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2017 Winter Games Done Leisurely (For Inkbunny)

ALL DONE! Donations and raffle posts are now closed - thank you for participating!

Also free games! Scroll down to the BLUE for info!

Or spring - it's kind near spring, too. But hey, it's that time of year again! Games to play, games to win - all to help bring donations to our fair site~ The currently planned date is for March 11 - March 12. As an added feature this time around, I'll have special guest
to coerce into play along with!

TL/DR version - Donate to Inkbunny - reply to this journal - watch me play games for way too long.

What's this about?
Inspired by Speed Demos Archive's "Games Done Quick", I wanted to do something to help support the site. In a nutshell, donations will go to Inkbunny, and the amount will be used as a "vote" to influence what I play, and how I play during a single segment, non-stop run. I'm not a speedrunner in any sense of the word (unless it's Axiom Verge or Super Metroid), so this will mostly be an endurance gaming run!

Wait, non-stop?!
Well, there'll be occasional breaks for biological necessities - meals, bathroom, and life-giving coffee. These shouldn't take much more than 10-15 minutes, and will be spaced in between gaming blocks. In the off-chance I'm not physically capable of finishing it in a single run, the marathon will continue immediately after I wake up. If things go according to plan, this should take roughly 24 hours.

In much the same way as my previous marathons, the games I play and how I play them are dictated by donations given to Inkbunny! In some cases, this is done by reaching funding goals for a specific game. In other cases, each dollar is a vote to decide the way I play the game.

The Games

It wouldn't be a gaming marathon without the games! Much like the previous winter event, some are voting-driven, and others are amount-driven.

Stardew Valley (PC) -- $150 include - Speedrun to 500,000g
    This is a speedrun to make half a million in as little time as possible! In order to accomplish this, I will not use the Golden Pumpkin exploit to rake in the dough in less than 30 minutes. Nope - good ol' fashioned dirt farming! And maybe slime killing, I dunno... Hitting the $150 donation goal will add this game into the marathon.

!!FISTING SIMULATOR TwoK16+1!! (Brutal Doom mod - PC) -- Include at $75
    The ever-popular fisting sim returns to it's Doom roots! It's always good fun ^^ Unless I'm mistaken, this mod is for Doom 2 - in which case I'll go along until the humans are evacuated to THE FISTING ORGY safety (the end of Map 11 - Circle of Death). Hitting the $75 donation goal will add this INSANITY game to the marathon.  

The Legend of Zelda (NES) -- Include at $25  - Swordless at $100
     Returning from my very first Games Done Leisurely, this is the original Legend of Zelda from 1986. The base include will be a pure speedrun from beginning to the defeat of Gannon. Hitting the Swordless goal will be much the same... but without the original sword (making it much more dangerous to go alone!). The Swordless version ends once Gannon is reached, since it is impossible to beat him without it. Hitting the $25 donation goal will add this game to the marathon. An additional $75 (for a total of $100) donated will instead make this a Swordless run.

AM2R - Another Metroid 2 Remake (PC) -- Include at $50
     One man's labor of love released after about a decade of work... and then hit by a DMCA takedown. However, I have both the original release, and then the immediately patched version released a few days later. This will be an any% speedrun through the game, finishing when the last Metroid is in captivity - and the galaxy is at peace. Hitting the $50 donation goal will add this game to the marathon.

Let's Play a Horror Game! (Unknown) -- 30 min per $20 donated. Capped at 3 hours.
     The game played will be decided later by suggestions and voting. Since I'm not a fan of horror in general (anyone that has seen my Doom plays might know why), there's a pretty solid guarantee that I haven't played any possible games to be included in this. If I manage to finish the first game chosen before the allotted time, I will move on to the second one. For every $20 donated towards this goal, an additional 30 minutes will be added, up to a maximum of of 3 hours played.

VVVVVV (PC) -- Include at $75 - All Medals at $150
     Such a good game, but so frustrating at the same time. I originally expected to play this as a part of my Rage Games segment from last year's winter marathon, but now I've just included it in general... for some reason. Also, the soundtrack is legendary. The base include will be an any% speedrun to the end. The All Medals version means I must collect each of the 12 challenge medals during the course of the run - especially the one on "Doing Things The Hard Way". Hitting the $75 donation goal will add this game to the marathon. An additional $75 (for a total of $150) donated will instead make this an All Medals run.

