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SMUT IS ART – (A thing about style)

I’ve actually heard this a ton on smut sites, where artists (or viewers) may refer to smut as smut, like it’s specifically not art.


Before I continue, I’d like to mini-disclaimer that the following information is once again my artistic ideals. It’s up to you to decide whether it aligns with your thinking, or if this is all hocus pocus! Double-disclaimer, I know this has popped up with a few people I’ve spoken to recently, this is not addressed to you, you guys aren’t alone in this point of view. And I’m not saying it’s wrong of you, I think it’s just something worth talking about.

Guys, everything we do is art. Everything and anything. Like, fuggin – Look at a bottle. Go look at a weird-ass bottle, HOW WEIRD? We’ve given it the function of liquid-container, so we’ll just shrug off any unique designs. We’ll be like, wow that’s a weird bottle – rather than, DAMN art.

I think a lot of people get stuck with the idea that art has to be something meaningful. That like, there should be some deep undertones in order for something to be “art.”

I’m of the impression, anything creative, that evokes some sort of emotion – is art! (DISCLAIMER, there are no solid definitions to art, and don’t try proving my definition wrong, since that’s a waste of time, AND IT’S NOT THE POINT OF THIS JOURNAL!)

So, whether you’ve been desensitized to a type of art (like a bottle of water) totally happens. Like, look at a sink. They’re so crazy! Bowl-ass, symmetrical, shiny-mofukkin’ clean-spoutin’ crazy shiz! Right? Go google “Cool sinks” – and your mind’ll be BLOWN IN AN INSTANT. Because that shits art! But so is the original sink. Imagine when the first sink came out? People probably shat their pants (And then used the sink to clean themselves). I bet people just drew sinks because they were beautiful. Probably fapped to them too.

Now one might be like, WELL CARROT, YOU SAID IT’S GOTTA EVOKE EMOTION IN ORDER TO BE ART. And to that I say – WELL IT DOES. I mean, currently, you’re all desensitized, because gawd-damn-who-gives-a-shit-it’s-a-sink-wtf. BUT! Think about it! Look at the design of a sink. Most sinks are shiny and totally symmetrical. These are ideas of perfection/cleanliness, and whattya know – THE SINK MAKES YOU CLEAN (and perfect?).

“OK CARROT, YOU’RE BEING DUMB.” YEAAAH but not really. There’s a TON of shit out there we just glance over because we don’t notice it as art. Even something like an advertisement – that shiz is totally shopp’d and composited to be the best fucking thing visually, to promote their product. That’s art yo. Art is often – Manipulation! Keep that in mind, in all the media you ever see, it’s done by artists, and an artist is trying to get you to FEEL SOMETHING. Aka, manipulation baby aw yeah.

Manipulation has bad connotations, but art can be used for a lot of good. SO no biggy. It’s just dangerous in the wrong hands, SO FUCK THOSE GUYS. Art should be kept to help people and spread shit :3 (like fires, and mayonnaise)

Anywho – Let’s talk about smut again. This is a process of drawing lines to give you a boner. Seriously. But the subject matter isn’t the only thing at work here. Smut, like any other visual narrative, uses normal artistic characteristics to get the viewer immersed. That’s what we’re going for here, if you’re immersed, you’re into the piece, and if you’re into the piece, you’ll get the message. In my case, it’s smut. In an advertisement, it’s to support a cause, or buy a product. In a movie, it’s to learn a lesson, or experience a thing.

WAIT I GOT DISTRACTED, BACK TO SMUT. So normal illustrations have a few general artistic elements (lol, instantly drifted away from smut).

Narrative – This is generally the story going on. Whether it’s an intense thematic experience, or something as simple as, “This bunny wants to fuck this dog.”
Rendering – The method of depiction, cartoony or realistic, and everything in between.
Color – … Fuckin… Color.
Value – Darks, lights, everything in between!
Action/Acting – The action depicted, as well as the actor’s personality.
Actors – The characters featured in the work.
Setting/Stage – The location/time of day/time period/world etc.
Camera – The window that the audience is observing the action.

All this shit, should, to some extent, support the narrative for a relatively successful piece. You don’t need them all, but you’ll need some. And you bet your ass this isn’t all of them, I just pulled some out of my own ass (where I keep them, for party tricks). And there’s a gray line, like I could put “Clarity” in there, but… I didn’t… so… whatever.

