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Things Eventually Come to an End.

I don't really like bitching about my emotional problems to other people, because it don't concern them, and I don't like bothering people.  However a solution to one of my problems does involve a change on what I do on Deviant Art, Furaffintiy, and Ink Bunny. So I am going to have to talk about it.  I been thinking about it for a long time now, wrestling with the idea, wondering if things are as bad as I think they are.  So Let's start with me bitching about what's wrong with me. And if you don't care for that part, you can skip the next paragraph.

My Issues
Years ago I got on DeviantArt to show my art for the very first time.  I did this because I wanted to experience how other people experience my art, and how it made them feel.  For several years it was great!  Many people commented, shearing what they experienced in my art and what came to their minds.  Even if it was a "negative" comment, I still loved it all the same.  But then it all started to slow down.  I was still getting more watchers, but there was less and less comments coming in.  Their was still a few, so I was okay with that.  But it stayed that way for years.  And lately, it has slowed down even more.  For some perspective, Deviant Art may say I have 2000 watchers, but it feels like 1-5.  And I am a person that knows, "All things have a beginning, and all things have an end."  Now many times when I upload something, all I get is silence, emptiness, and nothing.  Now all I get for upload my art is feeling depressed. The thing is, When I finish an art project, I can be filled with joy and be content with that experience.  But then that all turns to depression with uploading it and getting none of the experiences that I hoped for.  And it's not the audiences fault, it's just I no longer make anything worth sharing an experience for.  And that's what saddens me.  So I need to make changes, and looking at the 3 sites, those changes are a bit different.  But they involve with me keeping art to myself, like the old days.

Solutions for Different Sites.
Keep in mind, I am still drawing all the same. Still up for commissions all the same.  I still check out art and comment all the same.  It's just that uploading makes me depressed now, so certain things I wont upload anymore.  And I am going to handle some sites a bit differently.  Don't know if these changes will be permanent.  Depends how long uploading depresses me, or when I draw something that people actually like.

DeviantArt. I had to look at my recent uploads to figure out whats going on.  And I think I see what the problem is.  All my recent uploads are just commissions, and some of my original stuff that peeps don't really care about.  So it's no wonder why I get so much silence in return. So from now on, I will only upload two types of things.  #1 Commissions, because people paid for those, and my experience is irrelevant in that regard. #2 Sonic fan art whenever it gets made.  Because that seems to be the only thing I do that's worth sharing experiences.  My original content will no longer be uploaded.  And when the Sonic stuff goes silent too, I will cease to upload them as well.

Another thing to think about though.  People talking about leaving DA in mass due to Eclipse becoming the permanent thing. Will have to see how that changes things.

FurAffinity. Been on their for years, and only got so much out of it.  It's hard to tell what people are interested in there.  Even the Sonic stuff is vastly silent. I think I will stop uploading completely on FA.

InkBunny.  I am still relatively new there, so it is understandable that I don't hear from many people.  Although it don't look like it would change much.  Seems they mostly respond to shenanigans with Simba.  I may have to play around to see what responses I can get with Inkbunny.  And after that, will adjust what I will upload there.  So far its looking like NSFW stuff.

Game Development
To follow the development, join the Kadin Discord https://discord.gg/FAdv7ys

Viewed: 300 times
Added: 4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
I don’t blame you.  We’ll keep being artists and perverts, But seems all that people are actually interested in is if they can get something from you, usually asking for freebies and never giving comments of any substance.

It’s all vapid singles words or one liners. And they’re excuse is “I don’t know what to say.” It’s called THINK ABOUT IT.  You know thinking? That thing you can do even while doing something else?  That thing that lets us do anything meaningful?  Asdfghjkl I’m still very salty. And it’s not kosher salt.
4 years, 10 months ago
I blame myself.  I just don't make content that is interesting to people anymore.
4 years, 6 months ago
you should not blame yourself. unless someone is paying you, you dont owe anyone anything
4 years, 10 months ago
For me, and why I don't usually comment, this is my logic. I'm not an artist, so I can't comment on technical stuff, I clicked the link or followed you so you know I at least like YOUR stuff or at least the thumbnail was interesting enough for me to look at. As for writing something else, I can't write an anecdote on every picture I flip through when I usually have a lot to. And "That looks good, or that is great!" is all that comes to mind, and you guys don't like that, so why bother? I guess I don't really get why you judge success by the metric of # comments or content of those comments. Is it not enough to have drawn a lovely thing, and had people look at it and admire it? If the picture doesn't generate a shit storm of negative comments or a fight over something, isn't that a win because not enough people hate it to start that kind of thing?
4 years, 10 months ago
True that sometimes people don't have much to say, and some may just not be good at words or thoughts.  However the thing is, now their are way more watchers, but far less comments.  Should at the very least stay the same or go up, but that not what going on.  So something is  a miss.