Delicious and Ketsa Do Stuff Together! (hot)  -- Donation voting - Co-Op Vs. Competitive.
     This will be a set 2 hour span where
and I play a game or two together. The game(s) will be decided later, but donations will determine if we play a co-op game (working together to reach an end goal) or a competitive game (trying to out-score one another). I'm pretty sure there'll be hilarity either way~ When donating towards this goal, please select either "Co-op" or "Competitive". Whichever has the higher value towards it will decide the style of game we play.

Freedom Planet (PC) -- Include at $150
     It's like Sonic... but not! This will be a pure speedrun from start to finish (not story mode). Admittedly, I haven't played this game yet, so I'll need to do my research on how to blaze through it. Hitting the $150 donation goal will include this game in the marathon.

Dark Souls(PC) -- Include at $100  - No Magic at $250
     This is the first Dark Souls, which I've recently gained %100 achievements on! It's also one of my favorite games of the last many years. I'm extremely familiar with it, and very skilled for completion~ This will be a New Game any% speedrun from start to finish (the defeat of Gwyn), and using no glitches. A No Magic run means that I will run a basic quality build (STR/AGI), and not use any spells (which makes it much more difficult). Hitting the $100 donation goal will include it in the marathon. If an additional $150 ($250 total) is reached, it will be a No Magic run.

Mega Man 8 (PS1) -- Include at $75  - Cutscenes at $100
     Jump, Jump! Slide, Slide! We gadda... all da evaa enagee... DOCTA WAAWEE!! ...This will be an any% speedrun from start to finish, and Cutscenes include some... expertly conveyed dialog... Hitting the $75 donation goal will include it in the marathon. If an additional $25 ($100 total) is reached, I won't skip over any of the cutscenes.


KetsaCam (face) -- Just like the pros!
    Much like with the previous marathons, if the total amount of donations to all games reaches $500, the whole marathon will include my webcam~


After you've sent your donation to Inkbunny, please reply to the appropriate message with the amount donated, and the target of your vote
For example, you donated $20 to Inkbunny, and want to contribute to the VVVVVV run - reply to the "VVVVVV donations go here" message and say "Donating $20 to VVVVVV". If you're donating towards the games with Delicious, be sure to note if you're voting for Co-Op or Competative.

Oh boy, I'm ready to donate!
Fantastic! Here's a few easy steps to follow to make sure this all runs smoothly (smooth is good~)

1) Donate to Inkbunny. Be sure to display your snazzy new donor badge - it'll let you sit at the cool kid's table at lunch!
2) Reply to this journal stating how much money you donated. I'll have sections for each game - please make it as a reply to whichever game block you'd like to contribute to. If you'd like to split your amount between multiple blocks, reply to only one thread and say how you'd like it split. If you are not comfortable saying how much you donated, you can certainly tell me this via PM~
3) Get yourself some hot cocoa and a scarf - you so cool~<3

I've heard that Inkbunny can't take PayPal donations - what do!?
Actually, you can donate through PayPal! You have to go through a bit of an alternate route, but the staff can help you through it if you open a donation ticket. Alternatively, I'm able to take donations directly, and relay it myself. Credit will still be given to you, of course. I just can't do too many of these, lest my PayPal account get flagged or something.

How long will this take / When will you run these?
I haven't yet timed all these runs, but my estimate is around 20-24 hours, depending on how the donations influence the games (challenge runs take longer than Any%). Start time should be around 8am MST on Saturday, March 11th. If you miss anything, I'll have it all archived on my Twitch page

vvvvvvvvvvGOLLY, FREE GAMES!vvvvvvvvvv

So what about that game giveaway?
I have another raffle! I have played all of these, and grant them my "It's a pretty good game" seal of approval. Entering is simple and free - just make a journal plugging this event (calling attention to it and linking to this journal), and you'll be given two tickets. Then, reply to the "Journal Plugs Go Here" message with a link to your journal, and your choice in placing your tickets. This time around, you cannot double-up on a single game, so you MUST pick two different games. Winners will be chosen through random.org during the course of my marathon. All games are through Steam, so you need to have a computer running it in able to receive the game~

And the raffle games are...