BUT BACK TO SMUT WOW JEEZ I’M DISTRACTED. Smut can get away with A LOTTA SHIT. For example, based off of the actors ALONE, some people might really enjoy a piece. Based off of the action (consensual/rape/dildo stuffing/making out/WHATEVER FETISH), a piece may have much more attraction toward it.

Generally, in a normal illustration, it’s either super visually interesting (impressive, cute, unique etc), or it has a message we can agree on (it’s a social commentary, some other message, something relateable, some trufax etc.) And these are actually pretty hard areas to hit. This starts getting a bit into marketing/success of a product, and I’m not here for that, but I’m just giving a little shpeel on what seems to grab the viewer’s attention on a normal illustration.

For smut, the actors (like of a certain fandom) can instantly bring in a lot of attention (I mean, this is the same for clean illustrations). But arguably MORE SO for fandoms being all smutty. The fetish/actions in question is also a huge factor. These PROBABLY come into favor MORE SO than technical skill/execution. Wouldn’t you agree? Do you have less-artistically-sound porn of some of your favorite subjects? I certainly do. But there are other aspects of smut that grab our attention.

I know I’ve gotten this from a few of you. That you aren’t TYPICALLY into whatever subject I drew, but for whatever reason, something is hot. And it’s usually the character’s expression, the acting.

I’m of the impression that a CONVINCING image can be hot to anyone. If you’re watching someone REALLY enjoy themselves, that can get you going. ERM HOLD ON WAIT – that’s obviously not everyone, but that is totally me. So I just draw stuff as convincing as I can, if I’m convinced, then other people might be convinced – lo and behold, sometimes it works.

I bring all of this up because I’ve gotten a few times - that my art looks different and unique. And generally people seem to like it to some extent. And if anyone is to ask me “why is my work good” *laughs*, then I’d just say because I try to treat it as what it is – ART. If you don’t think what you’re doing is art, you won’t be practicing all the general artistic principles in it. That shits important, for anything. A clean piece, smut, whatever. Doesn’t matter, shit’s all art, any artistic principle applies to any genre of art. TRUFAX.

The thing about style

Lastly, I wanted to talk a bit about my “style.” Even in school my professors often said, “Y’know Andrew, I can always tell when a piece is yours.” And I’d be like, YEAH CUS IT’S SHIT AMIRITE – and they’re like, no, you’ve got a style. And I’m like, FUQ OFF. Not really, but yeah. And every so often now, I’ll get little questions like, what styles do you pull from? What technique are you using to make the eyes? What shows/games are you mimicking? And I’m just like, damn – I’m not.

I don’t reference like, ANYTHING. And that’s actually really bad. As soon as I graduate, I’m gonna go out in the world and just draw life for fucking, months straight. Because FAWK. I gotta get better yo.

I DO! However, have a few simple IDEALS that I like to live by for my art. It doesn’t matter what the art is (I could be doing an animation, an advertisement, a web design, an illustration, smut, whatever). I follow these to a T, and I think THAT’S what molds my own style. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO FIGURE OUT YOUR ARTISTIC IDEALS THAT YOU VALUE, Keep them in mind all the time, and a “style” will find you.

Here are mine:

Simplicity – In visual design of all kinds. Color/Character design/Everything. Most of my works are simple designs, polished up. By keeping things simple, it’s easy to get them right, and polishing that up makes for a more impressive work in the end.
Clarity – Things should be clear and readable at an instant. Having darks against lights and vice-a-versa, clear readable silhouettes. Economic posing/camera so the viewer isn’t confused.
Boldness – I like my things LOUD and VISUALLY DEMANDING. I was told once – that if a person walks by your art YOU’VE FAILED. Harsh, but kinda true. At least, for a commercial artist like myself :3 (LOOK AT MY THINGS TvT). I make stuff to entertain/teach :/, and if no one is entertained/educated, well poopie. Oh, anywho – having line art! Hardcore darks and lights! Loud bumping colors!
Emotive – My characters should explode with emotion, solidly convincing. The actors are a huge driving tool in my art. SO EMOTE GOD DAMMIT! FEEL FOR MY CHARACTERS! SUFFER AS THEY SUFFER! MUAHAHAH, DANCE, MY AUDIENCE! *pulls marionette strings* - Whoops! My evil was showing :3
Form – I like my things to be SOLID. Dimensional creatures (I’m an animator, after all). I want these things to be pretty tangible. I always imagine my character in 3 dimensions before drawing them. You can see this in my understructure of my sketches, as well as the way I light/shade.
Believability – Everything has to be SOMEWHAT plausible! Despite some size-plays/mega deep stuff I’ve done, there’s generally a reasonable amount of stuff that’s going on. It’s at least reasonable for the world/creatures I’ve created. That’s why I try not to do things like inflation/hyper stuff. It’s just too far out of the realm of believability for me.
Truth – Despite my lack of varied character design, I always look up references when drawing stuff I haven’t before. Having some features that are key to whatever animal adds more truth to the canvas. This is also why I’m pretty indepth with my lighting/shading/bounce lighting. Light is crazy IRL, and the more I can depict it in my not IRL style, the more true it seems.
CUTE! – I just really like cute stuff. Most of my things are rounder/stubbier. I just like cute. Cute? CUTE!?

