months ago
It's been a while, but I loved and enjoyed your art! I'm definitely gonna miss ya.

That being said, some of your characters, I really liked, so would it be ok if I did art of them from time to time? Of course, credit's gonna be given where credit is due.
2 years, 9 months ago
Don't worry about crediting me and by all means do whatever you want with any characters of mine.

Do be aware a lot of what I drew involved other peoples oc's so always check they're not someone elses first off.
2 years, 9 months ago
I never did understand deleting galleries like this.

But then again, I've got games on my hard drive I haven't played for decades, or even ever played since obtaining them..
2 years, 9 months ago
Same here.
2 years, 9 months ago
I respect you for taking the time to give us all a proper "goodbye", instead of disappearing without a word or a trace.

Good luck on the rest of your life, and I hope you remain happy!
2 years, 9 months ago
I get the retiring thing but why delete everything? Sounds more like some sort of grudge or hissy fit kinda thing to do. People who retire, just leave a gallery up. Hang up the hat and say, well, it was a thing.

Maybe I've got this wrong but if I understand what you are doing, it doesn't make sense.
2 years, 9 months ago
I greatly appreciate the graceful exit. tying up loose ends and giving fans and archivists time to save everything. I got the IB and Pixiv galleries backed up.   I just wish the program I had also backed up descriptions and stats as well.
2 years, 9 months ago
I'll be sad to see you go, but much luck in your future, and hopefully you refind your passion for something new in life.
2 years, 9 months ago
I understand wanting to quit and losing passion but why delete everything?
2 years, 9 months ago
Glad that your life is on the up after the lows you had.
Take care and good luck with whatever you are choosing to do with your talents now, as talented you are.

Cheers mate, and thanks for all the wonderful work you shared with us over the years.
2 years, 9 months ago
I understand wanting to hang it up and step away, but why not leave an archive? No contact info, no account attached? I dunno. Maybe it's selfish of us, maybe I'm thinking of the people who live in places where hardcopying a bunch of cub stuff can get you killed. Even just giving people your blessing to do a complete e621 yeet would be a nice gesture. I don't think anybody expects you to put in significant effort.

I wish you luck, you've seemed like something's been haunting you a while.
2 years, 9 months ago
Take care Zenu. I am thankfull that I was drawn by you.
2 years, 9 months ago
Good luck with the rest of your life, thank you for all that you shared and for what you made for me :)
2 years, 9 months ago
Can't wrap my head around 100% losing interest in something. To hear you're never going to make art again is saddening tbh. As long as you're life is complete without it though, I guess all is well that ends well.
2 years, 9 months ago
The one constant thing in life is change. The art of being alive is choosing the direction for that change. Keep striving for better. Never settle. Be yourself, no matter what, because if you've changed, that's life. We each have to live our own. Your name will be a pleasant part of mine for... ever, I hope. Fair winds to you, and thank you.
2 years, 2 months ago
As an artist too, I understand man, loved your sfm work eternally
2 years, 2 months ago
Crap, I was looking into commissioning you again, too. You made a couple of my favorite images of all time and was hoping to get something new. But you can't force yourself to keep doing something that you no longer enjoy. Thank you for what you gave to this site and to me, I will always treasure those images.
1 year, 12 months ago
Godspeed friend. I just found out that youve retired. I stopped visiting inkbunny near a decade ago. I just saw a work that reminded of you, and i thought "hmm, I wonder how theyre doing."
Well, anyhow...
 If ever you decide to make safe for work art, im sure many would love to hear about it in a journal here on Inkbunny.
Best wishes and greatest possible outcomes for you, Zenu, or whatever you may wish to be called going forward.
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