 -Tales of Maj'Eyal  (An excellent roguelike - I have nearly 500 hours clocked on this...)
          ((Current tickets ==[■■■]==))
 -Environmental Station Alpha (Metroidvania style)
          ((Current tickets ==[■■]==))
 -Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (from last year's summer marathon!)
          ((Current tickets ==[■■]==))
 -Salt and Sanctuary (Basically 2D Dark Souls)
          ((Current tickets ==[■■■]==))
 -Magicite (I actually bought this for last year's raffle... whoops...)
          ((Current tickets ==[■]==))

^^^^^^^^^^GOLLY, FREE GAMES!^^^^^^^^^^^

Those were lots of words... and I didn't take notes...
Yeah, me neither... Here's the synopsis:

   March 11th ~ March 12th



 Stardew Valley         -- $150 to include

 BRUTAL FISTING    -- $75 to include

 Legend of Zelda       -- $25 to include  // $100 for Swordless

 AM2R                       -- $50 to include

 Horror Games!!!       -- 30 min / $20 (Max of 3 hours)

 VVVVVV                  -- $75 to include  //  $150 for All Medals

 Mutual fun w/Del     -- Donation voting  --  Co-Op  vs.  Competitive

 Freedom Planet      -- $150 to include

 Dark Souls              -- $100 to include  // $250 for No Magic challenge run

 Mega Man 8            -- $75 to include   // $100 for Oscar-winning performances


 $500 total donations  --          30/m/CO  ^_~

+==|Current Stats|==+

Stardew Valley   |■■■■■|■■■■■|■■■■■|       $150 / $150 Goal met!

FIST   |■■■■■|■■□|   $75 / $75   Goal met!

Zelda     |■■■||■■|■■■■■|  $100 / $100 Goal met!

AM2R  |■■■■■|  $50 / $50 Goal met!

Spooooky~  |■■|■■|■■|■■|■■|■■|  $120  / $120 Goal met!

VVVVVV |■■___|___||__|_____|  $10 / $150 GOAL NOT MET

Co-Op                  ($25)|■■□::::::::::::::::::::: Current leader
 Competitive        ($4.20)  |■::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Freedom Planet  |■■■■■|■■■■■|■■■■■|  $150 / $150 Goal met!

Dark Souls  |■■■■■|■■■■■||_____|_____|_____|  $100 / $250 Included - $150 more for challenge run!

Mega Man 8  |□____|___||__|  $0.69 / $100 GOAL NOT MET

Camera    $785 / $500 Goal met!

Donate here!

Any questions or things I missed? Feel free to bring it up!
Viewed: 420 times
Added: 7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago
Stardew Valley donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago
This donation goal is COMPLETE!
7 years, 3 months ago
BRUTAL FISTING donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago
This donation goal is COMPLETE!
7 years, 3 months ago
Legend of Zelda donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
Yeahh!!! Donation get!

7 years, 3 months ago
This donation goal is COMPLETE!
7 years, 3 months ago
Another Metroid 2 Remake donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
$15 to AM2R
7 years, 3 months ago
Noted and added!

Also, @fluffdance put his $30 towards this~
7 years, 3 months ago
has capped this out with $5!

This donation goal is COMPLETE
7 years, 3 months ago
Let's Play a Horror Game donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
I'll put $120 on this :3
7 years, 3 months ago
Oh snap, now I'm gonna have to actually do this! D:

This donation goal is COMPLETE!

Also, I think it's only fair that you get to pick the game... Eep.
7 years, 3 months ago
You can gimme a poke on steam, and we can figure out what works best for you :3
7 years, 3 months ago
VVVVVV donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
$1.6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 for every V!

($10 if you don't feel like doing the math.)
7 years, 3 months ago
Noted and added in!  Thank you ^^
7 years, 3 months ago
Funtimes with Delicious donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
Remaining $25 goes to co-op!
7 years, 3 months ago
Noted! Also, you've, like, funded the majority of this drive all by yourself!
7 years, 3 months ago
Inkbunny is love, Inkbunny is life

7 years, 3 months ago
Can't argue with that :D
7 years, 3 months ago
has contributed $4.20 towards competitive
7 years, 3 months ago
Freedom Planet donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago
This donation goal is COMPLETE!
7 years, 3 months ago
Dark Souls donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
has contributed $100.11 towards this goal
7 years, 3 months ago
Mega Man 8 donations go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
has put $0.69 towards this goal.
7 years, 3 months ago
Journal Plugs go here!
7 years, 3 months ago
Journal Plug, GET!!!
7 years, 3 months ago
Didn't even realize there was a raffle for free games, was just plugging the fund raiser.

I wouldn't mind getting Tales of Maj'Eyal or Salt and Sanctuary ...
7 years, 3 months ago
Snazzy, and thank you muchly!