And BAM! That’s the recipe to my style. But, check it out – weird part here. ^^^ All that up there? That’s just me in a nutshell. Not only would I depict art that way, but even this journal (which is arguably art)! These are characteristics that are incredibly important to me, and so, I try my best to live by them. With these in mind, I draw what I draw. I act how I act, I talk how I talk.

AIGHT! This is getting crazy long. Hope it was entertaining and remotely insightful. I DO highly suggest all of you to go out and think of the artistic principles you particularly take to heart. Try your best to incorporate them into your pieces! That’ll guarantee some unique shit out’ya :3


TL;DR - If you like art talk, you should just read this. IF YOU DON'T, MOVE ALONG *tears up, trying not to care* Psh no, of course you all care! IT'S ART, WE ARE ON AN ART WEBSITE, ART IS THE BEST. Just read the dang thing. :<
Viewed: 325 times
Added: 10 years, 2 months ago
10 years, 2 months ago
Couldn't agree more.

Edit: We really need to be able to fave journals.
10 years, 2 months ago
10 years, 2 months ago
What if I say smutart?

That joke aside, it seems to me that you say whenever someone is using the word "smut" they are trying to distinct between art and pornographic material, and not just saying this art but belongs in the subset of pornographic content.

I am fully aware that this distinction, pornographic material is no art, is used by some people, but those are mostly idiots, and likely the same people that say videogames aren't an art form either.

All in all, I do hope this nonsense will blow over in a couple decades, basically everybody in the western world is growing up with pornography these days and the sexual emancipation is also winning more and more speed recently, while the opposition is slowly but surely dying away one by one.
10 years, 2 months ago
Yeah I mean, I probably wouldn't say they're IDIOTS xD! It's no surprise to kinda forget what is and what isn't beautiful after a while, y'know? Like, kids grow up watching animated movies, they become fully educated human beings - And still have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how long any of those films take to make. Or the fact that each frame back in-da-day was hand drawn, AND painted.

Videogames became their own thing, video games. Same with movies and music. The latter is a bit easier to remember that it's art. But it is all art, just, as you were saying, subsets of art.

It's like all the worlds and stuff that are established. Like Lord of The Rings, or Starwars, we forget sometimes that just some dude made it. It's all just art ^-^ ART IS SO COOL OMGLAKJLK
10 years, 2 months ago
Oh I love a good rant. You make a very valid point. As my artwork was recently harassed on none other then DA by someone as I quote "This would be a nice pic if you didn't have to ruin it with such smut" "Why dont you guys just keep your porn on porn sites?" end quote. To say the least, I'm easy to not take shit from people on the internet, so I blocked the user and tagged him for spamming me^^

As for what people say outside of my accounts, say on e621 about my artwork, nothing important. Odds are they are not even 18 and just a bunch of rabble rousers or shit disturbers anyways. They say stupid hurtful things as the internet gives them a sense of being, a way to connect and voice opinions with no consequence as well as staying completely anonymous

Can't really argue with your definition of Style. Thou I personally would remove "Cuteness" from my list, as I would argue that Cuteness is just a copulation of the others and could be sub-categorized under emotional response... But that's a moot point.
10 years, 2 months ago
UGH! So much anger >-<! I hate it when people are so prejudice over shit. Seriously, I happen to take "People hating on other people for doing something/liking something" JUST as bad as racism/sexism. Like, what the fuck - fuck those guys D:<

Creation is so much more powerful, if they just made stuff, rather than hated on stuff - possibly PREVENTING creation, then UGH. Man, I've written many a rants about this subject. I could go on forever v~v.