You also ask is it not enough to have drawn a lovely thing?  Well in a way it is enough when I plan to keep it to my self. In a silent room, you don't feel like you would disappoint anyone if you just disappear.  It's a complicated thing, like I said, I blame myself, not the viewers.
4 years, 10 months ago
It feels to me like you are misreading a situation. Not every watcher actually looks through the pictures/videos. (in something like Youtube) Clicking watch is seen as a way to support an artist you like, even if it's not to see every photo. I mean, I have something like 7,000 submissions I haven't even slightly begun to get through. So less comments =/= a problem in my mind, or a lack of interest in you. It may indicate a lack of interest in a specific type of content, but I would say more often than not, it's the viewers don't have a strong reason to comment either way. From my experience, the most commented on things are usually a lewd pose people like to tease about, a picture that is controversial in some way, or the pictures involve a lot of friends talking to each other in the comments.
As for disappointing people, it would be more disappointing to us to see you quit. Nobody expects every picture of yours to be perfect, or good, or even done completely. You are sharing them for free with us, we're just happy to get to see it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f3/ff/a9/f3ffa96bc7b3324...
For the second one, that's what I think you artists should do even if people for whatever reason don't like your stuff. Now that's not to say that a comment about something looks off or "bad" isn't true from the writer's perspective. If you are getting comments about something like "that leg looks bad" then it might be worth looking into how to draw legs differently. You just do the best you can at the time, and I think that is good enough for all of us. Anyone who can't be satisfied with that, that's their problem not yours.
4 years, 10 months ago
https://inkbunny.net/s/1519392 I mean, look at Loba's upload of my favorite commission. 1,800 views and 1 comment from Loba's significant other. Loba has 2,700 watchers. While I understand getting comments is uplifting, I don't think it's fair to judge yourself by them.
4 years, 10 months ago
I understand, it's what made my decision hard to do.  
4 years, 10 months ago
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way about your work. I know I'm not the most vocal follower but I at least try to fave your work when I see it. I haven't been very active on DA like I used to be and it's a shame to hear you're cutting out from FA. I see many artists go through this, though. Not seeing as much of a social response from followers as they used to see. Even if they gain more followers over time, the interaction just isn't there and it can be a real bummer. But, the only advice I can think of to offer you is find what gets people talking and find ways to make yourself more noticeable. It's great that you can expand your presence but that alone won't be enough to bring in more talkative members of the fandom. Maybe you can turn to sharing your work in Discord groups centered around what you personally like to draw or what you get commissioned to draw regularly.

It's always sad when the social aspect of your art slowly dies out but don't let that stop you. There are plenty of people who enjoy your work, even if they don't have much to say about it. Do it for them and especially for those who do speak up.
4 years, 10 months ago
Never know if something my change later, who knows.  As for posting for Discord.... Well I am posting Kadin stuff on the channel.  Only other time I post art on Discord is with friends that ask about it.  It feels desired that way.
4 years, 10 months ago
I know what you mean. I wish the best of luck to you in how you choose to carry on with art and I look forward to what you give us. ^^
4 years, 10 months ago
Well, I'm a Lion King nut, so you can bet that I would comment and fav when you've made something about the characters of the universe.

Be as creative (or not) as you want to be with it, I appreciate TLK commissions, TLK ych's, TLK porn, TLK sfw, and crossovers. I could also suggest collaborating with other artists, because that sounds like a ton of fun to me. You could even illustrate TLK fanfiction (there's a lot of very sexy stuff to be had here, like those written by RadixPanther or TheTiger) where you'd give each other a push. Everybody loves comments, and shows of appreciation.

PS: Good comments are a rare breed. I know that. I just adore a good comment on stuff I've commissioned. I want them as pervy as can be.