ToME - Ticket #1
S&S  - Ticket #2
7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago
Thank you muchly ^^ I know you don't use Steam, so that leaves you out of the games~
7 years, 3 months ago
Environmental Station Alpha
7 years, 3 months ago
Noted and appreciated! You have ticket #1 on both games~
7 years, 3 months ago
Awesome, be funny if I am the only one that chose them
7 years, 3 months ago
Ha ha! Yeah, I have a feeling that might be the case!
They're both excellent games, too. Although you'd liiiiikely need a guide to get the hidden endings in Environmental Station Alpha... assuming you value your sanity.
7 years, 3 months ago
I am a high end gamer, I playing a bunch of games back in their alpha days, I think I can handle a few secret endings, I would have gone with ori and the blind forest, but I decided on the more retro stuff
7 years, 3 months ago
Spreading the love, cause Ziggy told me too =3

Tales of Maj'Eyal and Salt and Sanctuary please =^_^=
7 years, 3 months ago
Looks good ^^
That gives you ToME #2 and S&S #3
7 years, 3 months ago
here's my journal, you can put me in for Environmental Station Alpha
7 years, 3 months ago
Got'cha! That gets you ticket #2~
7 years, 3 months ago
Best of luck you got a fifty fifty chance against me for that game
7 years, 3 months ago
Plug! https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=267813

Tales of Maj'Eyal
Ori and The Blind Forest      <--- Keep meaning to pick this up when it's on sale... :p
Thanks for the chance, and this is an awesome fundraising idea!
7 years, 3 months ago
Noted and thank you ^^
ToME ticket #3 and Ori ticket #2
7 years, 3 months ago
I am forced to participate because of a coincidental journal: https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=266270
Salt and Ori were my interests.
7 years, 3 months ago
General Comments and Questions go here!

...or below... wherev'
7 years, 3 months ago
How much for Deli facecam? :O
7 years, 3 months ago
That's really up to him ^^; Although there's a fair chance he'll be in the same room as me. Still, I don't want to make that decision for him.
7 years, 3 months ago

How much for your beautiful face? :3
7 years, 3 months ago
7 years, 3 months ago
>:I Edit: That's an i, it's supposed to look like your icon.

7 years, 3 months ago
SOMA is a great horror game for noobs to the genre. It's more psychological than just constant scares. Of course if you're looking for more scares, there's games like Alien: Isolation.
7 years, 3 months ago
I was going to put it up to a free voting thing later, akin to my rage game / shitty game segments from the past.

I'd been expecting either SOMA, FnaF or Amnesia, to be honest. Hasn't thought Alien would be in there - is that the one Alien game that ended up being good? I remember there was a whole slew of bad ones from that license...
7 years, 3 months ago
Alien Isolation is indeed a good game. You do get weapons, and craftable items to help you through it, but limited supplies and nothing to actually kill the alien with. So it's a true horror game, and pretty faithful to the series. I haven't played it myself yet, but I've watched several people play the game.

Amnesia is another great horror game, a little dated on the graphics now, but still one of the most notable games in the horror renaissance. The mechanics introduced with that game changed the way horror games were made.

FNaF is also referred to as Jump-Scare Simulator. It's not really much of a horror game imo, but it does do jump scares very well. I would suggest Wick if you want to do a jump scare game. Much more atmosphere, and you're not stuck in a tiny office the whole game.

Outlast is another good horror game. Nothing really new or innovative came out with it, but it was still a well made game. Lots of run and hide. Great atmosphere. Creepy characters. etc.
7 years, 3 months ago
Jesus floofy leave some for the rest of us xD
7 years, 3 months ago
Oh, it's not that uncommon~
usually funds a fair chunk of these each time!

There's still other things to donate towards, though - including some low-investment ones ($20 towards horror games, the $50 limit on Metroid, or any amount to swing the games with Delicious).
7 years, 3 months ago
*Floofs around*

Nuu! Floof won't stop!
7 years, 3 months ago
Wait how do I enter
7 years, 3 months ago
It should all be up in the journal~ For donations to influence the marathon, you just give any donation to Inkbunny and post about it in here:

For the games, more details are in the "GOLLY FREE GAMES" section. In short, make your own journal linking to this one (plugging the marathon, basically), then post here with your choice of two games from the raffle list.
7 years, 3 months ago
$30 to wherever it's needed!  Because I'm indecisive, and very likely won't be able to make the entire stream on account of work~  <3
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