Viewed: | 2,787 times |
Added: | 7 years, 4 months ago 26 Oct 2017 21:23 CEST |
" | "before they consistently and repeatedly made a liar out of me and anyone who assured people they weren't just going to be a pedohaven. |
" | Wolfblade wrote: |
When the most unarguably, unquestionably, absolutely definitely ACTUALLY racist white supremacist people can repeatedly proclaim that the current methods of censorship, de-platforming, and threats of violence are the best recruiting tools they could ever have hoped for - doesn't that make ANYONE think to question those tactics? The rise of the actual Nazi party was HELPED by the tactic of violent suppression of their ability to speak publicly. When someone gets on stage and says something vile and stupid, and others stand up to dismantle their position with reason and evidence, it SHOWS them for the baseless wrong that they are. It allows people to see what these "bad men" actually want to say, and see how all intelligence and evidence says those bad men are WRONG. But when someone tries to say something and is met with violence and screaming ad hominoms INSTEAD of actually responding to what they're saying, some number of people will see the person getting punched and silenced as the victim. They'll want to make their own decisions, and hear what that person had to say for themselves. Which means they go secretly to where they can talk to the bad men and hear what the bad men have to say, and there isn't anyone there to counter the bad men's position with reason and evidence and THAT is how the bad men get more people on their side. At the same time, sometimes people AREN'T bad men, but just disagree with a commonly held belief when that commonly held belief is itself out of line with actual evidence. When people suppress open talk of controversial subjects we're still trying to fully understand, you can end up with actual valid facts that are taboo to speak of, and people getting labeled as bad men who aren't. This ALSO only serves to HELP the actual bad guys - you now have people who do not support the bad guys, but just support factual accurate evaluation of evidence, and are pushed into having no place to go BUT places that accept the bad guys. You also give the bad guys easy ammo to gain credibility by simply "telling it like it is" and speaking valid facts that aren't PC, and once they have the ear of people who can see for themselves the public narrative has flaws, they then slip in all the vile falsehoods and have an audience less resistant to the false shit because they have been given evidence that the publicly acceptable narrative rejects shit that has factual basis. If you oppose nazis and radical supremacist shit, you HAVE to oppose all the crap that HELPS them no matter how much the people doing shit that helps them insist they oppose the bad men. But then that puts you where I am: I oppose nazis, supremacists, fascists, etc, so I attack the people that are WHY those groups are growing in number now, and people are too fucking dense to tell the difference between "I am trying to convince you to stop doing shit that helps them" and "I am defending them." It's not about defending shit people. It's about opposing shit that HELPS shit people, AND it's about fucking making people understand the difference between the actual shit people, and the ones who just don't agree with your position. |
" | CodyFox wrote: |
That is a good academic argument but I don't think it solves things in real life. People who are in the business of creating outrage are not satisfied with just preaching to the choir. They will find ways to satisfy their need for the angry/offended reaction, even if it means going to extremes to do so. That's why the website has rules. I think as long as people are staying within the rules they will probably be okay unless they are clearly trying to exploit the rules in some fashion. For example, Roarey's offensive posts were protected by the staff despite it causing some people to leave the website. It was only when he and others started engaging in personal insults that they stepped in. The simple fact is they need to have rules here and the rules have to be enforced. This isn't Drudge or some similar site where it's just a free for all and people are encouraged to slash and burn everyone non stop. If that's what people want I think they should go there and have fun. This is a furry art community and I feel like we want at least maintain some level of dignity about us even if we arent treated nicely by some others. |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
If the dissemination of a particular idea would lead to harm then it has to be discussed to not only combat it openly but to actually determine if it is harmful in the first place should that idea be acted out in the real world. |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
Almost everything from the social justice lefts body of ideas is demonstrably harmful in practice |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
then there's no dialogue which can clearly show how bad these ideas are |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
Like when Richard Spencer got punched in the face. |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
they'd not destroy the concept of free speech |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
It's not a straw man dude, people genuinely argue like this |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
Do you go around smacking people in the face when you disagree with them? |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
What intolerance have I displayed? |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
It's not me who goes around trying to get people fucked up and ruin their reputations for their opinions, that's actually you haha |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
you came to me a while back during the whole gender thing and assured me you would own me with the extent of you biological knowledge and you did not deliver. |
" | RoareyRaccoon wrote: |
I mean you just advocated punching someone in response to an opinion, so you are violent and don't believe in free speech, by definition. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
You can't just assume everyone who posts a contrary opinion is only a troll |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