What's really unfortunate, is since art is EVERYWHERE, it's so easy to take it for granted. That's why people are feeling so self-important to disregard the fact that someone else MANIFESTED A THING OUT OF NOWHERE, and they feel like they can tear it apart because whatever who gives a shit. Art's just everywhere, billions of pictures, movies, music, all for free for everyone. And that's AWESOME, if people can appreciate it :/

It's really nice to step back and just be like, wow. Someone fuckin MADE THIS? Seriously? Let alone someone actually THOUGHT about this, but they also created it? That's fuckin' beautiful, I don't care the extent of technical artistry.

Lol, mini-rant anywho.

Yeah, "Cute" is an interesting word, I use it for adorable things, my female friends use it as a synonym for "Awesome." BUT! I think one could argue that there's art out there with all of my "principles" that aren't cute. Like, take out simplicity and cute and add realism/cinematography/other wordly - and you've got a ton of concept artists xD I mean... Hm. To a pretty large extent, I'm just naming out general good art-fundamentals, I suppose the important bits are me relating how my art follows those rules... anywho :V
10 years, 2 months ago
Well, also we're talking about dA here. Majority of the artists there are so anal-retentive they consider anything smutty or artistic nude as mere porn. Neophytes. that's what i call them.
10 years, 2 months ago
Careful not to mistake the vocal minority as the majority. dA has a massive userbase. Your experience will change depending on what you're looking at and who you're watching.
10 years, 2 months ago
this is true, as i have been one of those anal-retentive conservs, but I had to learn that art is expression in many forms from simple abstraction to erotica
10 years, 2 months ago
Word etymology aside, I agree that every creation or performance is a form of art.
10 years, 2 months ago
Smut + Art = Smart >:3

I also agree with you, even though I sometimes devalue my own work as fap-doodles when I am not putting any effort into neatness.

One thing why many want to deprive porn of its art status is because it draw attention so easily (compared to clean art). But that is true for many other areas and nay sayers are everywhere.

MLP Fanart: "Please you just draw it cuz popular and you get views easily."
Sonic Style: "This is such a simple style anyone could do it. And it gots tons of fans to mooch of."
Modern Art (this is my personal opinion on some of the more... experimental ones): "You can't just take a dump on a piece of newspaper and call it art. It's just disgusting!"

All kinds of art will get someone's panties in a twist. Better pull hard XD
10 years, 2 months ago
A sketch is still art :o

And like, music gathers attention easier than drawings. And movies/TV have attention more than books :V but it's all still art :3 I think it's just easy to over look all the art since we're like, TITS. VAGAYNAH. PENUSSS.
10 years, 2 months ago
We need to doodle together one day and just cover the whole page in penises, boobies and vaginas ^^
10 years, 2 months ago
Writing... is writing smut art? I damn well think so!

It invokes feels, if you can write it well enough :3
10 years, 2 months ago
YES ABSOLUTELY O.o! Story telling is one of the oldest forms of art - and writing is still one of the strongest forms of art :3. It's narrative-to-work ratio is INSANE. A superior medium of immersion to movies, perhaps beaten by TV Series. Quicker than comics. More descriptive than a single image. Writing is the SHIZ yo. Smut or otherwise.
10 years, 2 months ago
Smut + Art is just SMART!  ^^
10 years, 2 months ago
Yeah~ If smut is fun and you still wanna improve art - then it's super smart :D
10 years, 2 months ago
10 years, 2 months ago
Hehe, these are neat. (:

Totally right. People I guess are just often used to shaming sex and aren't proud of it, or have to kick it down in some way. Even the art community, full of horny weirdos, is so disappointingly prude sometimes. I never liked that. But at least others are alright with it and have fun. (: There's so much that goes into every picture people draw, you can't dismiss it because it's about two characters dingling around. B-)
10 years, 2 months ago
God damnit, sex itself is an artform! >:O
Unless you're one of those crazy vanilla Catholic Missionary only types where it's purely for making purely vanilla Catholic babies. Then it's just BORRIIINNG
10 years, 2 months ago
even then you can make some awesome smut with that too.
10 years, 2 months ago
I read the whole thing, indeedily. Unfortunately, I am absolutely terrible at responding in any form of reasonably exemplary method to most journals of which the people of the Internet produce.