People are often simply just too lazy. What I found works, is to involve them. Ask them things. Give them options, polls, just some enticement to keep coming back for more. And still do your own thing.
4 years, 10 months ago
Well we will have to see when I do one.  I already have two.
4 years, 10 months ago
I'm a silent viewer alway have been but a few thing to keep in mind is

how many people talk about on every painting in an art gallery? People rarely talk abut art that has moved and is moving them.

As a viewer I have this may images a day https://imgur.com/a/zOIZm40 I can't comment on them all, and to prove a point you yourself haven't commented on all your favourites, which is not a bad thing or hypocritical, it's just reality.  

Nowadays getting 1 to 3 comments per 100 views is normal to good if you check comments to view ratios, (one exception is comics as far as I see on a quick views to comment check. I don't know why the amount to comments have dropped in recent years, might be because of a increase of passive viewers and more art viewers being older with busier lives.

I guess what I'm trying to say is yeah getting less comments suck but it's more a symptom to the art community as a whole and not just happening to you personally.
4 years, 10 months ago
Yes I know one can't come up with a comment for everything they see.  And I am not really blaming the viewers, I blame myself.  Witch is the reason that I still will upload things that seem to get people talking.
And as you did point out, all across the board their are less commenting for everyone.  Eventually it will reach zero.  Many of my stuff already gets zero.
4 years, 5 months ago
A bit of a late response, but I for one love your tribal arts, your lewd arts and your lewd tribal arts. I'd at least appreciate it when you post/draw more stuff, you know?

TL;DR I like your stuff, keep posting everything.
1 year, 9 months ago
wow friend, you don't know me and I'm way past late, I'm nobody here, but I know exactly what you describe in your journal. I felt like I read something I could have written myself.

I've been exactly in your situation, posting art, being "semi" famous and popular, getting attention, fun, friends etc ... and then it slowly diminishing because people are just not interested in personal art. they just want nsfw and fanarts of [character currently popular this week].
it's so demotivating to work hours and hours on something, post it and see the view counter not even increase, and barely reach 10, 20, 50 at most, despite having *thousands* of watchers. Knowing not even 1% of your watchers and random people combined click on it. it's so incredibly depressing. and after a while you do wonder if the problem is your art, or them, or something else.
I don't have any solutions (and you probably don't want them considering it's been over 3 years), unfortunately, but some people do care about personal art (they're very rare - I know for a fact since I'm one of these people. and I don't know anybody like me. in fact, I dislike people who just chase trends, they're boring to me with no personality other than "hey bro look i drew this week's popular character!"). about the bit about FA, do not worry about it. This site is the bottom of the trash ; if it's not ful hardcore fetish nsfw, they wouldn't click on it. it's not even worth the effort to upload things there.

I hope you solution worked out for you at least.

I really regret not seeing your journal 3 years ago to talk about it with you. maybe I could have helped you, or learn things from you.
1 year, 9 months ago
Thanks.  These days I don't draw all that much anymore.  And at times I only share stuff with people that I know will say something.  I been spending more time on slowly developing a game.  I occasionally upload something, and they are lucky to get one comment.  And I think DA is still using fake views.
1 year, 9 months ago
I know that it's very demoralizing to not get any attention. and it's also something that other people don't really understand. "why do you care? just draw for yourself bro :)" ... well, yea, we do, but artists also need an audience to be artists, but they don't understand this second part. a singer with nobody listening is pointless. an artist with nobody to look at his drawings makes no sense. it's 2 parts of the concept of art.
and it's even more demoralizing when you *do* these things (comment, talk, favorite, etc) for others who also watch you, hoping they'll return the favor and do something ... and get nothing at all.
I'd love to make a game too, but tbh, I'm scared the same would happen ; spending years of effort on something ... and sell 10 copies.

When I left DA years ago, there wasn't any fake views, I think? I'd be lucky to reach 50 views after 2 months. but if you meant watchers/followers, then I think it's just dead or unused accounts, not fake ones. but we can't know ; seeing how shitty and corrupt DA is, it wouldn't surprise me. there is no good place to upload art (friendly + large + active community).
1 year, 9 months ago
Yeah 10 copies of the game sold is what I kinda been expecting, but we will see.

And when I say fake views.  I mean the view counter goes up like 5K.  They don't put actual numbers there anymore, they just put a K behind a number now.  That alone is suspect, but then also that 5K views harbors like one or no comments.  How can that be?  And then when I look at the stats it says my total views for the week is like 200.  So how can something have 5K views?
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