I've seen exactly that assumption being used to preemptively ban anyone who has ever espoused an opinion not congruous with the opinions of the moderators or community at large. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
Anita Sarkeesian |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
Yes, they're sincere. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
You're the one who came in here trying to narrow it down to Stormfags and Kekistanis. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
Which means not banning everyone who disagrees with them by calling them a troll. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
Given that your response to me was to assert that white nationalists don't actually believe what they're saying and can't be reasoned out of it, you're in clear need of having this pointed out to you. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
1. In order to publicly humiliate and refute their beliefs. 2. In order to not allow them to grow and recruit others out of mainstream view. 3. Because the precedent of censoring speech (in society) deemed harmful or undesirable is a dangerous one, that has mostly been used against liberals. 4. In order to deny them the escape of claiming to be censored or elicit sympathy in any way whatsoever. 5. Individual users can block them if they find their influence especially distressing. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
That depends very much on whether or not the moderators are actually banning trolls and flamers, or simply banning anyone they disagree with and calling them that. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
I don't know, because I don't believe Pierce is a Stormfag. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
I outlined above why I believe the answer is no. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
It's not a strawman, since I did not equivocate your position with hers, it was an illustrative example of what could go wrong when you start making those assumptions. Which you seem to be doing. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
You have NOT made yourself clear thus far. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
You presented it as a rhetorical question, seemingly to ridicule my position. Nothing else was clear. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
The main reason I'm debating anybody at all about this drama-fest is because I disagree with people saying "X topic is not appropriate to this site." Especially since what that boils down to is "X opinion is not to be tolerated on this site." |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
nobody has explained to me what Pierce does to warrant this. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
a lot of alt-right persons don't think of themselves as racist. They're operating from a different framework, convinced there's actually anti-white bigotry, for example |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
they find their own echo chambers and communities where they usually aren't engaged. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
We won't ever be free from racism as a species for example, but we can definitely make it less common. |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
I don't want to lend credence to these tactics. And most restrictions on speech are for logical reasons |
" | KichigaiKitsune wrote: |
outside observers - potential recruits, so to speak - can see whether it's empirically true or not |
" | Cuix wrote: |
it's hard not to notice that when people bring up "freedom of speech", it tends to be in defense (and implicit support) of people whose "unpopular opinions" are hateful and bigoted. |
" | Wolfblade wrote: |
Because if nobody has a problem with what is being said, then there's nothing to protect. "Freedom of speech" only gets invoked when someone is trying to say "no, you aren't allowed to say that" because if nobody is trying to silence what is being said, then there's no need for anyone to protect it. |
" | Wolfblade wrote: | will INEVITABLY become corrupted and misused.... |
" | Wolfblade wrote: |
Eventually though, something YOU think and believe gets deemed "wrong" and now if you speak it, you'll face some negative consequence. |
" | Wolfblade wrote: |
If you never object to something until it happens to YOU, you don't get to stand on a foundation or principle or reason, you're simply mad that you were personally inconvenienced. Which makes it easier for others who have not themselves been silenced yet to dismiss your objection, just as you dismissed the objections of others. |
" | Wolfblade wrote: |
The conflation of "he's defending that guy's right to speak, so he's defending what that guy wants to say!" is the most infuriatingly transparent tactic to convince people to relinquish their rights to free speech. It's deeply concerning that it's so fucking successful and people fall for it so easily. |
" | Wolfblade wrote: |
And it only helps the actual Nazis all the more. |
Wolfblade |
" | bencoon wrote: |
I am presenting exactly the words you provided to me. |
" | You hated that you thought we were being too permissive. Now you hate that you think we're being too strict. Perhaps you just want to hate something. |
" | Accusations of misrepresentation.. from the guy who gets called out again and again for blatantly lying about other people. I guess that's why you're supporting Pierce so passionately; he hates almost as emphatically as you do. |
" | Cy says hi. :) |
" | "hahaha yeah, that would be so retarded, nobody would choose that route!" |
" |
THAT'S the problem here. IB isn't telling the people attacking Roarey and expressing such frustration and upset at his submissions "just block him, then." They're letting those people CHOOSE to seek things to be upset about, to dump all their anger and upset and lack of civility on Roarey, then when Roarey only responds on the same level as what he's getting - THAT'S what they view as the mis-step needing action. It's allowing a thing you don't like to become a powder keg so you can take action to remove it - instead of just telling people to use the tools already available to them to satisfy every objection they have SHORT of dictating what choices are available to OTHER people. |
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