Padding aside, I am in full agreement.

Now I just wish I wasn't such a lazy artist myself. :B
10 years, 2 months ago
Smut art is best art ^_^
10 years, 2 months ago
I definitely agree with what you say about smut being art. Heck if I didn't think that way, I'd be wasting my time with my writing because virtually all of my stories are very smutty lol. Smut often has its own narrative just based on the smutty actions going on. I think a good artist can draw attention to that narrative in the way that they depict it. Like, what you said about the characters in the picture being emotive is really important, even if they are emoting something simple like shyness or embarrassment. It creates a story in the viewer's mind, and the more convincingly that story is, I think that increases the attractiveness of the picture to the viewer. Like you said, even if they aren't into that particular fetish thing, when you create some connection between the viewer and the characters (or scenery if there aren't any characters present) through that emotive or passionate depiction, it can have a strong impact on anyone :)
10 years, 2 months ago
Basically, if it's made with the intention of being art, it's art.  Whether it's *good* or not is subjective and an entirely different discussion.
10 years, 2 months ago
this journal is full of disclaimers and distractions :D   but its cool, its a good read :)

and i for one do often take art for granted since it is SO much around for free.  I suppose it is really amazing people can make things outta nothing.  to pull an idea from their head and put it into physical form.  that sounds like magic to me xD

thanks for the rant ^^
10 years, 2 months ago
I agree fully. But it's a waste of time to try to convince smut haters that smut is still art. Time, skill, creativity, and sometimes love go into each piece. Artists take pride in their work even if it is for fapping purposes. It's just wrong to flat out tell them what they do isn't art and that it doesn't take creativity. Sadly, even many clean artists are guilty of shaming smut artists.
10 years, 2 months ago
so basically what you are saying is... <_< smut is art?
you are probably correct because of some art lawyer technicality but... O_o why does it always feel so much cheaper?
don’t get me wrong, there are smut that absolutely blows minds!
but why does it still give that kind of empty sold out feeling?
take for instance the "deviant art scenario": after drawing pictures of the jiffing of the foxes for long enough that people convinced me that i was making art... i found myself on deviant art... <_< i felt way too guilty to post PORN there, would be like having sex in church. even though you are sure somebody else is doing it you still feel like god may just notice YOU doing it and smite the jiff right out of you. but anyways it made me draw some clean art... and WHAM! there it was! reality!... <_< people don’t like my art, they just find the pictures i draw sexually appealing.
now i know that reaction could also just be because I’m a crappy artist but i still think there is a clear difference between art and smut.
it is a difference as clear as love and sex. a guy would screw a girl if she was just easy and mildly attractive... he won’t love her though. only when he likes her looks and personality would he actually love her. <_< he would probably still screw her but that’s probably where the confusion comes in. art can still be sexually appealing but once sexual appeal is the goal, can it really still be art?

but i dono man, you studied art so your opinion is moar valid than mine. i just felt like saying my feels about it too for therapeutic reasons… so I did…
10 years, 2 months ago
Sexual art taps into carnal desire. How does that make it any less art? Yes, it's an easier way to connect with your audience by tapping into natural instinct, but is art supposed to be difficult to understand? I've seen plenty of art that taps into people's instincts to get a reaction; There's art that makes people laugh, art that makes people cry, but for some reason if the art makes you warm and aroused it's suddenly "too easy" and not art. This is a weird doublestandard.

I won't argue there are a lot of artists, especially in the furry fandom, whose work has that "sold out" feeling. That's not because it's sexual, it's because it's inbred, regurgitated, and/or the artist didn't put enough of themself into it. This happens in a lot of communities where a handful of artists are chosen as the "rockstars" and everyone tries to mimic their style. But if they don't put some of their own feeling into it, the art feels empty.

As for people favoring sexual art over clean works, not only is that subjective, but I often see this complaint from people who are used to drawing sexual works, but when they try to switch over to drawing clean works they haven't figured out how to put some feeling into it. They're trying to depict a different set of emotions, but they're untrained in it, and it doesn't connect with the audience, so they immediately assume people only like to see genitals. I've also seen artists that have the reverse problem, where people like their clean art more than their adult art, and that's because they're more trained in the clean art.

People need to stop seperating sex as a completely alternate category. It's not. It's as valid as any emotion, and the only reason it's a problem is because certain cultures (especially the US and UK) view it as bad.
10 years, 2 months ago
Hmm, well I’m not questioning anyone’s artsyness, what I’m trying to say is that the majority of what i make, personally is not art... it’s just pictures of sex that may kind of look like an attempt at art if the angle and lighting is right.
When one draws anything, a little of your soul does ooze out onto the piece BUT is not the point of art to convey that soul that oozed out on to the piece? so if you were just accidentally adding some soul to your piece does that alone make it art even though you were simply depicting a situation for the sole purpose of eliciting arousal in your fellow furs?

the fact of the matter is no one can just up and call someone’s art "just smut" simply because it contains some focus on sex. only the artist has the right to make that judgment. So there ARE definitely art that contains a generous helping of jiff that is still ART. Also this doesn’t make anything and everything that someone draws art.

BTW sex is not an emotion, tiz but a humble verb. lust/love is emotions the action may contain thus if it’s just a picture of sex, not art but if it’s a picture of  tender loving and or lustful sexing YES there u go... arts...

Lol but this is just my view on it dude, I may be wrong… in fact I probably am wrong. Being self taught I didn’t get the philosophy side of art so I’m just making it up as I go along really, so don’t take it as an attempted factification.
10 years, 2 months ago
Honestly, I'd say that soul isn't REQUIRED for making art. But, soul often makes the work  stand out. Sometimes, soul alone is enough to make the work good. But soul or no, I think art is still art~ Skill has nothing to do with it!

Don't discredit any lack of traditional knowledge to this sort of concern though. Art is an intuitive thing, and not even art schools have refined definitions of art.

You're free to believe whatever you want, but I often find negative thinking much more harmful than positive thinking.

One of my biggest points was, if you free yourself of "I'M JUST DRAWING SMUT :V" and introduce, "This smut is a piece of art." It's much easier to think artistically, and your works will come out better. You're free to have your own definition of art, I just think pornography fits perfectly into my definition.

Keep in mind ALL art has intentions. An advertisement wants you to feel/buy something. A movie wants you to sympathize and immerse you in a story. Music captures a moment in time and setting, riddled with emotions. Pornography wants to turn you on and satisfy you. Is it any different?
10 years, 2 months ago
hmm, <_< you are right again carrot sensei. if i actually love my own work and think of it as art perhaps others will too. O_o but at what point do a picture become art? or is art just the collective name for all the forms of artistic expression? That would actually make a lot of sense... \(^ヮ^)/ YAYZ I'M MAKING ARTS! Thanks carrot sensei!
10 years, 2 months ago
I love when you chime in, btw (super late, I know, but figured better late than never)

You've got a lot of wisdom and perspective to share, and shell it out in a pretty non-biased way, so good on ya~!

Good points all around! *nod nod*
10 years, 2 months ago
That was a good rant!! I enjoyed it and agree with a lot of you points!! Too bad we can't fave journals
10 years, 2 months ago
10 years, 2 months ago
You know, smut or not... when I go to commission or see someone commission a piece everyone uses the word to associate the person who is going to draw the smut "artist". My view on it might not be as complicated as others but when I ask a group of friends in FA or Inkbunny "What do you call someone that you commission to paint/draw/color something for you, regardless if it's smut or a clean image" and they all say "Artist", I still can't believe people denies that "smut=art"
10 years, 2 months ago
Rofl - that's a good point, and fun observation~

I know FA may be guilty of setting this sort of thing in motion. They've got an area where you set what type of member you are, and one says "Smut Artist." And the original intention was probably like, "Yeah, I mainly post smut." but then people BECOME that role - and are like, "I'm no artist, all I can draw is pornography."

I dunno, when the world finds out I do furry smut, I want them to know I consider myself an artist FIRST, a furry second.
9 years, 9 months ago
Awesome journal, Carrot. Thank you for linking me to it. And thank you for taking the time to talk with me about things. =3 I hope I can make some art that will catch your attention someday. ^_^
9 years, 9 months ago
Psh! *boops your nose* - I appreciate all kinds of art~! I'm just picky when it comes to fap material :3, nothing else to it!

But thank you for taking the time to read it :3
9 years, 9 months ago
That was kinda hard to read out smoothly, but it was fun overall. You're a lively character and I like that. :D

9 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, I'm no writer xD

So sometimes things are hit or miss :3 - but the ideas are hopefully comprehensive :3

And thank you~!
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